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This comparative study analyses the experience of Italy and Malaysia in the design and execution of performance management systems at the state level. The article investigates how performance management systems have changed over the past decades, the motivations behind their metamorphoses, their common elements across the two countries, and what accounts for the respective progress. It also investigates the role that the institutional framework plays in making performance management systems robust. The study presents policy recommendations on how governments can create more robust performance management systems for enhanced accountability and transparency in an age of resource constraint.  相似文献   
This study examines the latest tendencies in Russian research on public administration (2010–14) as it appears in Russian academic journals. The study considers the subjects of articles, their methodological features, and the characteristics of contributors. Revealing problems in public administration research in Russia contributes both to the development of Russian science and to the ongoing international discussion regarding the need for better research on public administration and state policy. By drawing attention to the shortcomings and weaknesses of Russian public administration research, the study is meant to advance the current discussion on ways to strengthen the quality of policy research around the world.  相似文献   
The institution of pristavstvo was introduced in the Kazakh Steppe in the first decade of the nineteenth century. This institution had different meanings and functions, from an individually held position (e.g., a pristav to the khān of the Junior Horde in 1820; the pristavs who accompanied the Kazakh delegation to Saint Petersburg in the first half of the nineteenth century) to an administrative-territorial structure (e.g., the pristavstvo of the Senior Horde; the Mangyshlak and Zaisan pristavstvos). Though the political structure of the Russian empire had included institutions analogous to the pristavstvo, it was not a conventional component of the Russian administrative system. Studying the features of the pristavstvo institution in the territory of Kazakhstan and analysing the transformation of the pristav's function provide new insights on how the multi-ethnic Russian empire was managed. They will also help scholars to better understand the forms and methods the Russian authorities employed to manage their nomadic populations.  相似文献   
Recent developments in regulation and tax administration in Australia inspired this article on tax compliance and responsive regulation. This article analyzes the economics of crime and compliance as the dominant approach to tax enforcement of the past three and a half decades. It evaluates the key advantages and disadvantages of the economic approach as well as its application to tax. The article then explores responsive regulation as an alternative method that draws on the economic paradigm but also supplements this approach with other theories, particularly those involving identity, conflict escalation, and procedural justice. Building on this analysis and a case study of Australian investors in mass marketed tax schemes, the article suggests that the broader, more balanced, and closely tailored method of regulating responsively may enable regulators to draw on the advantages of the economic model while alleviating some of its drawbacks. Responsive regulation may therefore constitute a superior method for regulating compliance.  相似文献   
高劲松 《思想战线》2000,26(5):31-35
蒙元统治时期的西北,民族情况复杂,各民族的迁徙对流频繁,民族间的分化与重组相互交叉,政治上的统一与分裂变化无常,中央政府通过亲王出镇、建立甘肃行中书省和行枢密院、设置站赤、打开交通、开展屯田垦殖等一系列措施,加强了地方与元王朝中央的政治联系,巩固了西部边疆民族地区的统一.  相似文献   
工会要站在巩固党的执政地位、维护国家长治久安、保障人民安居乐业的高度,充分认识参与创新社会管理的重大意义,找准参与创新社会管理和构建和谐社会的切入点和着力点,要在组织动员广大职工,促进科学发展上下功夫;在发展和谐劳动关系,促进社会和谐稳定上下功夫;在改善民生,解决职工最关心最直接最现实的利益问题上下功夫.不断提高工会干部参与创新社会管理的能力和水平,在党和国家工作大局中更好地发挥工会组织作用.  相似文献   
关于我国劳务派遣行业存在的问题及建议探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳务派遣是伴随着经济社会发展产生的一种新的就业组织方式,它不仅为企业提供了灵活用工的新途径和有效服务,也对缓解我国严峻的就业压力作出了有益贡献。但是,由于目前劳务派遣中大量存在的不规范行为,特别是适用范围的无序扩大,导致了劳务派遣人员的合法权益受损,企业培训员工的积极性缺失,职工队伍建设受到严重影响,制约了我国产业升级和产业转型,成为加快转变经济增长方式的重要影响因素。  相似文献   
行政协助的法律定位与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马乐  田园 《行政与法》2005,(5):91-93
行政协助制度是行政程序法上的一个重要制度,但对这一制度的研究在我国却显得相对落后。随着行政职权的有限性和专业化与管理事项日益复杂化之间矛盾的不断加深,建立行政协助制度已成为解决现行管理体制弊端的必然要求。本文从对行政协助的法律定位入手,界定了行政协助的涵义、特征及与相似概念的区别,在此基础上进一步提出了从程序和责任两个方面对行政协助进行有效的法律控制。  相似文献   
许琳 《东北亚论坛》2012,21(4):36-41
21世纪初亚洲地位的迅速提升正在引起美国全球战略重心的东移。奥巴马政府亚太战略的目标,是要在"美国的太平洋世纪"里,"保持和加强美国在亚太地区的领导能力,改善安全,扩大繁荣,促进美国的价值观"。为此,美国将以"前沿部署外交"为开端,按照"六条关键性的行动路线"向前推进:增强美国的双边安全同盟;深化美国与新兴大国的关系;发展与区域性多边机构的接触;扩大贸易和投资;打造基础广泛的军事存在;增进民主和人权。这表明,"现实的理想主义"构成了奥巴马政府亚太战略的战略理念。  相似文献   
近年来,我国法学界和司法工作者在纠正“重实体、轻程序”现象的同时,产生了过分强调程序公正的倾向,并导致司法裁判不公现象的增多。从实证的角度看.程序公正是实体公正的基础和前提.实体公正是程序公正的依归和检验标准,二者相互依存、相互促进。程序公正与实体公正是一致的,但有时也会产生冲突,这时,法官就要根据价值衡量来决定取舍,不能简单地一律程序公正优先.也不能把实体公正作为惟一的追求。从我国的实际情况出发,在民事诉讼实务中要实现裁判的实体公正,必须在民事裁判结果中体现法律和情理的统一。以取得裁判法律效果和社会效果的统一。实现法律公正与社会主流正义观的统一。  相似文献   
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