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烧骨组织形态变化及DNA技术在个体识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xu GC  Ren F  Hou XW  Yuan LB 《法医学杂志》2007,23(5):370-372,379
烧骨在火灾、焚尸、交通、爆炸等案件和事故的检材中具有特殊的地位。通过对不同条件焚烧下烧骨组织形态及DNA变化规律的研究,可为法医实践中烧骨的种属鉴定、性别及年龄判定提供准确的依据和标准,同时可利用残存的基因位点对烧骨残块进行个体识别和同一认定。烧骨DNA的提取方法及检测技术也在不断探索和改进。本文对烧骨在形态学、组织学和分子生物学水平研究进展以及烧骨评测的方法、技术进行概述,旨在为法医实践及进一步研究提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate whether or not the Greulich-Pyle (GP) method is adequate for Turkish children. A group of 767 individuals (425 girls and 342 boys) between 7 and 17 years were studied. Bone age (BA) from plain radiographs of left hands and wrists by GP standards was estimated. The total mean differences between BA and chronological age (CA) for girls and boys were found to be 0.20 and -0.13 years, respectively. There were significant differences between BA and CA in age groups 7-, 8-, 10-, 11-, 12-, 13-, 15-, and 16-year-olds for girls and 7-, 10-, and 12-year-olds for boys. The results of this study suggest that the mean differences between BA and CA are low enough to be of no practical significance, and thus, for the time being unless any other methods will be proved more useful, this method could be used in all age groups.  相似文献   
目的 利用放射性核素骨显像检查鉴别鼻部骨折的新旧程度.方法 对48例疑似陈旧性鼻部骨折伤者放射性核素全身骨显像、局部断层骨显像及CT融合图像在鼻部骨折处放射性分布、浓聚情况的分析,鉴别鼻部骨折的新旧程度.结果 48例中8例放射性核素全身骨显像、局部断层骨显像及CT融合图像在鼻部骨折处显示放射性分布增高、浓聚区,诊为新鲜骨折,评定为轻伤;40例在鼻部骨折处未见明显异常放射性分布增高、浓聚区,诊为陈旧骨折,与本次外伤无因果关系.结论 放射性核素骨显像检查在鉴别鼻部骨折新旧程度方面可得到满意结果.  相似文献   
Forensic fractographic features of bone reliably establish crack propagation in perimortem injuries. We investigated if similar fracture surface features characterize postmortem fractures. Experimentally induced peri- and postmortem fractures were used to assess if fractographic features vary as bone elasticity decreases during the postmortem interval (PMI). Thirty-seven unembalmed, defleshed human femoral shafts from males and females aged 33–81 years were fractured at varying PMIs with a drop test frame using a three-point bending setup and recorded with a high-speed camera. Vital statistics, cause of death, PMI length, temperature, humidity, collagen percentage, water loss, fracture energy, and fractography scores were recorded for each sample. Results showed that fractographic features associated with perimortem fractures were expressed in PMIs up to 40,600 accumulated degree hours (ADH), or 60 warm weather days. Hackle was the most consistently expressed feature, occurring in all fractures regardless of ADH. The most variable characteristics were wake features (78.4%) and arrest ridges (70.3%). Collagen percentage did not correlate strongly with ADH (r = −0.04, p = 0.81); however, there was a strong significant correlation between ADH and water loss (r = 0.74, p < 0.001). Multinomial logistic regression showed no association between fractographic feature expression and ADH or collagen percentage. In conclusion, forensic fractographic features reliably determine initiation and directionality of crack propagation in experimentally induced PMIs up to 40,600 ADH, demonstrating the utility of this method into the recent postmortem interval. This expression of reliable fractographic features throughout the early PMI intimates these characteristics may not be useful standalone features for discerning peri- versus postmortem fractures.  相似文献   
This research demonstrates the value of laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) as a research tool in osteological studies, and diagenetic studies in particular. LSCM combines properties of light and scanning electron microscopy using laser light to excite fluorophores throughout the z-axis, developing a 3-D image. Using differential staining and selecting for specific wavelengths of light, one can image targeted materials. This research is divided into two parts: visualizing bone structures such as proteins and their decompositional products and visualizing diagenesis. Part one of this study utilized pig bones as a means of testing the overall ability of LSCM to fluoresce bone. Twenty-three samples were imaged, including 13 samples from a decompositional study conducted 5 years previous, and 10 “fresh” samples collected from a commercial butcher. This part of the study determined that protein and organic components of the bone could be fluoresced and diagenetic alteration could be imaged. The second part of the study used human samples as a means of imaging and mapping diagenetic alterations. The second part of the study used 13 samples, including 4 clinical, 7 ancient, and 2 modern controls. The pig study used Basic Fuchsin and SlowFade Gold stains, while the human study used toluidine blue. Images were also taken with unstained elements. The results of the non-human study found that a fresh bone fluoresced differently than that of a 5-year subset, while the results of the human study confirmed these findings and determined that the bone diagenesis can be mapped using LSCM.  相似文献   
