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群众路线是党的生命线和根本工作路线,开展群众路线教育活动是十八大提出的一项重要任务。通过以为民、务实、清廉为主要内容,以集中解决形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风为主要任务,以群众认不认可、满不满意、高不高兴为评价标准,切实解决群众的实际问题,密切党同群众的血肉联系。活动对于改进党的工作作风,夯实党的执政基础,巩固党的执政地位,都具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
近年来,我国渔船在毗邻朝韩海域进行越界捕捞活动成为了影响中朝、中韩海域安全稳定的焦点问题,也是困扰我边境管理工作的重难点问题。公安边防部门作为渔船民管理的主管部门,为有效地预防和制止越界捕捞活动,应针对边防管理工作中存在的问题,结合部队的实际情况,从根本上预防和制止越界捕捞行为,有力地维护毗邻朝韩海域的安全与稳定,促进毗邻朝韩海域海洋经济可持续发展。  相似文献   
群众路线是我们党的生命线和根本工作路线。开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,是我们党在新形势下坚持党要管党、从严治党的重大决策。  相似文献   
201 3年新民诉法推出了小额速裁程序,然而可供司法实践适用的规定匮乏。小额速裁程序实行一审终审,当以司法效率为重,保证底线正义。在司法运行中,小额速裁程序存在着适用条件不完善、启动机制不明确、审理程序不简化及救济程序缺失等问题,应当从严限定小额速裁程序的适用范围,法院享有启动权,简化和优化审判程序,设置判决异议程序,疏导当事人救济诉求,尽快健全与完善小额速裁程序。  相似文献   
邓小平的历史性贡献是多方面的,其中最伟大的贡献,莫过于领导党和人民在改革开放中创造性地开拓了中国特色社会主义道路。邓小平领导开创中国特色社会主义道路的认识路线和思想方法突出体现在:把实践作为逻辑起点,在坚持马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合中开创中国特色社会主义道路;把规律作为根本依据,在探索社会主义初级阶段改革与发展基本规律中开创中国特色社会主义道路;把人民作为主体力量,在实现人民群众利益需求和创造精神有机统一中开创中国特色社会主义道路。中国特色社会主义道路来之不易,必须深刻把握这条道路的精髓和真谛,坚定不移沿着这条道路开拓前进。  相似文献   
群众路线是公安工作的基本路线和优良传统。居民安全感调查对公安群众路线的执行具有以下几个方面的作用:提高服务型公安机关工作的群众参与度;为公安决策提供资源;有利于公安机关推行全面质量管理,提高群众对公安工作的满意度;有助于公安合理调配资源,加强社会风险防控。基于居民安全感调查的以上作用,公安机关应正确认识居民安全感调查,做好项目规划并正确利用调查结果,使其成为"大走访"的长效机制,进一步发挥其对群众路线执行的推动作用。  相似文献   
Abstract: The discrimination of falls from homicidal blows in blunt head injuries is a common but difficult problem in both forensic anthropology and pathology. Three criteria have been previously proposed for this distinction: the hat brim line rule, side lateralization of fractures, and number of lacerations. The aim of the present study was to achieve a better distinction rate by combining those criteria and assess the predictability of these combined criteria tools. Over a 6‐year period, a total of 114 cases (92 males and 22 females) were studied: 21 cases of downstairs falls, 29 cases of falls from one’s own height, and 64 cases of head trauma by a blunt weapon. The results revealed predictability rates varying from 62.5 to 83.3% for criteria pointing towards a fall. As for combined criteria in favor of a blow, the assumption was accurate in all cases (100%).  相似文献   
利用激光刻章机雕刻、光敏印章机制印伪造印章印文是近年来出现的一种新的、仿真程度较高的伪造印章印文的方法。鉴定实践表明,这类伪造印章印文趋于专业化、技术化,且伪造的印章印文与真实印章印文的相似度较高。依据传统的鉴定依据和方法难以鉴别真伪,因此从该类伪造方法对其特点和鉴定依据、方法要点进行研究,尤其是对伪造形成方式及特点的研究,有助于科学的鉴定其真伪。  相似文献   
Pigments are rapidly replacing dyes as colorants in pen and printer inks, due to their superior colors and stability. Unfortunately, tools commonly used in questioned document examination for analyzing pen inks, such as TLC, cannot be used for the analysis of insoluble pigments on paper. Laser desorption mass spectrometry is demonstrated here as a tool for analyzing pigment-based pen inks. A pulsed nitrogen laser can be focused onto a pen stroke from a pigmented ink pen on paper, and positive and negative ions representative of the pigment can be generated for subsequent mass spectrometric analysis. Targeted pens for this work were a set of Uni-ball 207 pigmented ink pens containing blue, light blue, orange, green, violet, red, pink, and black inks. Copper phthalocyanine was identified as the pigment used to make both blue inks. A mixture of halogenated copper phthalocyanines were identified in the green ink. Unexpectedly, the pink ink was found to contain a red pigment, Pigment Red 12, treated with a mixture of water-soluble dyes. Each sample yielded ions representative of the pigments present.  相似文献   
In forensic anthropology, age‐at‐death estimation typically requires the macroscopic assessment of the skeletal indicator and its association with a phase or score. High subjectivity and error are the recognized disadvantages of this approach, creating a need for alternative tools that enable the objective and mathematically robust assessment of true chronological age. We describe, here, three fully computational, quantitative shape analysis methods and a combinatory approach that make use of three‐dimensional laser scans of the pubic symphysis. We report a novel age‐related shape measure, focusing on the changes observed in the ventral margin curvature, and refine two former methods, whose measures capture the flatness of the symphyseal surface. We show how we can decrease age‐estimation error and improve prior results by combining these outline and surface measures in two multivariate regression models. The presented models produce objective age‐estimates that are comparable to current practices with root‐mean‐square‐errors between 13.7 and 16.5 years.  相似文献   
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