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从我奶奶到母亲再到姑姑,莫言文学作品中的女性大都行为泼辣、敢做敢当,从传统习俗来看,其行为不符合传统认知,甚至可以称得上叛逆。但是,她们内心却有各自对爱情、生活、事业的独特认识和坚守。但在其作品中,我奶奶终究还是一位符合男性审美和对女性美好期待的女子;母亲则凸显了其背后的象征意义,是一个承载着时代变迁仍旧不折不屈、仁爱宽厚的地母形象;姑姑身上的职业标签、人性的本真则超越了其性别身份,让莫言的创作实现了从写女人到写人的转变,这其中既包含了时代的价值观,也反映了莫言本人对人生、对生活认识的变化,亦是他创作日臻成熟的体现。  相似文献   
人的本质是人之为人的根本之质,区别于人的属性和人性。马克思在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中明确将人的本质界定为自由的劳动实践。这一重要的界定显示此时的马克思已经接近了历史唯物主义。这一界定不仅避免了以往哲学家对人的本质的抽象理解,而且指明人是社会性的存在物,因而与人的现实本质是一切社会关系的总和是不相矛盾的。并且,马克思还指出了人类解放的目标即实现人的本质的真正确证。  相似文献   
Different from the perspective of traditional national security, human securityis an essential component of non-traditional security. Human security is influenced bymulti-dimensional factors. Human security will be threatened if one or more of thesedimensional factors get twisted. Such threats, once accumulated to a certain level, maytrigger a confl ict. While some factors may have a low correlation with confl ict, some otherfactors may have a multiplying effect in triggering the confl ict. Further, confl ict may betriggered by a single factor or multiple factors. Poor governance may lead to escalationof confl icts. Deep understanding of triggering effects and their correlation with confl ictsis essential to addressing the root causes and the management of conflicts effectively.Concepts of human security, state responsibility of protection and neo-interventionismhave been developed in succession. Though the people-centered security framework drawsglobal attention, it should be recognized that there is no international consensus on anoptimal type of governance. However, according to the Charter of the United Nations, theprimary responsibilities of human security protection should be rested on the governmentof a state. The principle of sovereignty remains the fundamental principle of internationalrelations, which should be the guiding principle for addressing human security issues.  相似文献   
The function and value of exclusionary rule of illegal evidence lie not only in the prevention of mistrial, but also in the manifestation of procedural justice, the regulation of judicial conduct and the emphasis on the protection of human rights. The promulgation of “the rule of strict exclusion of illegal evidence” has made a positive response to the practical problems during the implementation of exclusionary rule of illegal evidence. Many provisions in this rule are much more strict than before, such as further defining the scope of illegal oral evidence, clarifying the method of excluding the repeated confessions, emphasizing the timeliness of exclusion of illegal evidence and the synchronization of supervision of investigation, attaching the importance of collection and application of process evidence, and exerting the review of the legitimacy of evidence in pre-trial conference. After the promulgation of “the rule of strict exclusion of illegal evidence”, we should continue to focus on the implementation of exclusionary rule of illegal evidence, ensuring its function of post-punishment and illegal prevention.  相似文献   
适足生活水准权的实现遵从辅助性原则、国家义务、平等与非歧视原则。食物权、住房权与健康权构成了适足生活水准权最主要的具体权利形态,其实现标准主要有:有效、真实与可接受。适足生活水准权的保障与实现不是孤立的,是与其他人权,如财产权、工作权等,特别是公民权利与政治权利,密切相关。公民权利和政治权利的保障是实现适足生活水准权救济的有效方式。适足生活水准权的实现为呼声日高的民生保障研究提供了新视角。  相似文献   
城市化条件下的公安人力资源规划,是指在城市化进程中根据公安工作整体发展的战略布局,在现有人力资源环境的基础上通过对公安机关未来人力资源需求和供给状况进行分析和预测,制定供需平衡方案,为公安事业及公安组织的健康发展提供相应人力资源保证的战略性规划。制定科学的人力资源规划,有利于促进公安民警个人行为和组织整体目标一致,有利于公安组织和公安事业的健康发展,为城市化建设提供重要保障。  相似文献   
刑事被害人的司法救助机制是当前学界研究的热点之一,但我国的司法救助并没有明确国家责任,难以担当起法律救济的重任。而刑事补偿制度明确了国家的责任,弥补了司法救助之不足,在与之相关的国家赔偿制度已经确立的前提下,其更适合我国国情,具有建构的必要性。其中,刑事补偿参与主体、补偿范围和标准、补偿程序和追偿程序的界定及设计是刑事补偿制度的主要内容。  相似文献   
随着法制化时代的到来,我国企业人力资源管理模式必须从传统的经验管理逐步转向现代科学管理,走法治化的道路是必然的选择。本文首先分析了企业人力资源法治化管理的科学内涵;然后从我国“全面推进依法治国”的总要求出发,较全面地论述了我国企业人力资源法治化管理的必要性;最后针对我国企业人力资源法治化管理刚刚起步的实际情况,提出了切实可行的对策建议。  相似文献   
Post-9/11, and especially with the dramatic rise of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the author advocates a collective right to security. Plotting a course through state absolutism and liberalism, one finds communitarianism as a philosophy to support this right to security. The communitarian right to security is based on an interpretation of European human rights law, particularly positive duties of the state, to protect the rights to life of individuals from violations by non-state actors such as suspected terrorists. But for reasons of practical enforcement, limitations to the exercise of the right are also articulated.  相似文献   
在经济全球化浪潮面临挑战和"一带一路"倡议方兴未艾的复杂国际背景下,中国企业面临发展机遇与人权相关风险的双重挑战。国际工商业与人权议程尤其是联合国《工商企业与人权:实施联合国"保护、尊重和补救"框架指导原则》蕴含着丰富的企业人权责任。我国可从政府与企业两个层面采取应对措施。在政府层面,可以制定并执行相关法律与政策;制定工作指引,建立监管体系;制定工商业与人权行动计划。在企业层面,应当把尊重人权原则纳入公司治理;主动发布人权履责报告,加强对话与合作。  相似文献   
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