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Recently, two analytical techniques – Raman and XRF spectroscopy – have been often applied in criminalistic examinations of different kinds of trace evidences. In this paper, the application of the new combined μ-Raman and μ-XRF spectrometer in analysis of multilayer paint chips, modern inks, plastics and fibres was evaluated. It was ascertained that the apparatus possesses real advantages and could be helpful in the identification of examined materials after some modifications, i.e. by adding an extra laser and decreasing the spot size of the X-ray beam.  相似文献   
The intra- and inter-examiner reliability was evaluated for hand-held 3D laser scanning technology when it was combined with localization of landmarks for craniometry. The data from the laser surface scanning were compared with those of conventional direct measuring. Using thirty unidentified skulls requested for individual identification, measurements were taken of the line distances from lambda to 26 landmarks, and also for seven breadth parameters. For the laser surface scanning, two examiners performed replicate measurements with an interval of 1 week. In the conventional direct measuring, the first examiner took replicate measurements with a 1-week interval. To assess intra- and inter-examiner reliabilities, the intraclass correlation coefficient was used. Analysis of variance with repeated measures for each parameter was performed to compare the conventional method with the 3D scanning method. Both the 3D scanning and conventional methods showed excellent intra-examiner reliabilities, and the 3D laser scanning method also showed excellent inter-examiner reliability. A statistical difference between the two examiners was found only in nasal breadth in the 3D laser scanning method. There was no significant difference between the two measuring methods, though the 3D laser scanning method tended to give a slightly lower reading. Collectively, the 3D laser scanning method with point localization is a useful method with excellent reliability, and it can replace the conventional direct measuring method in craniometry.  相似文献   
We obtain the normal Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectrum of three controlled substances: morphine, codeine, and hydrocodone. The spectra are assigned with the aid of density functional theory. Because of rather intense fluorescence, normal Raman spectra suffer from poor signal-to-noise, even when differential subtraction techniques are employed. On the other hand, surface enhancement by Ag nanoparticles both enhances the Raman signal and suppresses the fluorescence, enabling far more sensitive detection and identification. We also present a set of discriminant bands, useful for distinguishing the three compounds, despite the similarities in their structures.  相似文献   
A Raman spectroscopy method for determining the drug content of street samples of amphetamine was developed by dissolving samples in an acidic solution containing an internal standard (sodium dihydrogen phosphate). The Raman spectra of the samples were measured with a CDD-Raman spectrometer. Two Raman quantification methods were used: (1) relative peak heights of characteristic signals of the amphetamine and the internal standard; and (2) multivariate calibration by partial least squares (PLS) based on second derivative of the spectra. For the determination of the peak height ratio, the spectra were baseline corrected and the peak height ratio (h(amphetamine at 994 cm(-1) )/h(internal standard at 880 cm(-1) )) was calculated. For the PLS analysis, the wave number interval of 1300-630 cm(-1) (348 data points) was chosen. No manual baseline correction was performed, but the spectra were differentiated twice to obtain their second derivatives, which were further analyzed. The Raman results were well in line with validated reference LC results when the Raman samples were analyzed within 2 h after dissolution. The present results clearly show that Raman spectroscopy is a good tool for rapid (acquisition time 1 min) and accurate quantitative analysis of street samples that contain illicit drugs and unknown adulterants and impurities.  相似文献   
The differentiation of inks on a questioned document can highlight a fraudulent insertion and is usually carried out by optical comparison and thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) may also be used for the analysis of dyes from ink. This analytical technique was compared with a standard method of high-performance TLC (HPTLC) according to their capacity to differentiate blue ballpoint inks. Ink entries on paper from 31 blue ballpoint pens have been analyzed and their dye ink formulations compared. The pens were classified into 26 classes by LDI-MS against 18 for HPTLC. LDI-MS proved to be a more powerful method for differentiating ink formulations because it provides information about dye structures (molecular weights) and relative quantification of dye classes (peak areas). Sample preparation was minimal and analysis time was short in contrast to the more complex extraction, application, and development steps of the HPTLC method. However, only basic dyes and pigments were identified using positive mode LDI-MS, while HPTLC did yield additional information about acid dyes.  相似文献   
