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我国法律规定未取得医生执业资格的人非法行医,被卫生行政部门行政处罚两次以后,再次非法行医的,应当以非法行医罪追究其刑事责任。此种将多次行政处罚后再实施违法的行为纳入刑事犯罪构成要件或者说作为罪量要素的定罪模式是合理的,不违反禁止重复评价原则和刑法谦抑性原则。但为了防止刑事制裁范围的肆意扩大,应从违法主体、违法程序及违法次数上对"非法行医被二次行政处罚后再次非法行医"入罪进行一定的限制,以实现人权保障和惩罚犯罪的有机统一。  相似文献   
叶金育 《时代法学》2013,11(3):60-68
税法上扣缴义务人未完全履行扣缴义务,脱法扣缴行为随之产生,扣缴制度的立法目的成空,追究扣缴义务人责任是为必然。依现行税法规定,扣缴义务人不仅将视情况承担“补缴、追缴”,“限期改正、责令改正”、“刑事处罚”等主责任,而且需承担“滞纳金”,“罚款”或“滞纳金与罚款”等一并使用的从责任。责任形态的复杂性和现行税法的诸多缺陷,导致扣缴义务人责任实务运用极为混乱。要想从源头上解决此问题,必须对扣缴义务人责任进行多维定性,以扣缴义务人基本权利的行使作为扣缴制度财政目的的边界,以财政目的的实现作为扣缴义务人义务履行、权利行使的边界。  相似文献   
The current administration's zero tolerance stance on illegal immigration has resulted in the separation of thousands of families and the de facto termination of parental rights. While undocumented parents were always at risk of detainment, expanded immigration enforcement under the Trump administration has greatly increased that risk. Detainment has directly and indirectly resulted in the prolonged separation of parents from their children. This Note proposes a Department of Homeland Security Regulation that will require ICE to use the least restrictive methods to achieve its goals while emphasizing efforts to keep families together.  相似文献   
Over the past decade, the European Union (EU) has created a novel experimentalist architecture for transnational forest governance: the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) initiative. This innovative architecture comprises extensive participation by civil society stakeholders in establishing and revising open‐ended framework goals (Voluntary Partnership Agreements [VPAs] with developing countries aimed at promoting sustainable forest governance and preventing illegal logging) and metrics for assessing progress toward them (legality standards and indicators) through monitoring and review of local implementation, underpinned by a penalty default mechanism to sanction non‐cooperation (the EU Timber Regulation that prohibits operators from placing illegally harvested wood on the European market). This paper analyzes the implementation of VPAs in Indonesia and Ghana, the two countries furthest advanced toward issuing FLEGT export licences. A central finding is the reciprocal relationship between the experimentalist architecture of the FLEGT initiative and transnational civil society activism, whereby the VPAs’ insistence on stakeholder participation, independent monitoring, and joint implementation review, underwritten by the EU, empowers domestic non‐governmental organizations with local knowledge to expose problems on the ground, hold public authorities accountable for addressing them, and contribute to developing provisional solutions.  相似文献   
This paper aims to analyse whether illegal (corruption) and legal rent extraction (high politicians’ wages) affect electoral outcomes at municipal level. We use an initial sample of 145 Spanish municipalities over 50,000 for two electoral periods: 2004–2007 (before the crisis) and 2008–2011 (during the crisis). Our findings show that neither illegal nor legal rent extraction impact on re-election in non-crisis times. However, we observe that citizens penalize legal rent extraction in the ballots during the crisis. Regarding the economic performance of the local governments, we find that its effect on re-election is important in non-crisis period. Nevertheless, in time of crisis, given that the economic situation is bad in general in the country, voters pay less attention to economic factors and focus on politicians’ behaviour.  相似文献   
新形势下的非法集资特点及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前的非法集资呈现出集资手段多样、新颖,侵害对象多元化,涉案数额巨大,犯罪组织严密,跨地区流动作案等特点。非法集资扰乱了正常的金融秩序,破坏了社会的安定团结,处理不当后果严重,寻找相应的防治对策是十分必要的。  相似文献   
非法行医罪和医疗事故罪在主体、客体、主观方面,客观方面各犯罪构成要件上都有区别,罪数形态上亦有区分执业医师擅自脱离执业地点和不按执业类别、执业范围执业的行为应以非法行医论处,有证医疗机构的无证“医务人员”从事诊疗、护理等活动造成损害的应以非法行医论,无证人员无偿提供医疗服务的仍属非法行医行为,刑法立法上应当对此作出相应规定以资完善.  相似文献   
运输毒品罪的法律辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运输毒品的行为往往是其他毒品犯罪的辅助行为,运输毒品罪往往与其他毒品犯罪交叉和竞合。为了更准确地定罪,必须认识到运输行为的本质是:在国(边)境内,转移明知的毒品的地理位置。对于该罪的既未遂形态,应当根据运输方式的不同分别认定;与转移毒品罪和非法持有毒品罪的区别必须依赖于行为人的主观方面;运输毒品罪与走私毒品罪的根本区别在于移动毒品的地理位置的不同。  相似文献   
违法发放贷款罪认定中有诸多疑难问题:违法向关系人发放贷款的情节认定问题、本罪与挪用资金罪的界限划定问题、本罪的罪过形式问题等。本罪罪过形式具有复杂性,违法发放贷款与违法向关系人发放贷款两种情况的罪过形式要相区别,违法向关系人发放贷款的罪过形式只能是故意的,而违法发放贷款的罪过形式既可以是故意,也可以是过失的。  相似文献   
新的婚姻法实施已有数月 ,但“包二奶”现象并没有得到有效遏制。基于此 ,作者对“包二奶”的含义、主体、形式以及所造成的后果进行了综合和归纳 ;并从刑事立法的角度思考 ,认为将“包二奶”行为纳入刑法调控范围 ,有其应然性和必要性 ;最后 ,作者对当前几种关于“包二奶”的刑事立法设计进行了质疑 ,并提出了抗制“包二奶”的初步构想 ;增设已婚非法同居罪。  相似文献   
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