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信息披露在不动产交易中具有非常重要的地位,在世界范围内也是一个复杂的难题。通常来说,信息披露义务的根据具有多元性,既包括效率也包括道德和政策。而信息披露义务的设定必须考虑多种因素,如信息的性质、信息取得的社会价值、信息主体等,该义务的设定必须实现一般原则和例外规定的统一。信息披露的范围极可能是内在于不动产也可能是外在于不动产,法律对两者的态度不完全一致。而违反信息披露义务则可能适用错误、欺诈、显失公平甚或违约规则进行处理。  相似文献   
心理契约反映了组织与个体之间关于责任和承诺的一种期望,文章结合心理契约的特点和高校教师的特点,分析了心理契约违背的因素,提出了在文化、招聘、愿景、培训、激励等管理方面防范心理契约违背出现的措施。  相似文献   
How do the material aspects of intermediary work affect regulators, targets, and beneficiaries? To shed light on this question, we studied an information intermediary in the form of a website and the organizations who founded it. Specifically, we analyzed FracFocus, a self‐regulatory initiative with strong industry ties, charged with disclosing data pertaining to the chemicals used in oil and gas wells completed using hydraulic fracturing technology (fracking) in the United States and Canada. We found that between 2010 and mid‐2017, the vast majority of legislation in states and provinces where fracking actively occurred was updated to mandate or encourage disclosure via FracFocus, meaning that it had a considerable effect on the trajectory of official regulation on fracking disclosure. We also found that FracFocus disclosed important data but did so in a manner that limited accessibility and reduced the comprehensibility of environmental and public health risks to beneficiaries. Our analysis suggests that the public's experience of such a device is one of opaque transparency, in which the line between official and non‐official regulation is blurred. We traced these outcomes to the material affordances created by FracFocus.  相似文献   
Recent contributions in the domains of governance and regulation elucidate the importance of rule‐intermediation (RI), the role that organizations adopt to bridge actors with regulatory or “rulemaking” roles and those with target or “rule‐taking” roles. Intermediation not only enables the diffusion and translation of regulatory norms, but also allows for the representation of different actors in policymaking arenas. While prior studies have explored the roles that such RIs adopt to facilitate their intermediation functions, we have yet to consider how field‐level structuring processes influence (and are influenced by) the various and changing roles adopted by RI. In this study we focus on the mutually constitutive relations between field‐level change processes and the evolving roles of RIs by studying the rise of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)/Local Governments for Sustainability, an RI serving as a bridge for sustainable urban development policies between the United Nations and local authorities. Using ICLEI as an illustrative case, we theorize four different processes of regulatory field structuration: problematization, role specialization, marketization, and orchestrated decentralization. We discuss their implications for RI roles in the field and further theorize the changing dynamics of trickle‐up intermediation processes as an RI gains power and influence.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the migrant family in postwar Australia. The Commonwealth government’s two-year work contract scheme had significant effects on the initial settlement experience of displaced persons (DPs)—particularly, through the family separation that the contract enforced. Family reunification was afforded in accordance with an occasionally callous and pragmatic concern for maintaining a directable pool of labour. In this regard, the scheme and the available hostels and centres, while extensive in their bureaucracy and administrative reach, were woefully unprepared for the needs and wants of DPs, specifically the need for family unity during the initial settlement process. In drawing on archival sources, this article explores bureaucratic practices, and responses to DP resistance and dismay in the face of family separation.  相似文献   
合同解除权行使的若干争议问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合同解除权中的行使主体、行使方式、对方异议权的行使,在理论界和实务界争议较大。文章认为,合同解除权的行使主体仅限于守约方,违约方不得享有解除权;行使方式是通知解除,不需也不必诉请裁判机构解除;异议权应设定明确的行使期限,异议成立时由解除权人承担违约责任。  相似文献   
社会中介组织对社会的组织化程度和社会、经济运行效率及管理的科学性都有重要的作用和影响。发展社会中介组织既是市场经济条件下降低交易成本和我国加入WTO与国际接轨的需要,也是政企分开、转变政府职能的关键性措施,因而是调整国家与社会关系、走向现代化的重要步骤。目前我国社会中介组织的发展面临种种问题,应当制定和采取相应对策。  相似文献   
《劳动合同法》实施以来,劳务派遣用工量呈井喷之势。劳务派遣迅猛发展的主要表现为劳务派遣的滥用,劳动立法的缺漏、利益的驱动、企业的经济人本性、政府职能的缺位是滥用劳务派遣现象发生的主要原因。滥用劳务派遣极大损害了劳务派遣劳动者利益,破坏了劳务派遣市场秩序,是本次《劳动合同法修正案》处理的主要问题。通过劳务派遣行业准入制度的完善、劳务派遣适用范围的限制、同工同酬权的保障、劳动监察力量加强等多个层面的治理,将劳务派遣控制在合理的适用范围,引导劳务派遣规范化发展,落实劳动关系的和谐稳定。  相似文献   
我国夫妻财产制立法若干问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新近征求全民意见的婚姻法司法解释(三)草案凸现我国夫妻财产制立法存在诸多问题。我国现行法定夫妻财产制是婚后所得共同制。对法定夫妻共同财产范围的界定应遵循婚后所得推定共有的准则,其法理依据是夫妻之间存在的协力关系。夫妻财产制契约是夫妻之间就采用何种类型的夫妻财产制所订立的协议。夫妻财产制契约与一般财产契约不同,其直接产生夫妻财产法上的效力,即以双方当事人选定的财产制度替代法定财产制的适用。无论法定共同财产制还是约定共同财产制都存有一定缺陷。在我国夫妻财产制结构中增设非常财产制可以弥补共同财产制之不足。  相似文献   
第三人的货物控制权人地位探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海上货物运输合同下的货物控制权常为合同的第三人所享有,FOB合同下卖方的权益因其货物控制权人的地位而得到保护。第三人在海上货物运输合同领域中的货物控制权以其在国际货物买卖领域内的对货物间接占有的权利为基础,由此可解决当提单已为买方占有时,卖方是否仍然可以行使货物控制权以完成其中途停运权的问题。第三人所享有的货物控制权较之其以往在海上货物运输合同这一为第三人利益合同下作为第三人所享有的其他权利更为广泛与深入,从而构成对合同相对性原则的又一突破。  相似文献   
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