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论违反婚约的损害赔偿之债的法律性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就违反婚约的损害赔偿之债的法律性质,英、美、德、法等国的成文法或判例法大体上可分为属于"侵权行为"的损害赔偿之债、属于"债务不履行"的损害赔偿之债、兼跨"债务不履行"损害赔偿之债和"侵权行为"损害赔偿之债、属于"其他依法律之特别规定"的损害赔偿之债四种.就违反婚约的损害赔偿之债的法律性质,学说大体上可分为债务不履行说、侵权行为说、违反"契约性的婚约"构成债务不履行而违反"事实性的婚约"构成不法行为说、财产损害赔偿基于契约不履行而非财产上损害赔偿基于侵权行为说、特种责任说五类.违反婚约的损害赔偿之债当属侵权行为之债.  相似文献   
道家无为而治的思想源于老子。无为而治的中心价值是自然和自由。无为而治的基础在于以民为本,其中心内容是君主无为,而无为之治的基本方法在于后与柔,其最终目的是无不为,无不治。  相似文献   
The Trap     
A professor is brought before a secret tribunalin his law faculty for the purpose of decidingthe appropriateness of a student's grade. Thegrounds of the grade appeal are that theprofessor had taught critically instead ofpractically and that he had done so with anacademic bias and prejudice. He is also allegedto have taught philosophy rather than law. After many hours of examination andcross-examination as a defendant and as anexpert witness, the professor, Flink, begins adialogue with a spirit in an effort tounderstand the nature and identity of law. Flink comes to appreciate that law is adisplacing discourse rather than a structure ofcategories signified in an official writing. The analytic method familiar to officials incommon law jurisdictions, Flink comes tounderstand, excludes the experiential meaningsthat are manifested through unwritten gesturesand rituals. Officials embody signs withexperiential expectations and past assumptions.The embodiment of meaning brings life intolegal language. But such an embodiment isforgotten as officials decompose textualfragments and reported social events intoanalytic units. Legal analysis is so successfulthat officials even forget that they hadforgotten something so important as theembodiment of meaning.The professor and the spirit also ask whetherjustice is an `ought' and where one can locatesuch an `ought'. They conclude that there is astructure within which legal officials reason.The exteriority of the structure is anunwritten `ought' realm. But the structurepossesses a gap, which enters into such anunanalysable object-less realm. Analyticreasoning has assumed that reason can take anofficial only so far until she or he mustjourney outside the structure to anunanalysable realm of personal values. However, the embodiment of meanings alsoincorporates unwritten collective values ofwhich officials, precisely because of thesuccess of the analysis project in forgettingthat something was forgotten, have never beenconscious. It is such an unanalysable realmthat grounds or authorises the analyticproject. The exterior authorising origin of theanalytic units of the structure rests upon apossibility that requires faith on the part ofthe officials, a faith that there exists afoundation, radically different from theanalytic units, on the other side of thestructure. The officials can, at best, imagineor picture the authorising origin, located asit is in the unanalysable object-less realmexterior to the written language of thestructure. The imagined origin takes the `form'of a bodiless spirit. The officials (and theprofessor and spirit) are haunted by thepossibility that the structure of humanlyposited rules are ultimately authorised by aspirit.  相似文献   
马克思恩格斯的生态环境观认为人类是自然界的存在物,具有自然属性;同时人类又是有意识、有目的、能动的社会存在物,具有社会属性。马克思恩格斯的生态环境观向人们提供了一条认识问题解决问题的基本线索,为当今人类走出生存困境、摆脱危机指明了正确方向。要想使人类社会和谐持续发展必须尊重和掌握自然规律,建立把现代的发展与将来发展结合起来的发展观。  相似文献   
最高人民法院公布的《关于审理存单纠纷案件的若干规定》司法解释施行八年来,全国法院依据该司法解释审结了大量的存单纠纷案件,取得了丰硕的成果,但是在适用该司法解释时各地法院的认识却不尽相同,特别是在存款的所有权归属、存单的法律特征、以存单为表现形式的借贷纠纷案件的认定、公款私存问题等方面的认识仍存在分歧,本文将对上述问题进行分析。  相似文献   
苏格拉底、柏拉图提出“人是什么?”奥古斯丁提出“我是谁?”这是西方古典人文精神的两个基本问题。古希腊人对“人是什么”问题的回答把理性提到至高无上的地位。奥古斯丁所问“我是谁?”使人脱离了自然秩序,把自己放在上帝面前。人为自己建立了一种新的关系,即人与上帝的关系。这种关系是爱的关系,爱即信。中世纪基督教对于“我是谁”的回答,把信仰提到了首位。  相似文献   
作为儒家学派的创始人,孔子的学说对中国文化产生了深远的影响.在今天重新认识孔子,需要重回儒学源头,从"天人合一"的原问题出发,全面理解儒学中倾听天命和敬畏自然的观念,其核心是"仁"的思想.  相似文献   
中国共产党的历史,就是一部为人民服务的历史,保持共产党员先进性必须永葆"一切为了人民"之宗旨,必须做"中国最广大人民的根本利益的忠实代表",要真正做到代表最广大人民的根本利益,就必须要协调好各方面的利益,落实好眼前的利益,处理好局部的利益,把对上与对下负责统一起来.  相似文献   
在基本医疗保险制度施行中,医保定点医院未征得患者同意使用自费药的行为构成对患者的一般侵权或侵权违约的竞合;针对医患双方实质地位的不平等,应运用民法及有关社会法的“倾斜保护”理论处理自费药纠纷且应授权执法者考虑个案的具体情况,决定医患双方间如何分担自费药费用,以实现公平正义的法律追求及维护医保患者的利益。  相似文献   
行政诉讼和解的目的在于节省司法资源,尽快结束诉讼,这符合构建和谐诉讼的理念。和解协议在性质上既具有行政法上的性质,又具有诉讼法上的性质。经确认的和解协议具有与生效判决相同的效力。当和解协议存在瑕疵时,结合我国行政诉讼法的立法现状,通过再审来启动救济程序。  相似文献   
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