Identifying failure mechanisms in skeletal tissue allows a deeper understanding of the effects of specific projectile impacts on bone. While ballistic trauma in flat bones is largely researched, knowledge of how long bones react to gunshot impacts is limited in the literature. The impacts of deforming ammunition appear to produce higher levels of fragmentation; however, these have not been studied in depth. This study compares the damage to femora bone by HP 0.357 and 9 mm projectiles constructed with both full and semi-metal jackets. Impact experiments were undertaken on a single-stage light gas gun involving the use of a high-speed video camera and full reconstruction of the bones to ascertain fracture patterns occurring in the femora. Higher degrees of fragmentation are likened to the presence of semi-jacketed HP projectiles than jacketed HP projectiles. The observations of external facing beveled edges are believed to be associated with the increased separation of the jacket and lead core of projectiles. Additionally, experimentation has shown that the amount of kinetic energy lost postimpact is likely related to the presence or the absence of a metal jacket on an HP projectile. The observed data, therefore, suggest that the composition, rather than the configuration, of a projectile affects the type and extent of the damage.  相似文献   
目的通过对成年人、成体黄牛、马、家猪、山羊、绵羊、狗、猫、长毛兔、鹅、鸭、鸡共12个种属动物股骨组织形态学结构特征的研究,建立一个有效的各类动物间种属鉴别的方法。方法在征得家属同意后,在尸检中取成人(20岁以上)右股骨中段约4cm,同时,收集黄牛、马、家猪、山羊、绵羊、狗、猫、长毛兔、鹅、鸭、鸡共11种常见动物右腿股骨,取中段约4cm,脱钙后制作成骨组织切片,在光学显微镜下观察,将显微镜下的图像录入电脑,选取24个指标进行分析。结果人与其他动物、以及各被检动物之间在骨单位数量等13个指标上具有显著差异,用这些指标建立种属判别数学模型,结果这些动物之间的判别率也可达89.4%。结论股骨中段骨密质的组织学结构具有明显的种属特征,且骨单位形态和数量呈现明显的生物进化趋势。根据这些特征可以有效地进行种属鉴别。  相似文献   
81例外伤性鼻部骨折的特点及其法医学鉴定分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究鼻部损伤后骨折的特点、确诊的方法及法医学鉴定的相关问题。 81例以鼻部外伤为主诉 ,经鼻骨拍摄X线侧位片 ( 62例加做鼻部CT扫描 )检见有鼻骨骨折的患者 ,进行法医临床学鉴定分析。单纯性线性骨折 19例 ,骨折移位者 11例 ,粉碎性、多发性骨折 4 0例 ,鼻骨骨折伴上颌骨额突骨折或 (及 )伴眶骨骨折 11例 ;轻伤 58例 ( 72 % ) ,未构成轻伤 2 3例 ( 2 8% )。多数鼻骨骨折为粉碎性、多发性 ,且可伴有其它部位骨折。鼻骨X线侧位片只能明确部分粉碎性骨折及部分移位明显的骨折 ,CT扫描能确定鼻部骨折形态。  相似文献   
A 53‐year‐old woman was admitted to the hospital due to unexpected dizziness and died the following morning. To investigate the cause of death, a forensic autopsy along with histological examination was performed 3 days after her death. The major findings of the autopsy were that a fish bone had pierced the left subclavian artery after perforating the esophagus with 680 mL of blood in the stomach and bloody and tarry contents were present in the intestines, and the cause of death was confirmed to be subsequent hemorrhagic shock. Unfortunately, none of her family realized that she had eaten a fish 4 days before the tragedy until the fish bone was found. The present case is rare and instructive. The histopathological findings of left subclavian artery‐esophageal fistula induced by a fish bone can be used as a reference in forensic practice.  相似文献   
Quantifying the amount of cortical bone loss is one variable used in histological methods of adult age estimation. Measurements of cortical area tend to be subjective and additional information regarding bone loss is not captured considering cancellous bone is disregarded. We describe whether measuring bone area (cancellous + cortical area) rather than cortical area may improve histological age estimation for the sixth rib. Mid‐shaft rib cross‐sections (n = 114) with a skewed sex distribution were analyzed. Ages range from 16 to 87 years. Variables included: total cross‐sectional area, cortical area, bone area, relative bone area, relative cortical area, and endosteal area. Males have larger mean total cross‐sectional area, bone area, and cortical area than females. Females display a larger mean endosteal area and greater mean relative measure values. Relative bone area significantly correlates with age. The relative bone area variable will provide researchers with a less subjective and more accurate measure than cortical area.  相似文献   
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