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“以城带乡、以工促农”的统筹城乡发展战略虽然较大程度地改变了“城乡二元结构”,却仍然是建立在城市中心主义之上的,它客观上固化了农村的边缘地位。在城市大幅扩张、农村劳动力大量转移、城市出现“消化不良”症状的背景下,统筹城乡发展需要在继续保持外力拉动的基础上着力激活农村内在动力,消除“村际阻隔”和“产权缺陷”,通过促进农村内部产权自由流转、建立农地农房储备制度等途径,着力构建大农村内部市场和弹性城市化机制,实现统筹城乡“外力拉动”和“内源发展”并行的“双轮驱动”。这种战略调整和制度安排既可以改变农村资源资本化不足带来的发展动力不够的现状,又可以避免农村土地私有化带来的巨大社会风险。  相似文献   
The judgment in Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa sheds light on the legal effects of soft law instruments that the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) will recognise, while distinguishing between their legally binding force and their legal or practical effects. European soft law is now often relied on in national courts, and can have an important impact on the rights and obligations of individuals. However, some of the goals of the Commission are only partly attainable due to the specific legal status of soft law instruments, and the current languages policy of the European Union. Given that soft law was not found to expressly impose obligations on individuals, the Court held that there was no requirement to publish it in all the official languages of the European Union. This has a negative impact on transparency and legal certainty, diminishing the role of soft law instruments in promoting such goals.  相似文献   
汤洁茵 《现代法学》2012,(5):162-171
我国于2008年开始实施的《企业所得税法》确立了一般反避税条款,并将其作为反避税交易的一般规则,这将对税收征管产生深远的影响。但《企业所得税法》第47条、《企业所得税法实施条例》以及《特别纳税调整实施办法(试行)》对一般反避税条款实施的规定存在一定程度的矛盾和冲突,将极大地约束该条款在反避税实践中的适用。一般反避税条款所包含的商业目的要件和经济实质要件在当前立法中的关系如何,在实践中如何予以认定,是该条款获得实施的基础。  相似文献   
中国建立社会主义市场经济所面临的最大障碍是中国传统文化以权力为核心的等级观念的历史延续与今天建立市场经济所需要的平等理念之间的冲突和矛盾。这同时也是中国法治面临的最大困境。本文试图通过对中西文化核心特征之比较分析,揭示中国在借鉴和移植西方法律过程中所面临的难题,并提出中国法治摆脱困境的对策设想,期待中国社会主义市场经济的和谐发展。  相似文献   
Native American (NA) youth's delinquency is one of the major problems that have been overlooked by criminal justice researchers and practitioners. To examine if negative family environment influences their delinquency with the mediating effect of negative emotion, this study analyzed structural equation modeling based on the General Strain Theory (GST). Using data regarding NA adolescents, this study found much evidence supporting GST. The results of the model with anger showed that anger was a mediating variable between family indifferences and delinquency, and the model with depression indicated that family indifferences increased delinquency through depression. However, some results in the model with anger and depression were not in accordance with GST hypothesis.  相似文献   
Sexual assault is a traumatizing event linked to numerous mental health consequences. Although extant research has thoroughly examined the collateral consequences experienced by females, limited literature exists regarding how sexual violence comparatively affects males and females. Using data from the National Violence Against Women Survey (1995–1996) and a strain theoretical framework, the current study addresses this research gap to understand the effects of sexual assault and sex on depression. Results indicate that victims of sexual assault have higher depression scores than persons who have not been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Moreover, we found no sex effect for sexual assault on depression. The methodology used eliminated a bias typically associated with regression analyses, caused from statistical inference after improper model selection. Policy implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
瞿静 《河北法学》2005,23(2):74-76
股份有限公司股东大会决议瑕疵的诉前救济制度在我国立法中未有涉及,立法规定的空白导致了司法介入的困难,而该制度是中小股东权益保护中的一项重要内容。从股东大会决议瑕疵入手,挖掘股东大会制度中各程序性规定的得失,比较各国的经验性规则,提出适合我国国情的股东大会决议瑕疵之诉前救济方式,并为我国公司立法提供修正意见,以更充分地保护股东权。  相似文献   
组织犯概念诸学说介评--从组织犯刑事立法出发的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
组织犯是共犯者类型之一,围绕组织犯的概念界定产生了不同的理论学说,其中具有代表性的有特有类型说、等同说、一般类型说。组织行为的法典化有两种取向,即组织行为的总则化与组织行为的分则化。组织行为的总则化是在刑法总则中对组织犯做一般性的规定。组织行为的总则化有两种做法:组织犯的明示规定和组织犯的默示规定。组织行为的分则化其实质就是组织行为的实行行为化。组织行为的分则化可分两种情况:一是在刑法分则中对组织犯和非组织犯规定不同的刑罚尺度,体现对组织行为的打击力度;二是在刑法分则中直接把组织行为规定为具体罪。分则化的组织犯也就失去了共犯者类型的本来意义,是实质上的实行犯。  相似文献   
票据背书法律规制之我见   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董翠香 《法学论坛》2005,20(3):79-84
流通是票据的生命,背书是票据流通的主要方式。我国票据法律法规对票据背书进行了较为具体和详细的规定,但也存在一定的问题。其未规定空白背书及背书涂销;关于背书的后手对直接前手背书真实性负责的规定含义不清;对期后背书效力的规定自相矛盾;对委托取款背书及质押背书的被背书人的再背书限制不明确;司法解释对质押背书时“质押”字样记载的效力的规定易生歧义等,均在一定程度上损害或阻碍了票据的流通,建议《票据法》予以修正。  相似文献   
张海燕 《法学论坛》2020,(3):141-150
微信群主与群成员之间是一种法律调整之外的情谊关系,两者行使微信平台赋予的比如建群、退群或移除群聊等功能权限的行为属于情谊行为。但这并不意味着微信群不受法律调整,法规范层面已对群主和群成员权利义务作出规定。对于群主而言,因其对微信群负有法定管理职责,若群成员之侵权行为损害他人合法权益,则群主应当承担共同侵权责任。群主对于微信群内可能产生的风险具有较强的控制力,其管理职责本质上属于一般注意义务的范畴,这与以一般注意义务为理论基础的安全保障义务具有内在关联性。微信群内的群聊行为与《侵权责任法》第37条规定的群众性活动性质上均属于不特定多数人参加的活动。因此,当群成员侵害他人合法权益时,群主应当承担补充侵权责任。但如果群主已经在功能权限范围内采取了必要措施,则认为其尽到了管理义务,应予免责。  相似文献   
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