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以抢劫、抢夺、盗窃、扒窃、拎包、诈骗等为内容的多发性街面犯罪,近年来呈现高发势头,特别是犯罪主体与波及区域扩大以及危害程度加深动向,令人触目惊心,已经构成城市社会和谐的严重威胁。导致街面犯罪高发的因素是多方面的,既有社会转型期城乡、贫富差距等一些本源性问题促使,也有法律制约和警务管理等外在因素影响。因此,重视民生、完善制度、发展经济、充分就业、健全社会保障是根本的解决办法,而健全法律体系、强化警务防范与打击力度,则可以压缩街面犯罪空间,促使不法分子放弃犯罪并走向合法道路。  相似文献   
自2001年武汉市公安机关提出“命案必破”的工作目标到2004年开展的全国公安机关“侦破命案专项行动”,各地公安机关都将“命案必破”作为工作的首要任务。面对如此的高标准、严要求,公安机关面临着更多的压力和更高的工作强度。在命案侦破中,警察在“侦破命案专项行动”的压力下,合法权益屡受侵害;如何采取有效的对策保护警察的合法权益,已成为一个不可忽视的问题。  相似文献   
This paper deals with a fatal stab wound suffered by a 29-year-old man and nonfatal injuries of 35-year-old and 67-year-old saw operators. Rip saw is a machine that is specially designed for making a rip cut, a cut made parallel to the direction of the wood grain. Rip-saw-related injuries mostly occur when a person is struck by the cutting material, which usually involves splinters of irregular shape and diameter. When the splinter strikes the body diagonally, the injuries may include abrasions, lacerations, and cut wounds; in situations where the victim is struck directly, the most common injuries are oval- or star-shaped stab wounds with a varying width of abrasions around the wounds. Therefore, such injuries may come across as injuries produced by a knife-like instrument, which is an added difficulty in the interpretation of such injuries.  相似文献   
张昌荣 《政法学刊》2001,18(1):69-71
绑架案件近五年来在闽东南沿海地区大量频繁地发生,成为世纪末对闽东南沿海地区社会治安危害最为严重的罪种之一.九十年代中期,绑架犯罪活动呈爆炸式地在闽东南沿海地区蔓延,案件增幅之快出乎有关部门意料.与此同时,偷越国(边)境犯罪案件也急剧上各,吸毒人数大量增加,民间债务纠纷矛盾加剧,这些都成为绑架犯罪活动的推波助澜的因素.绑架案件的大量出现,严重威胁闽东南沿海地区社会治安和投资环境.1998年以来,绑架犯罪活动得到控制.但2000年以来,部分沿海地区偷越国(边)境活动又大幅反弹,第二次偷越国(边)境高峰正在形成,跨国绑架活动可能再次升温.由于绑架案件尤其是跨国绑架案的受害人报案率低,实际绑架犯罪情况可能更为严重,因此,我国有关部门以及有关国家之间,应加强合作,采取有力措施,预防绑架犯罪活动的进一步蔓延.  相似文献   
陈兴良 《法学研究》2013,(4):160-179
故意杀人罪在死刑适用案件中占有较大比重,其死刑裁量对于减少和控制死刑具有重要意义。而手段残忍是司法实践中故意杀人罪死刑裁量的重要因素,并且独立于故意杀人罪的情节严重、情节恶劣以及后果严重等评价性用语。通过对十个被司法机关认定为故意杀人手段残忍的典型案例的探讨,可以认为故意杀人罪的手段残忍是指,在杀人过程中,故意折磨被害人,致使被害人死亡之前处于肉体与精神的痛苦状态。司法实践中存在着将故意杀人罪的手段残忍与情节严重、情节恶劣以及后果严重等评价性用语相混淆的现象,致使故意杀人罪的手段残忍内容宽泛,沦为一句法律套语。故意杀人罪的死刑裁量应当主要从案件性质、犯罪情节、犯罪后果、主观恶性和人身危险性等四个方面进行考量。  相似文献   
本文对现代设计的概念、分类、发展历史及未来发展趋势作了系统的论述,对设计工作者如何利用优良设计的法则、把握现代设计的发展趋势为人类创造尽善尽美的生活环境,有着重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
Bystanders killed by bullets not specifically intended for them have long been a very small part of the homicide problem. But the frequency of press accounts of such killings and woundings has apparently increased nationally in recent years. To test this impression, we compiled all shootings of bystanders hit at random and reported in the published indexes of theNew York Times, theLos Angeles Times, and theWashington Post for 1977–1988, as well as a key word computer search of stories in theBoston Globe. We found a rapid increase in both bystander woundings and killings since 1985 in all four cities. The base rate was quite low, and total bystander deaths appear to comprise less than 1% of all homicides in these cities. Nonetheless, the numbers were large enough to show that most bystanders reported shot in New York and Los Angeles are victims of random shootings into crowds, rather than single stray bullets striking a lone individual mushroom. The reverse was true in Boston and Washington, with the effect of much lower rates of bystanders reported shot in those cities.  相似文献   
巩固党的执政基础包括巩固党的阶级基础与扩大党的群众基础两方面.要从调动一切积极因素、推进中国特色社会主义事业出发,做好社会各阶层优秀分子的入党工作.  相似文献   
This article proposes a new method for examining dynamic changes in thespatial distribution of a phenomenon. Recently introduced exploratoryspatial data analysis (ESDA) techniques provide social scientists with anew set of tools for distinguishing between random and nonrandom spatialpatterns of events (Anselin, 1998). Existing ESDA measures, however, arestatic and do not permit comparisons of distributions of events in the samespace but across different time periods. One ESDA method—the Moranscatterplot—has special heuristic value because it visually displayslocal spatial relationships between each spatial unit and its neighbors. Weextend this static cross-sectional view of the spatial distribution ofevents to consider dynamic features of changes over time in spatialdependencies. The method distinguishes between contagious diffusion betweenadjoining units and hierarchical diffusion that spreads broadly throughcommonly shared influences. We apply the method to homicide data, lookingfor evidence of spatial diffusion of youth-gang homicides acrossneighborhoods in a city. Contagious diffusion between neighboring censustracts is evident only during the year of peak growth in total homicides,when high local rates of youth-gang homicides are followed by significantincreases in neighboring youth- nongang rates. This pattern is consistentwith a spread of homicides from gang youth to nongang youth. Otherwise, theincreases in both youth-gang and youth- nongang homicides generally occursimultaneously in nonneighboring tracts.  相似文献   
The argument that the provocation defence is adeeply sexed excuse for murder and should beabolished is often dismissed as polemical. Thisarticle challenges this subordinating strategyfavoured by the law of provocation's apologistsand continues to make the case againstprovocation. Drawing on a range of theoreticalapproaches to questions related to polemic,anger, and ethics, it strives to valorisefeminist and queer anger about provocation'svictim-blaming narratives, while remainingcognisant of poststructuralistproblematisations of both law and law reform.  相似文献   
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