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“约会”审判制度是元代创立的,规定不同户计,即不同职业、民族、宗教的主体之间因民事及轻微刑事纠纷发生诉讼时如何管辖和审理的制度。它形成于世祖时期,经成宗、武宗、仁宗时的发展而日趋完备。该制度实质是按户计分别管辖体制下的协调机制,在实施中虽存在一定的不足,但那不是该制度本身的问题,且该制度能适应元代对多民族国家治理及对某些特殊户计管理的需要,其合理性是主要的。  相似文献   
党的十七大提出,要坚持中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一。党的执政地位是历史的选择、人民的选择,并且具有不容置疑的合宪性合法性;人民当家作主是中国特色社会主义民主政治的本质和核心;依法治国是治国方略,依法执政是依法治国的首要环节;在新形势下,坚持三者有机统一,需要正确理解和处理加强党的领导与发挥人民代表大会作用的关系。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,政治体制改革领域基层政权组织向简政放权减负的方向发展.边疆民族地区由于特殊的地理位置、自然环境、民族宗教以及落后的经济面貌,基层政权的作用与任务十分突出,同时自身的建设能力又非常薄弱.因此要对边疆民族地区基层政权建设的基础性、强化性和发展性等多方面进行审视,采取特别的政策措施进行强化建设.  相似文献   
韩慧 《青年论坛》2010,(4):10-14
法治作为一种治国方略,能够为实现和谐社会设计良好的规则和制度。当前我国在法治建设方面仍存在着诸多与和谐社会构建不相协调的因素。克服和解决这些问题,可进一步健全我国的法治机制,为构建和谐社会奠定法治基础。  相似文献   
党的十六届六中全会郑重地提出了“建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家”的治国目标。首次将“和谐”与“富强民主文明”并列提出,十七大通过的新党章则进一步将“和谐”纳入其中。这是全面建设小康社会进程中党的治国目标的实践超越,它具体体现在以下五个方面:一是反映了新的时代要求;二是涵盖了新的发展内容;三是明确了新的实践主体;四是掌握了新的发展节奏;五是开创了新的社会局面。  相似文献   
"一国两制"一直是学术界研究的热点。2008年以来,学者们围绕"一国两制"的内涵、特点、实施、影响、意义及实践经验等进行了深入探讨,并达成诸多共识。但对"一国两制"的理论渊源、"一国两制"下的国家结构形式和"台湾模式"等问题存在争论和分歧。回顾和梳理近年来"一国两制"研究的前沿热点问题及其中观点,旨在对今后"一国两制"研究及其实施问题能有所裨益。  相似文献   
1840年鸦片战争后,中国沦人了半殖民地半封建社会的深渊。中国人民为了推翻压在自己头上的三座大山,进行了前赴后继的不屈斗争。太平天国运动失败,戊戌变法的失败和中国民主革命失败,证明了这样一个真理,只有中国共产党才能救中国,这是历史的选择,也是人民的选择。  相似文献   
德意志民族神圣罗马帝国在拿破仑战争中灭亡后,德意志最大的邦国普鲁士开始了一场迈向现代化的大改革运动。在“国兴科教”战略的指引下,洪堡、费希特等人在总结启蒙时代以来教育思想和大学发展一般趋势的基础上,根据“科学、理性、自由”的原则,推行了一条理想主义的新人文主义教育路线,并创办起人类历史上第一所现代化大学---柏林大学。在德意志教育思想家深邃理论与开明君主“宽容政策”的结合中,人们能够探寻到现代化大学的由来与演进历程。  相似文献   
Anthony Atkinson's idea of a participation income draws attention to the various ways in which people contribute to society. Current discussions on social participation go beyond paid work to include volunteering, education, and caregiving to kin. With the idea of the participation income, various forms of contribution can be highlighted and acknowledged. This article investigates how the idea of a participation income is reflected in Danish, Finnish, German and Dutch social policies. It shows that different elements of a participation income are incorporated in active labour market policies: Denmark adopted a narrow focus on paid work; Finland seeks tailor‐made solutions for the long‐term unemployed; Germany reformed many policy areas to achieve a better activation; and the Netherlands acknowledges a wide range of social participation forms. These country differences highlight that governments can adapt the idea of a participation income to achieve the focus they desire.  相似文献   
Horizontal coordination is a focal topic in contemporary public management. However, greater attention has been given to developed states while developing countries struggle to improve the quality of public service delivery amidst skills shortages and siloed organisations. This article presents a foreign‐funded training programme designed to promote horizontal coordination at the most local level of government in a developing country, Sri Lanka, and analyses the factors that contributed to its success. Using data collected through participant surveys, focus groups, and programme‐related projects, the article shows how the formation of a “locally directed, donor‐supported” programme aligned with national development priorities that enabled the country‐level partner institution to deliver a programme that improved horizontal coordination and enhanced delivery of public services. Although findings confirm the importance of contextualising programme design, content, and delivery for achieving aid effectiveness, a novel conclusion was that the participation of elected officials alongside career public servants greatly contributed to the programme's success by creating new levels of trust and facilitating more productive working relationships between key stakeholders, culminating in improved outcomes for local communities. This suggests that elected officials can play a key role in building horizontal coordination in developing nations.  相似文献   
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