The sale of fraudulent oriental ceramics constitutes a large proportion of the illegal artifact and antique trade and threatens to undermine the legitimate international market. The sophistication and skill of forgers has reached a level where, using traditional appraisal by eye and hand, even the most experienced specialist is often unable to distinguish between a genuine and fraudulent piece. In addition, current provenancing techniques such as energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometry and thermoluminescence (TL) dating can result in significant damage to the artifact itself. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), a relatively nondestructive analytical technique, has been used for the provenance determination of materials based on geographical origin. The technique requires the production of a laser crater, c. 100 microm in diameter, which is essentially invisible to the naked eye. Debris from this crater is analyzed using ICP-MS, with the results forming the basis of the provenance establishment protocol. Chinese, Japanese, and English porcelain shards have been analyzed using this protocol and generic isotopic distribution patterns have been produced that enable the provenance establishment of porcelain artifacts to their country of production. Minor variations between elemental fingerprints of artifacts produced in the same country also indicate that it may be possible to further provenance oriental ceramics to a specific production region or kiln site.  相似文献   
2,5,-Dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine (DOB) is of particular interest among the various "ecstasy" variants because there is an unusually long delay between consumption and effect, which dramatically increases the danger of accidental overdose in users. Screening for DOB in tablets is problematic because it is pharmacologically active at 0.2-3 mg, which is c. 50 times less than 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) and makes it more difficult to detect in seized tablets using conventional spot tests. The normal Raman spectra of seized DOB tablets are dominated by the bands of the excipient with no evidence of the drug component. Here we report the first use of on-tablet surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to enhance the signal from a low concentration drug. Raman studies (785-nm excitation) were carried on series of model DOB/lactose tablets (total mass c. 400 mg) containing between 1 mg and 15 microg of DOB and on seized DOB tablets. To generate surface-enhanced spectra, 5 microL of centrifuged silver colloid was dispensed onto the upper surface of the tablets, followed by 5 microL of 1.0 mol/dm(3) NaCl. The probe laser was directed onto the treated area and spectra accumulated for c. 20 sec (10 sec x 2). It was found that the enhancement of the DOB component in the model tablets containing 1 mg DOB/tablet and in the seized tablets tested was so large that their spectra were completely dominated by the vibrational bands of DOB with little or no contribution from the unenhanced lactose excipient. Indeed, the most intense DOB band was visible even in tablets containing just 15 microg of the drug. On-tablet surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy is a simple method to distinguish between low dose DOB tablets and those with no active constituent. The fact that unique spectra are obtained allows identification of the drug while the lack of sample preparation and short signal accumulation times mean that the entire test can be carried out in <1 min.  相似文献   
The expansion of indigenous art and the interest it has generated both at a domestic and international level means large monetary transactions are taking place between art galleries or centers and purchasers. As such, an accurate and conclusive method for provenance determination of traditional indigenous artistic materials must be established that can, if necessary, be used to assist in authentication of artworks. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was utilized for elemental differentiation and provenance establishment of ocher samples. This research was used to develop a robust scientific protocol which facilitates definitive and accurate determination of provenance of Australian ochers and the artworks created using them. Analysis of the results obtained through this study show that the trace metal distribution patterns alone appear to be sufficient evidence to establish provenance of specific ochers, although additional differentiation between ocher samples, using major element distribution patterns, was achieved through the utilization of X-ray analytical techniques.  相似文献   
During the forensic examination of textile fibers, fibers are usually mounted on glass slides for visual inspection and identification under the microscope. One method that has the capability to accurately identify single textile fibers without subsequent demounting is Raman microspectroscopy. The effect of the mountant Entellan New on the Raman spectra of fibers was investigated to determine if it is suitable for fiber analysis. Raman spectra of synthetic fibers mounted in three different ways were collected and subjected to multivariate analysis. Principal component analysis score plots revealed that while spectra from different fiber classes formed distinct groups, fibers of the same class formed a single group regardless of the mounting method. The spectra of bare fibers and those mounted in Entellan New were found to be statistically indistinguishable by analysis of variance calculations. These results demonstrate that fibers mounted in Entellan New may be identified directly by Raman microspectroscopy without further sample preparation.  相似文献   
This study applies Raman microspectroscopy to differentiate the chemical components in printing inks of different brands, colors, and type using the 532 nm and 785 nm excitation wavelengths. Spectra were collected from 319 inks (78 inkjet, 76 toner, 79 offset, and 86 intaglio) representing various colors. Comparisons were performed to calculate discrimination capability percentages for each ink type. Overall, Raman microspectroscopy differentiates according to the following hierarchy: intaglio (96%), inkjet (92%), offset (90%), and toner (61%). The ability of Raman microspectroscopy to differentiate between same‐colored inks from different brands was dependent on the color and ink analyzed. Based on ink color, the discrimination capability ranged from 75 to 94% (inkjet), 0 to 86% (toner), and 0 to 77% (offset). Copper phthalocyanine was detected in cyan inks and various intaglio inks, while carbon black was identified in black inkjet, offset, and intaglio inks.  相似文献   
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