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Creating an autonomous and efficient judiciary represents an important and necessary step for the consolidation of democracy and the reconciliation of a nation divided by almost two decades of conflict over the contentious issue of Ivoirité. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the progress that has been made in the establishment of the rule of law in Côte d’Ivoire under the current president, Alassane Ouattara, by comparing the period of his presidency to those of his predecessors, Henri Konan Bédié, General Robert Gueï and Laurent Gbagbo. I argue that the judiciary is still struggling to establish its autonomy and that one of its main problems is its lack of impartiality. I examine possible reasons for the courts’ persistent weak accountability performance and discuss possible remedies.  相似文献   
高一飞 《北方法学》2016,(3):141-148
司法过程中少不了数字的存在,司法数字可分为描述性与调整性两类,调整性数字在司法裁判中通常具有实质性作用,而司法与数字关联的内在机理缘于数字的固有特征与司法的特定需求;从生成因素来看,司法数字的产生以法律规则为基础框架,以经验为填充,通过法官理念整合后展现于裁判文书之中,而理念又在深层次为文化所决定和指引,其最终体现了主观性(主导)与客观性(框架)的综合;从合理性理论出发,司法数字的合理性标准可分为程序正当与结果合理两方面,自身的优化路径则包括基本裁量原理、计算规则的明确和多元回归模型的建立。  相似文献   
作者在指出刑事诉讼程序系统具有自我发展、演化、运作的自组织性的基础上 ,运用系统的自组织理论 ,分析了司法独立的必要性及保障机制 ,从系统论的角度提出了在我国实现司法独立的可能途径。  相似文献   
At the closing of the 20th century, Europe decided the time was ripe to take bold steps towards the creation of a truly integrated European judicial space. Of its overall goals for the new millennium, judicial integration ranked at the top as this reflected shifting global challenges in an increasingly diversified world. After more than a decade, the reality is still that of a policy area in which multiple practices of cooperation coexist. Indeed, political and cultural factors matter in explaining how judicial decisions and practices are harmonised and integrated by EU member states. The article focuses on a number of socialisation mechanisms adopted by the EU to build mutual trust among national authorities and also looks at the European Arrest Warrant as an important test bed of the strengths and weaknesses of European judicial cooperation.  相似文献   
Trauma and its impact on human development and functioning in the context of legal systems has been an important topic in judicial education for well over a decade. This brief report reviews key components of this work since approximately 2005, and presents the results of a 2018 ‐ 2019 survey with 250 judicial educators on the topics of trauma education for the judiciary and preferred teaching models. Results suggest that trauma is and will likely remain an important topic in judicial education for the foreseeable future. Further, results indicate that there are some common criticisms about current trauma education that should be considered in curriculum design and delivery, and that there is a general preference for team teaching approaches that include a strong peer‐to‐peer discussion component. Recommendations and considerations for judicial educators on the topic of trauma are also presented.  相似文献   
季晨溦 《北方法学》2017,11(3):150-160
司法确定力是与法院的宪法地位密切相关的,宪法对法院的独立地位以及解决纠纷、救济权利和发展法律的功能定位,是司法确定力的权威渊源;司法确定力来自于司法的管辖权威,法院在法律规定的范围内、在自己的能力范围内受理案件,运用法律知识、司法理性和司法经验,按照司法规律对案件事实和法律适用问题进行权威判断,为司法确定力提供了前提;司法确定力源于司法的整合权威,法院在审理案件过程中,通过对立法时的民意与法律适用时的民意、普遍正义与个别正义、法律正义与社会正义的有机结合建构了司法的整合权威,为司法确定力提供坚实的基础;司法确定力依赖于裁判的执行权威,当事人自觉履行生效判决的文化意识和国家强制执行生效判决的权威能量为司法确定力提供坚强的保障。  相似文献   
健全国家司法救助制度作为完善人权司法保障制度的重要改革措施,顺应了人民群众对司法公正、权益保障的期待。检察机关的司法救助包括刑事被害人救助,涉检信访案件信访人救助,举报人、证人、鉴定人救助等,其中刑事被害人的救助工作发展得比较成熟,是其他救助类型的参照。因此,本文仅以刑事被害人的司法救助为研究对象,梳理检察机关开展该项工作过程中面临的困境,从实体和程序两方面提出立法建议,并对救助后追偿的必要性及可行性进行思考,以期对刑事被害人司法救助工作的规范化和制度化有所裨益。  相似文献   
罪刑法定原则作为刑法的基本原则,在惩治软暴力犯罪中应当贯彻。由于软暴力尚未载入刑法典,司法实践中要将此类行为入罪,仍须沿着规范评价路径,以具体罪名的构成要件为演绎推理的大前提。同时,根据成文法主义要求,司法解释性质的文件可用作说理论据,但不能作为直接裁判依据,其溯及力可参照司法解释的溯及力加以理解。  相似文献   
19世纪末中法战争结束后,中法两国历经十余年勘定了粤越、桂越、滇越三段边界并创设对汛制度,以管理中越边务问题。中越对汛制度的确立与实施,对中国南方边疆国防、外交等治理与开发有着重要意义。以往学界多聚焦于对汛设置与管理模式上的制度梳理,对涉及边民社会具体事件的研究甚少。对汛督办遗存下来的行政档案所记录的相关司法案件及其办理过程,揭示了对汛制度运行过程中具体的司法、行政事件所面临的多元复杂状况。由此层面观之,对汛督办的职能转变及其行政实践既是观察中越边境地区社会历史发展的重要参照,同时也反映出了边民社会中不同行为主体展现的能动性及边地社会复杂多元的图景,这为以边民为核心的边疆民族研究提供了制度运作与区域社会历史脉络参照。  相似文献   
我国现行刑事诉讼法没有确立审前羁押的司法救济程序,被羁押者不能援用司法救济方式质疑审前羁押的合法性,导致司法实践中审前羁押率居高不下和超期羁押问题较为严重。解决这一问题的根本出路就在于构建我国审前羁押的司法救济途径,将人身保护令制度引入我国刑事诉讼法,赋予被羁押者对羁押的合法性提出质疑的权利,让中立的司法机关对羁押的根据进行司法审查,从而将审前羁押纳入司法控制的范畴,利用司法权来保障被羁押者免受非法或者无根据的羁押。  相似文献   
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