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网络言论自由在促进社会公共安全的同时,因其匿名性、即时性、个性化特征,言论的随意和放纵亦随之出现。假以网络言论自由的名义实际上违反言论自由的言论给社会公共安全造成现实的冲击,这一方面有言论者言说的策略因素,另一方面也有网络受众自身的原因。为了网络言论自由在生活中得以真正落实,必须树立正确的态度,促进网络言论自由积极作用的发挥,强化对其负面作用的规制。  相似文献   
目的探究语音情感分析系统(Layered Voice Analysis,LVA)在不同情况下的表现,并通过分析数据找出影响系统识别率的因素。方法设置两种不同场景对20名研究对象进行提问,并录音。通过LVA语音系统对语音样本进行分析,使用SPSS统计软件对系统生成的参数进行统计分析。结果在未告知研究对象实验真相的情况下LVA语音系统平均识别率为91.75%,要远高于研究对象在知情情况下的识别率。在询问过程中,当未涉及敏感问题时,随着时间的推移研究对象的心理压力逐渐减小。结论LVA语音系统具有良好的情感分析和识别能力,可为司法工作提供参考。  相似文献   
How do expressions of support or opposition by the U.S. federal government, influence violent hate crimes against specific racial and ethnic minorities? In this article, we test two hypotheses derived from Blalock's (1967) conceptualization of intergroup power contests. The political threat hypothesis predicts that positive government attention toward specific groups would lead to more hateful violence directed against them. The emboldenment hypothesis predicts that negative government attention toward specific groups would also lead to more hateful violence directed against them. Using combined data on U.S. government actions and federal hate crime statistics from 1992 through 2012, vector autoregression models provide support for both hypotheses, depending on the protected group involved. We conclude that during this period, African Americans were more vulnerable to hate crimes motivated by political threat, and Latinx persons were more vulnerable to hate crimes motivated by emboldenment.  相似文献   
In A Theory of Justice John Rawls argues that self-respect is ‘perhaps the most important’ primary good, and that its status as such gives crucial support to controversial ideas like the lexical priority of liberty. Given the importance of these ideas for Rawls, it should be no surprise that they have attracted much critical attention. In response to these critics I give a defense of self-respect that grounds its importance in Rawls’s moral conception of the person. I show that this understanding of self-respect goes well beyond giving support to the lexical priority of liberty, also supporting Rawls’s still more controversial view of public reason. On my account, taking self-respect seriously requires the coercive enforcement of public reason. This is a novel argument for public reason, in that it grounds the idea in justice as fairness and mandates its coercive enforcement.  相似文献   
平衡论是现代行政法学及宪法学的重要基础理论,对于指导我国行政法制建设,推动社会主义市场经济体制的建立,实现民主与效率的有机统一具有重要的意义。美国政府有关公民言论自由之理念嬗变为平衡论的价值作了最好的诠释。  相似文献   
Anthony Lester tackles the complex and sensitive issues of multiculturalism and free speech. He explores the various meanings given to multiculturalism, integration and assimilation, as well as the relationship between the right to equality and dignity for ethnic and religious minorities and the right to freedom of expression. Placing our multicultural society in its historical context, he considers the treatment of Commonwealth immigrants in the 1960s and 1970s and discusses more recent confrontations involving racial or religious groups which have raised the right to free speech. He argues that our approach to integration and cultural diversity should promote equality and individuality but resist unreasonable demands to respect customs and practices which, for example, harm the rights of women and children, in the name of misguided multiculturalism. We must guard against political correctness that panders to the thin-skinned but remember that the right to offend does not mean a duty to do so.  相似文献   
我国宪法规定,人民法院依照法律规定独立行使审判权,不受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉;同时还规定公民有言论自由。当一个案件通过媒体进入民众视野后,大部分民众对案件的关注,更多地是建立在已有的先见之上,而不管法律下的事实认定。由此,舆情给法官审判案件带来了一定的压力。在言论自由和舆论监督下,面对舆情,法官应当根据预期受众、社会共识度和社会效果,或侧重详尽事实、或加强说理论证,有选择地完善判决书,法院应当从舆情规律的把握出发,采取分阶段引导舆情和建立舆情危机应对机制等措施,帮助法官直面舆情、积极减压。  相似文献   
(至少)就文学叙事而言,我建议用下述方式来理解“叙述者”:一个内在于文本的语言位置,正在进行的叙述话语作为一个整体出现在这个位置上,话语所涉及的存在物、行动和事件也在这个位置上被标记出来。通过转喻转移和人格化的双重过程,“叙述者”这个术语被用来指代在这个位置上的假定占据者、叙述话语的假定生产者。叙述者是一个通过语言标记的、文本投射的、读者辨别的位置,这个位置上的占据者需主要从交际角色来看待,它不同于真实世界中有血有肉的(或计算机的)文本生产者。本文简要描述了八个不同的一般因素(语言学的、哲学的、方法论的和一般文学理论的),这些因素能够促使叙事学家判断叙述者在其文学叙事的一般模式中是不可或缺的一个种类/实例,还只是一个可选元素。在文章结尾,本文论述了近期两个试图规避这个选择的理论行动:重新描绘叙事学家的研究对象范畴或重新界定叙述者概念自身的地位。  相似文献   
尽管我国从事司法话者识别等相关技术的研究、应用已有近30余年的历史,但该项技术仍然处在发展阶段。为进一步促进该项技术的发展,文章着重探讨了学科名称、司法话者识别的判阈、语音变异性等关键问题。  相似文献   
傅瑜  祝捷 《时代法学》2012,(1):107-114
在网络色情言论管制中,美国司法机关通过案例建立起“空间”标准,以及对“空间”标准的审查基准。“空间”标准是指在网络色情信息和成年人之间形成封闭空间,避免未成年人轻易接触网络色情信息。“空间”标准的建立,是保障特定人群免遭色情言论污染的一个重要运用。网络的虚拟性和开放性决定了这一封闭空间很难做到完美,而有可能侵害非色情信息发布者的言论自由。ACLU案和ALA案是美国最高法院建立和完善“空间”标准的两个里程碑式的案例。经过案例的积累和发展,美国最高法院逐渐形成了立体化的“空间”标准。为保障未成年人免遭色情言论侵扰提供了法制上的保障,也缓解了网络色情言论管制与言论自由之间的张力。  相似文献   
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