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通过章程的现代大学治理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
大学是崇真、向美、求善之领地,大学是国民教育之象牙塔;现代大学治理是法律维度下的治理,是以章程为制度载体的治理。章程乃大学之宪法,其演绎着校内行政权力与学术权力的博弈,折射着高校与政府、社会、师生的良性秩序和谐。大学章程是组织法,更是权利法与程序法;通过章程的现代大学治理是校长治校与教授治学之耦合,是学术自由与人权保障之凸显,是实体法治与程序法治之统一。  相似文献   
"用工荒"与"就业难"同时存在的现象,其实质上是人才结构、产业结构的问题。高职校企合作是职业教育人才培养与经济社会发展需求相适应的重要途径。我国的高职校企合作大多是低水平、浅层次的,为此,应大力培育和发展行业协会,加快推进高职院校人才培养机制创新,建立健全政府主导、行业指导、企业参与的办学机制,促进校企合作制度化,建立起一个可持续发展的校企合作的良性循环机制。  相似文献   
高职院校的计算机教学,应努力摆脱以往简单照搬普通高校之模式,而集中精力在实用性与实践性的突出上下一番功夫。这就需要在教学中明确"以提高学生就业能力"为基本导向,注意吸收计算机领域的最新成果,不断改进其教学方法,只有这样,才能寻求出一条与社会需求相契合的教学之路来。  相似文献   
先进的大学教育理念是反映大学教育的本质和规律的教育理念,强调以个人全面和谐发展为自我导向,鼓励开发自我潜能,是符合人本主义取向的教育的理念,必须是以学生为中心的理念。为满足高等教育与素质教育需要,大学的教育理念不仅要坚持新时期教育方针,坚持以德树人,而且要顺应时代潮流,不断创新,才能对大学的教育教学实践活动具有指导意义。校长的教育理念通过倡议、评价、激励和约束机制,对大学的办学思想和目标定位,对教师的教育教学行为和学校的管理具有独特的影响。  相似文献   
公安高等教育为警察培训提供了坚实的基础和智力支撑,以公安高等教育为基础开展警察培训,一方面提高了培训的平台,适应社会发展的需要,普遍提高了警察执法能力;另一方面为开展与警察执法相关的科学研究创造了基础条件。我国的公安高等教育与警察培训是相互支撑相互促进协调发展的关系,二者并存是中国特色公安教育。维护重要战略机遇期的社会稳定,促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展,公安机关肩负的责任重大,任务繁重艰巨。培养高素质的公安人才是主动适应新形势下公安队伍建设和公安工作的明智之举。  相似文献   
在“毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论”课程教学中开展“听、说、读、评、研”教学活动,是深化教学改革,培养创新型人才的可行途径之一。在教学中结合课程内容让学生读一些相关的书目,搞一些同学们有兴趣又能参与其中的活动,使同学们在了解历史但又不脱离现实生活的状态下,既掌握了知识又活跃了课堂气氛,提高了同学们的理论素养以及分析问题和解决问题的能力,从而坚定在中国共产党的领导下走中国特色社会主义道路的理想信念。  相似文献   
广西—东盟高校合作办学是在新形势下出现的新的办学形式,高校有必要加强合作办学,对学生进行爱国主义教育,本文提出了加强合作办学的大学生爱国主义教育的主要措施。  相似文献   
Schools are venues in which gang and non-gang involved youth converge. It is therefore a likely venue for gang recruitment. The extent to which this occurs depends upon the ability of gang members to connect with non-gang members. In this study, we compare the social network positions of high social status gang members who are well integrated into school networks with low status members who are not. Using network data from the Add Health study (n = 1,822), we find that not only are high status gang members strongly embedded within school networks, but that this status is driven by their ability to connect with non-gang members rather than other gang members (indicated by the high number of friendship nominations they receive from non-gang members). These gang members are potentially in optimal positions to influence others to join gangs. The implications of these results for school-based gang prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Academic procrastination is a prevalent behavior that negatively influences students’ performance and well-being. The growing number of students with learning disabilities (LD) in higher education communities leads to the need to study and address academic procrastination in this unique population of students and to develop ways to prevent and intervene. The present study examined the difference in academic procrastination between LD, non-LD, and supported LD college students in Israel. Findings indicated a significant difference between the three groups, both in academic procrastination and in the desire to change this behavior. Interestingly, supported LD students were similar to non-LD students in all parameters of academic procrastination; however, they expressed less desire to change this behavior than unsupported LD students. These findings highlight the effect of general academic support on academic procrastination in LD students. Future studies will need to further explore the specific elements of support that most contribute to the reduction of academic procrastination in LD students. Specific support programs for academic procrastination in LD students who take into account the findings of these future studies can then be developed and studied.  相似文献   
Parochial schools are assumed to provide better social and academic experiences; however, few studies account for selection bias when comparing with public schools. This study contrasted public versus parochial schools using propensity score matching across a range of outcomes (e.g., perceptions of school, emotional symptoms, substance use, bullying). Using a sample of 58 public and 5 parochial high schools, the nonmatched analyses suggested a significant advantage for parochial schools students (e.g., better on 23 of 32 indicators). However, the propensity score matched analyses revealed nine differences (e.g., weapon carrying, smoking), two of which (i.e., stress and cyberbullying) favored public schools. While at first glance parochial schools generally appear to be healthier and safer learning environments, accounting for selection bias, the gap was narrowed. Students in parochial schools may struggle with issues related to social, emotional, and behavioral health risk, and thus prevention programs should also be implemented in these settings.  相似文献   
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