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在美国缔结国际条约和国际协议的权力主要归属于国会。总统作为最高军事统帅,享有部分缔约权,这部分权力属于行政权中的“内含缔约权”( inherent authority)。随着国际经济交往的深入,美国国会开始将缔结部分经济与贸易协议的权力让渡给总统,这部分权力属于“授权缔约权”(delegated authority)。授权缔约权的范围有多大?总统是如何获得这些权力的?通过授权缔约权缔结的国际协议具有直接适用效力还是间接适用效力?美国宪法对此没有规定。要厘清这些关系,除了仔细研读宪法相关规定之外,我们还需要进一步了解美国的立法实践以及总统缔约权的变迁历史。  相似文献   
党的十八大、十九大以来,全面依法治国被提升到实现社会治理现代化的新高度,无论立法、执法还是守法层面都要求有法可依。法律作为一种优良的社会治理方法,其本身具有不可避免的局限性,法律不是万能的是法律自身在调整社会关系时的固有客观现象。在全面依法治国进程中认识法律的局限性,找到克服法律局限性的对策是贯彻党中央全面依法治国理念的重要内容之一。  相似文献   
王四达 《理论学刊》2005,3(4):99-102
中国"德治"、"德化"思想源远流长。三代的"明德"、"新民"开德治之先河,孔子的"有耻且格"启德化之统绪,由此揭示了价值内化在德治中的核心地位。然而由于专制主义的制约,古人的政治理念并未实现。今天,社会道德状况不容乐观,精神文明建设应借鉴孔子"有耻且格"的思路,重视价值内化的作用;但只有建设政治文明、改造社会存在,才是改变社会意识、实现价值内化的根本出路。  相似文献   
纸质媒介为主导的传统视觉生活是以静态的传统商标为主,但随着互联网的发展和普及以及电子商务的迅猛发展,非传统的动态商标逐渐受到国际社会的广泛关注。动态商标是以数字媒介为载体和动感设计为特征,是属于广义上的可视性商标。是符合绝大多数国家商标法对商标的规定。动态商标从本质上讲属于心理的认知,是消费者对商标所代表的有关商品或服务信息的评价。强大的视觉冲击效果和周而复始的广告宣传,使得动态商标在消费者的“认知网络”的信息组块中形成结点,从而使动态商标获得显著性。  相似文献   
关于紧急避险核心要件“不得已”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于紧急避险具有损害无辜第三人合法利益的行为属性,因而对紧急避险适用条件必须进行严格的限制,其中"不得已"则是关键的限定要件。不得已要求避险人在没有其他更为合理的办法排除急迫危险时才允许适用紧急避险,这种紧急避险适用的为难和谨慎受困于不得已内在属性即唯一性、被动性和节俭性的制约。不得已成立需要具备急迫性、社会相当性、限度性和效果性等四个构成要素;而对于不得已存在的判断,应坚持以客观为主、主观为辅的判断模式,才能对紧急避险适用的正当性给予客观公正的定位。  相似文献   
There is relatively little empirical research into cyberstalking and most published research reports data from samples of cyberstalking victims. The current study aimed to fill a gap in the literature by comparing 36 cyberstalking offenders with an age and gender matched sample of 36 off-line stalkers (average age 37 years, 94% male) to investigate differences in demographic, clinical and behavioural characteristics. Non-parametric analyses showed few between-group differences, although cyberstalkers were more likely to be ex-intimate partners (75% vs. 47%, χ2 = 5.84, p = .02, φ = .28) and less likely to approach their victims (56% vs. 78%, χ2 = 4.00, p = .05, φ = ?.24). The majority of cyberstalkers also used off-line stalking tactics. Examination of specific cyberstalking behaviours suggested that cyberstalkers with different motivations used the Internet in distinct ways. These results support broad conclusions from previous research indicating that there are relatively few differences between cyberstalkers and off-line stalkers. Once the motivation of the stalker is considered, treatment and management strategies for cyberstalking and off-line stalking are likely to be similar.  相似文献   
行政改革理论是行政改革的先导,科学的行政改革理论是行政改革成功的必备前提。从行政改革的性质、行政改革的原则、行政改革的基本内容及行政改革的动力四个方面对行政改革进行哲学分析和探讨,可以使我们正确认识行政改革,并科学把握行政改革的性质、原则、动力和方式等基本理论问题,用以指导我国当前的行政改革实践。  相似文献   
目的 探索汗潜指纹显现的新方法。方法 利用低温荧光摄影方法加强指纹沉积物的固有荧光强度 ,来提高汗潜指纹显现的成功率。结果 在 4 1 5nm波段激发下用黄滤色镜拍摄指纹的显现效果最好。结论 低温荧光法是一种有效的潜指纹显现的技术手段  相似文献   
“两个务必”思想的提出,不仅有其鲜明的时代背景,也有其深刻的哲学意蕴。今天重温“两个务必”是我们党肩负伟大历史使命、应对激烈国际竞争、遵循社会发展规律、永葆政治本色的时代要求。“两个务必”从哲学高度赋予共产党以旺盛生命力,是执政之要、成事之基。  相似文献   
Parties in coalition governments must address the ‘unity/distinctiveness’ dilemma: how to maintain governing cohesion, while sustaining individual identities. Within the Cameron–Clegg government this is a challenge for both parties, but it is more so for the Liberal Democrats as the junior partner. This paper considers how the Liberal Democrats negotiated this dilemma in relation to ministerial portfolio allocations. While the Liberal Democrat strategy of placing ministers in almost all departments has served the Coalition well in terms of governing unity, it has limited the extent to which they have been able to assert their distinctive contribution to Coalition policy‐making. This is demonstrated through an examination of the Liberal Democrats' influence on Coalition welfare policy. A lack of clear policy contributions is potentially highly damaging to the Liberal Democrats electorally, as it suggests that they have made little substantive contribution to the Coalition beyond propping up their Conservative partners. Accordingly, the paper reflects on lessons for junior partners in future UK coalition governments, suggesting that concentrating ministers within one or two departments may provide a more viable means of carving out a distinctive governing legacy.  相似文献   
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