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立赏告奸作为鼓励吏民揭发犯罪的手段,早在商鞅变法时已经出现,其后历代多有此类立法。而宋代的告赏立法,不仅适用于刑事犯罪,而且对经济、思想文化、社会生活等领域中的犯罪亦广立告赏之法。仅此项立法,在宋代已形成了一个广阔的法域,成为古今中外实不多见的一种法律现象。  相似文献   
在现代社会,行政裁量涉及各种不同利益的博弈、协调和权衡,其实质是一个利益沟通的过程。为实现对行政裁量的法治化治理,有必要在行政正当原则的统领下,进一步完善现有的参与、听证和公开的利益沟通方式,并构建新型的契约、磋商、和解、调解等实质性利益沟通方式。  相似文献   
一般认为不方便法院原则起源于苏格兰,并在英美法系国家得到了广泛的运用和发展。然而,大陆法系的主要国家和地区也存在着这一制度或类似的制度和做法,这些类似的制度或做法同样体现了不方便法院原则的核心和实质精神:法官的自由裁量权和有利于实现当事人的利益及个案的公正。在中国,立法中过度管辖的存在和互联网立法的缺乏使得不方便法院原则的引入存在必要性,相关法律制度的配套和司法实践又使得该原则的引入存在着可能性。应当结合有关的法律传统和司法特点,设计出适合中国的不方便法院原则。  相似文献   
论刑事法的历史分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时延安 《法律科学》2008,26(2):54-59
历史分析,作为法学重要的研究方法之一,对于刑事法研究具有积极意义。对中国当代刑事法进行历史分析,并非去发现所谓的“民族精神”,而是寻找刑事法律制度得以形成的脉络,以及在法制演进中的政治、经济和文化因素。在刑事法学研究中运用这种分析方法,具体表现为历史比较研究、历史的社会研究以及历史的价值研究。对中国刑事法发展作历史研究,应区分不同时代,并有目的性地进行研究,进而挖掘其中可为当代刑事法发展利用的有益因素。  相似文献   
半个世纪以来,欧洲一体化进程的实践证明,经济一体化、政治一体化的实现都离不开统一的欧洲法律体系的建设。欧洲法院司法实践证明,在欧洲一体化进程中,欧洲法院司法独立的作用功不可没。文章从分析欧洲法院的特点入手阐述其司法独立性及其在欧洲一体化进程中的作用。  相似文献   
被害人权利保护与恢复性司法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以恢复性司法为制度进路,追求刑事被害人权利保护这一事关实质正义实现的法治目标。对犯罪人的制裁更多地涉及法律的一般性与普遍性,因此偏重于追求形式正义;对被害人权利的弥补、修复、保护更多地涉及生活中实际、具体的事件之合理性与被害人个别处遇,因此偏重于追求实质正义。在传统刑事司法制度中,被害人的权利长期遭受不应有的忽视,而在欧美获得蓬勃发展的恢复性司法制度则针对不同案件、不同犯罪人和被害人开展了形式多样的恢复性司法计划,为我国惩治犯罪人、保护被害人与实现个案中的实质正义提供了良好的理论资源与制度进路。  相似文献   
近年来,肇始于西方的刑事和解成为了我国刑事法理论界和实务界研究的热点,司法机关更是对其进行了试点并取得了一定的成绩。由于对刑事和解内涵的把握存在一定的偏差,实践中司法机关大多把金钱赔偿作为实现加害人与被害人和解的唯一手段,致使公众对刑事和解不甚了解。以恢复正义理论为视角,从提倡和解手段的多样性、鼓励社区参加刑事和解程序和设立司法机关监督下的独立的调解机构等方面入手,对完善我国司法实践中的刑事和解大有裨益。  相似文献   
Teen Court (TC) is a juvenile diversion program designed to prevent the formal processing of first-time juvenile offenders within the juvenile justice system. TC instead utilizes informal processing and sanctions in order to prevent future offending. Despite its widespread popularity throughout the United States of America, little rigorous research has been conducted on the effectiveness of the TC model for reducing recidivism. Using an experimental design, this study examined the effectiveness of TC in reducing recidivism and improving the attitudes and opinions of juvenile offenders in comparison with a control group of youth who were formally processed. Self-reported delinquency was higher for those youth who participated in TC. TC youth were also found to have significantly lower scores on a scale of belief in conventional rules than had youth who were processed in the Department of Juveniles Services. Implications of these findings are discussed.
