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Abstract: Throughout the United States, clearance rates for arson cases remain low due to fire’s destructive nature, subsequent suppression, and a misconception by investigators that no forensic evidence remains. Recent research shows that fire scenes can yield fingerprints if soot layers are removed prior to using available fingerprinting processes. An experiment applying liquid latex to sooted surfaces was conducted to assess its potential to remove soot and yield fingerprints after the dried latex was peeled. Latent fingerprints were applied to glass and drywall surfaces, sooted in a controlled burn, and cooled. Liquid latex was sprayed on, dried, and peeled. Results yielded usable prints within the soot prior to removal techniques, but no further fingerprint enhancement was noted with Ninhydrin. Field studies using liquid latex will be continued by the (US) Virginia Fire Marshal Academy but it appears that liquid latex application is a suitable soot removal method for forensic applications.  相似文献   
近年来,太空安全环境发生急剧变化,各国太空军事化步伐加速,商业航天崛起,太空拥挤加剧,太空军民融合加深。在此背景下,英国于2020年发起一项名为“负责任外空行为”的太空军控新议程。该议程推出后,美国积极参与并试图将之导向一项自愿承诺禁止地基动能反卫星试验的国际协议,这意味着其太空军控立场的重大转向。美国意图借“负责任外空行为”议程干扰对手发展不对称反卫星手段、强化太空同盟、划定太空威慑“红线”、策应太空环境议题。“负责任外空行为”已成为太空安全机制领域最有影响力的议程,不仅因为其引发了大国间政治矛盾,还因其体现了太空安全机制的发展动向。在新的太空安全环境下,太空军事安全和民事安全的国际机制正交叉融合发展,各机制的议程模式将更加开放、参与者更加多样、控制行为的路径更加主流。  相似文献   

In the novels, Scatter the ashes and go (Ravan 2002) and Rumours (Jacana Media 2013), Mongane Wally Serote depicts post-apartheid through a leitmotif central to which the soldier of the African National Congress military wing, ‘Umkhonto We Sizwe’ (MK), is ostensibly caught in an interrupted odyssey. In Scatter the Ashes and go, this soldier has returned from exile in various Southern African countries to a South Africa that is on the threshold of the post-apartheid era. By contrast, in Rumours, the soldier, having arrived from exile in 1990, then goes away to Mali in search of a solution for his post-traumatic stress disorder. The article imputes these disruptions on to the failure to ‘properly’ mourn the victims of apartheid's extra-judicial killing squads, and goes on to note that, as a result of Serote's attention to the subsequent angst, post-apartheid appears as a continuum of trauma. The discussion then proceeds to posit that the resolutions to these diversions are hinted at in these novels’ elaborate motifs of fire, and proposes that the depictions of this pattern recall how Batswana suture the spiritual, psychological and social fractures consequent upon death – especially the death that occurs unnaturally, and upon the breadwinner's return home from a long absence. The bulk of the exploration pays attention to the nuances of this symbol of fire, recognising it as an integral component of a social rite populated by a dynamic interplay between poetry and music.  相似文献   
The incidence of death by drowning greatly varies among different prefectures in Japan, mainly due to climate difference. However, there could be other factors affecting the incidence of deaths besides climate, for example, differences in regional death investigation systems. Here, we aimed to elucidate other such factors affecting the mortality data of drowning in the bathtub, especially the effects of discontinuing the medical examiner system. Police data in Kyoto and ambulatory care information in Yokohama were used. Data on cases of elderly individuals found dying or dead in the bathtub at home in winter 2014–2015 were obtained. The following data were collected for each case: age, gender, presence/absence of ambulatory transport, performance of autopsy, and cause of death. The autopsy and drowning rates in Kyoto were 0%, whereas both values in Yokohama were significantly higher at 93.1% and 89.4%, respectively (the denominator of each of the rates is the total number of elderly (aged 65 or over) individuals found dying or dead in the bathtub at home in each city during each winter). Despite no significant difference of incidence of total bath-related death, the proportion of drowning-related deaths was overwhelmingly higher in Yokohama than in Kyoto. The difference can be attributed to the difference in autopsy rates between the two cities, mainly caused by the presence/absence of a medical examiner system. Therefore, we should pay careful attention to future changes in autopsy/drowning rates in Yokohama, and ascertain whether the change might be continuously influenced by the abolishment of this system.  相似文献   
随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展和改革开放的进一步深入,消防行政执法工作出现了一些新的情况、新的问题。要完成好消防行政执法工作,就应该重视这些问题。消防部门应以"三个代表"重要思想为标准,改变消防监督执法观念,制定新的对策,只有这样,才能对消防行政执法工作产生广泛而深刻的影响。  相似文献   
学校消防安全教育就是通过学校这个载体,把消防安全知识传播给学生,从而使学生增强消防意识,提高自防自救本领,它对预防和减少火灾有着重要意义。  相似文献   
目的为火场样品中痕量汽油残留物的检测建立一种简便、高灵敏度的检验方法和可靠的检验结果评判方法。方法用TenaxTA吸附管吸附富集火场样品中的汽油成分,然后用ATD—GC—MS法自动解吸和检测。通过模拟燃烧实验,探讨了检验结果的评判方法:根据样品的m/z(57+85)、m/z(91+105+119)、m/z(117+131)和m/z(128+142+156)四个质量色谱图与已知汽油作比较来对检验结果作评判。结果6组模拟燃烧实验中凡有汽油作助燃剂的样品.均检出汽油残留物成分。结论所建立的方法具有操作简便,检测灵敏度高,杂质干扰少,定性结论准确可靠等特点。可用于实际火场样品中痕量汽油残留物的检测。  相似文献   
目前,我国消防法规体系初步建成,为消防行政执法提供了可靠的依据,但在具体实施中依然存在执法力量不足和地方行政干预等问题。要加强消防执法工作,必须在立法机构的法制建设中纠正“重立法、轻执法”的指导思想,建立健全监督制约机制,规范消防行政执法。  相似文献   
公安派出所消防监督管理是我国三级消防管理体制的重要组成部分,负责辖区内的消防监督管理工作是公安派出所的重要职责之一,也是加强社会消防安全监督检查,提高社会防御火灾事故能力,全面实现消防工作社会化的一条有效途径,由于目前有关体制不够健全,责权不清,有关警务人员认识偏差等诸多原因,造成这项工作发展不平衡,暴露出很多问题。  相似文献   
公安派出所履行消防监督管理职责是各级公安机关的一贯要求。公安系统内部必须建立抓辖区派出所消防工作的责任机制、民警教育培训机制和监督指导运行机制。要确保公安派出所消防监督工作良性运行,必须抓好消防监督工作与派出所日常工作的结合,抓好重点管理与全面兼顾的结合,抓好派出所消防监督工作与推进消防工作社会化的结合。  相似文献   
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