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At present, very little research has been devoted to investigating the ability of laser scanning technology to accurately measure height from surveillance video. The goal of this study was to test the accuracy of one particular laser scanner to estimate suspect height from video footage. The known heights of 10 individuals were measured using an anthropometer. The individuals were then recorded on video walking along a predetermined path in a simulated crime scene environment both with and without headwear. The difference between the known heights and the estimated heights obtained from the laser scanner software were compared using a one-way t-test. The height estimates obtained from the software were not significantly different from the known heights whether individuals were wearing headwear (p = 0.186) or not (p = 0.707). Thus, laser scanning is one technique that could potentially be used by investigators to determine suspect height from video footage.  相似文献   
The study shows the results of a survey aimed to represent a building collapse and the feasibility of the modellation as a support of structure analysis. An integrated survey using topographic, photogrammetric, and terrestrial laser techniques was carried out to obtain a three-dimensional (3D) model of the building, plans and prospects, and the particulars of the collapsed area. Authors acquired, by a photogrammetric survey, information about regular parties of the structure; while using laser scanner data they reconstructed a set of more interesting architectural details and areas with higher surface curvature. Specifically, the process of texture provided a detailed 3D structure of the areas under investigation. The analysis of the data acquired resulted to be very useful both in identifying the causes of the disaster and also in helping the reconstruction of the collapsed corner showing the contribution that the integrated surveys can give in preserving architectural and historic heritage.  相似文献   
3D打印作为一种快速成型技术,近年来发展迅速,有着良好的发展前景与应用空间。然而技术革新的背后潜在隐藏着知识产权、刑事犯罪以及人类伦理等多方面的安全风险,利用法律、政策规制3D打印技术迅猛发展可能带来的安全风险,既是保障社会治安管理秩序的关键,更是3D打印技术进一步发展与革新的前提与基础。  相似文献   
《实践论》作为毛泽东哲学思想的代表作之一,深刻阐发了实践在认识中的地位和作用,概括了人类认识运动的总规律,开辟了马克思主义哲学中国化的新境界,为党的思想路线奠定了哲学基础。在新的实践中坚持、运用《实践论》和党的思想路线,应当是当代中国共产党人的理论自觉与实践自觉。  相似文献   
随着计算机应用普及率的不断提高及社会作用的逐渐增大,计算机处理文字的优越性也给不法分子刻意变更伪造文件提供了机会。文章提出了计算机打印追加变更伪造文件内容的传统检验方法,从计算机打印的呈现特点入手,对传统机械比对法进行论述,并用案例对此问题加以论证。根据案例分析和实验结果证明传统人为机械比对法是检验的有效途径之一,这种检验方法不但对促进文检工作有一定现实意义,而且对预防犯罪也有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   
以我国现行电力行业标准DL/T 5154-2002和DL/T 5092-1999关于风荷载的计算规定为基准,对国内外4套有代表性的输电线路设计规范风荷载的取值标准进行了分析比较,初步摸清了国内外规范风荷载标准值差异的定量数据.计算结果表明,我国输电线路铁塔结构的风荷载标准值普遍低于国外规范相同条件下的风荷载标准值,规范修订时建议将基本风压的统计重现期提高到50a一遇,并对我国输电线路基本风压的合理取值和统计风速的基准高度进行适当的调整.  相似文献   
在历史唯物主义的视域中审视党的群众路线应注意三个基本维度:在现实维度上,人民内部矛盾的新变化和反腐斗争的新要求是审视的出发点;在认识论维度上,提升党的执政水平进而巩固党的执政地位是审视的意义所在;在实践维度上,利益均衡以及与时俱进是党的群众路线不断创新和发展的当代进路。党的群众路线在回归群众生活中直面当代中国现实,有利于党的传家宝焕发新的生机与活力。  相似文献   
中国梦是以习近平为总书记的党中央适应时代发展求提出的重战略思想。想实现这一宏伟目标,离不开广大群众的拥护和支持。在革命和建设年代,党正是坚持群众路线,充分相信和依靠群众,才取得了辉煌的成就。在新的历史发展时期,开展群众路线教育实践活动,进一步密切党群干群关系,将为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供坚强保证。  相似文献   
中共中央启动了以“为民、务实、清廉”为主内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动,此次教育实践活动不仅是对党内出现的一些错误观念、失范行为的一次纠正,更是对行政伦理回归廉洁奉公、勤政为民价值观本位的呼唤、此次活动对行政伦理的规范作用将有助于提高党的执政能力,  相似文献   
邓小平对马克思主义思想路线的贡献主要有三:一是提出从实际出发走自己的路的科学命题;二是提出解放思想和实事求是相统一的科学论断;三是倡导尊重实践和尊重群众相统一的思想作风。  相似文献   
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