Wendy Povitsky StickleEmail:

Wendy Povitsky Stickle   is a doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Her research interests include juvenile delinquency and delinquency prevention. Currently, Stickle is examining the effects of co-offending on trajectories of offending and is investigating the risk factors associated with weapon carrying in schools. Nadine M. Connell   is an assistant professor at Rowan University in the Department of Law and Justice Studies. Her research interests include program and policy evaluation, the social dynamics of group behavior, and capital punishment. Connell has worked with the Capital Jury Project as well as several juvenile delinquency prevention initiatives. She is currently involved in an evaluation of the efficacy of school based programs on student bullying and adolescent ATOD use in the state of New Jersey. Denise M. Wilson   is a Ph.D. graduate student at the University of Maryland Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Her research interests include juvenile delinquency, prevention and corrections. She is currently working on data analysis of a randomized experiment testing the effects of after-school programs on adolescent development. Denise C. Gottfredson   is a professor at the University of Maryland Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. Her research interests include delinquency and delinquency prevention, and particularly the effects of school environments on youth behavior. Gottfredson has conducted randomized experiments to test the effectiveness of the Baltimore City Drug Treatment Court, the Strengthening Families Program, and is currently directing a randomized trial of the effects of after school programs on the development of problem behavior.  相似文献   
The call for court reform remains critical in the face of the growing complexity of burgeoning family law cases nationwide. Many states have restructured their court systems using the unified family court model, resolving legal, personal, emotional, and social disputes with the aim of improving the well‐being of families and children. Other states utilize the traditional approach, resulting in cases being handled in a fragmented, time‐consuming and expensive manner. In this article, Professor Barbara A. Babb presents the results of her nationwide survey regarding how each state handles family law matters. The survey is a follow‐up to her comprehensive 1998 survey and her 2002 survey update. The results of the recent analysis reveal that a total of thirty‐eight states now have either statewide family courts, family courts in selected areas of the state, or pilot or planned family courts, representing seventy‐five percent of states. The number of states without a specialized or separate system to handle family law matters has decreased from seventeen states in 1998 to thirteen in 2006. These changes are significant when one considers the complexities involved in court reform. The need for court reform remains an urgent one, as family law cases occupy a significant percentage of court dockets across the country. Families and children deserve a court system where justice is effective and efficient and where their legal, personal, emotional, and social needs are resolved in a therapeutic and holistic manner.  相似文献   
This study investigates how justice or fairness issues such as procedural justice, distributive justice, and status equity affect job satisfaction among Korean employees. Incorporating cultural values and social norms salient in Korea, the study hypothesizes that perceptions of procedural justice enhance more job satisfaction than perceptions of distributive justice among Korean employees. Another hypothesis, based on Korean employees' aspiration for higher occupational status, predicts that perceptions of status equity, i.e., occupational prestige of their current jobs relative to their human capital, also increase job satisfaction more than perceptions of distributive justice. These two hypotheses were tested with a sample of 501 full-time employees in Korea. Supporting the hypotheses, the results indicated that (i) perceptions of procedural justice produce more job satisfaction than do perceptions of distributive justice; and (ii) perceptions of status equity are the most important factor predicting job satisfaction among the three fairness issues. Cross-cultural implications of these findings are discussed in more detail.The author thanks Professor Hyunho Seok and the Korean Social Science Council (KSSC) for their 1990 national survey data sets.  相似文献   
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