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《Science & justice》2022,62(5):477-483
This paper investigates the established notion that bone calcination has a major impact on age estimation while low-intensity burns have a mere negligible impact. Few systematic researches have been carried out so far about this topic so the true impact of heat-induced changes on diagnostic age features is mostly unknown.The agreement between pre-burning and post-burning observations of age features was investigated on 51 human skeletons (22 males and 29 females with ages-at-death ranging from 61 to 93 years old) subjected to experimental burns. These skeletons belong to the 21st Century Identified Skeletal Collection housed at the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology of the Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Portugal. The Suchey-Brooks method based on the pubic symphysis and the method developed on the auricular surface by Buckberry and Chamberlain (2002) were scrutinized.The Suchey-Brooks method provided better agreement between pre- and post-burn observations than the method from Buckberry and Chamberlain (2002). However, it became clear that heat-induced changes affected both methods regardless of heat intensity since both calcined bones and bones burnt at lower intensities often showed less than perfect agreement. Therefore, this research demonstrates that the analysis of age-at-death can be impaired in burnt bones, even those not subjected to calcination, with clear impact for forensic and archaeological investigations.  相似文献   
法律的产生和变迁是为了提高社会合作效率,获取更多收益。法律变迁通过降低交易成本、外部收益内部化的具体价值目标,追求整体和长远效率。为了提高合作效率,法律还必须保障公平。法律变迁也是公平与效率由分离走向统一的过程。我国目前进行的户籍制度改革,以及与此相关联的其他制度改革都可以反映出法律变迁追求的价值。  相似文献   
结构性改革的重点是通过经济结构变动、调整和优化,在市场配置的基础上充分促进劳动力流动,让低效率部门劳动力充分向高效率部门流动,从而激发劳动者的生产积极性,促进劳动生产率增长。因此,理论上两部门结构性效率差异模型分析了高效率部门和低效率部门之间劳动力流动对于激发劳动者积极性、提升劳动生产率的影响。在此基础上,使用1978-2017年城乡结构、产业结构、所有制结构、区域结构等年度时间序列数据,分析各自对于劳动生产率变动的影响。计量结果表明,在各种结构性变动因素影响劳动生产率的作用中,按照大小顺序依次是城市化、区域经济适度均衡并允许有条件区域加快发展、市场化和产业结构优化。因此,要通过有效促进城镇化、发达区域经济适度领先发展、市场化和产业结构高度化,来提高劳动生产率。  相似文献   
赵志浩 《桂海论丛》2010,25(2):44-48
在中国近代社会的现代化进程是被迫启动的,在这个过程中,逐步接受了西方社会单线发展的历史观念。社会主义制度的选择以及后来的改革开放,都是在进步、进化等历史观的指导下开展现代化建设的,但也出现了一些像贫富差距之类的问题,追求个人之间的公平、民主和自由全面发展等问题提上了日程,此种情况下便需要在注重传统和现实的基础上继续探索,建立一个具有个性的现代化国家。  相似文献   
论苏区精神   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏区精神是由毛泽东、周恩来、朱德、方志敏等领导培育形成的一种伟大革命精神。其内涵博大精深,归纳起来就是"坚定信念,求真务实,执政为民,艰苦奉献,廉洁奉公,争创第一"。其中最具中央苏区原创特色的是"求真务实、执政为民、廉洁自律、争创第一"。它是中国革命精神史上的一座不朽丰碑,是中华民族优良传统的重要组成部分,是井冈山精神在苏区时期的深化和发展,是长征精神、延安精神的先河和源泉,在中国革命精神链条中是不可或缺的重要一环。大力弘扬苏区精神,具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。  相似文献   
中国的改革过程,实质上就是中国政府包括地方政府推动制度创新的过程,是新制度被制定及旧制度被替代的过程。我国地方政府在获得一定的经济决策权、财政支配权及制度变迁的供给权的情况下,其创新能力不断增强,在制度变迁中将起到不可替代的作用。  相似文献   
印尼是海外华人最多的一个国家。在印尼的华人中,客家人约占了30-40%,因此,也可以说印尼是海外客家人最多的一个国家。印尼的客家人,尤其是聚居在印尼外岛地区的客家人,虽然在海外已经生活了几代人甚至十几代人,但仍然保留了比较浓重的客家人特征,或者叫客家特性。本文主要探讨居住在山口洋市的客家人的社会变迁和文化适应,探究他们的生活方式,研究这里的客家人与其他华人的差别。  相似文献   
Examination of the female external genitalia to assess for sexual abuse is performed in living individuals, and the interpretation of the findings is based on evidence-based studies. However, in the deceased, no such studies are available, and postmortem changes could present as suspicious findings that can be mistaken for trauma. Patches of discoloration in the hymen were reported previously in one case as hypostasis (i.e., livor and lividity), and based on this finding, it was listed as a finding that is not associated with trauma. This was a retrospective study that was conducted in the Center of Forensic and Legal Medicine in Dammam, Saudi Arabia over a 4-year period. The study included 30 deceased women in whom photographic documentation of their external genitalia was assessed for postmortem changes. The postmortem interval ranged from less than 24 h to more than 100 days, and the ages of these deceased women were in the 20–40 year-old age group. In cases where the hymen, vagina, and/or fossa navicularis were clearly visible, none of these areas showed any hypostatic discoloration. A comparison between antemortem and postmortem appearance of the hymen in one case clearly showed the absence of hypostatic changes in the hymen. In conclusion, any discoloration of the external genitalia that is detected in a female decedent requires serious consideration.  相似文献   
肖尤丹 《北方法学》2009,3(4):19-27
著作权制度在后现代转型中不断受到各种源自对著作权文化认识差异而导致的诘问。但是,目前的主流研究方法却一味强调著作权制度的现代性和客体性,忽视对这一新兴法律制度进行深入的历史研究,难以回应那些挑战其本体意义的质疑。而从微观的角度出发研究著作权的历史,似乎能更清楚地明晰著作权制度的本体价值。  相似文献   
近一段时间以来,暴力恐怖活动从新疆波及全国各地,而暴力恐怖分子则呈现单一民族、单一地域的特征。这种表象和本质错位的现实,给我们的舆论宣传提出了一个新的命题:如何告知群众真正的恐怖分子是谁?除了民族、宗教、暴力恐怖,新疆还有什么?舆论如何引导民族与分裂脱钩,宗教与极端脱钩。  相似文献   
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