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A purposively recruited, ethnically diverse sample (N = 27) of young adolescents and their mothers in domestic violence shelters described adolescents' coping responses during adult intimate partner violence as part of a qualitative study using Life Story methods. Findings revealed competing demands and several responses, including: leaving home, collaborating with family members for safety, calling police, verbally or physically intervening, seeking help outside the family, and palliative responses. Participants provided context-rich accounts of coping and coping goals during violence, including information on help-seeking and police involvement. Implications are discussed for future research and developing interventions to improve safety and psychological outcomes.  相似文献   
In this qualitative study of 134 formerly abducted adolescentboys at four rehabilitation centres in Northern Uganda, theboys described their lives in rebel captivity and coping strategiesand suggested ways of reintegration. They witnessed, enduredand participated in hideous atrocities while in rebel captivity.Vigilance, absolute obedience, and cooperation with their captors;prayer and hope; denial, blaming others, constant preparednessto flee; use of traditional medicine; and resilience and perseverance,were some of the coping strategies they employed while in captivityand during escape. Once out of captivity, they suggested a reintegrationagenda sensitive to their economic wellbeing and social relationsin the context of their culture and tradition. They proposedpsychosocial activities, vocational and entrepreneurial skillstraining, provision of credit facilities, and an education systemthat recognizes their background and needs. However, all theseshould be viewed in the context of huge resource limitationsand the continuing conflict.  相似文献   
程序法定原则作为刑事诉讼法的首位原则、“帝王”原则,构成了现代程序法的基石, 其地位如同罪刑法定原则之于刑法典。从内容上分析,程序法定原则包括了形式(程序合法性)和实质(程序正当性)两项要件,由此产生了形式意义上的程序法定原则和实质意义上的程序法定原则。作为现代刑事诉讼程序的一种通论性和一般性原则,程序法定原则对于整个刑事诉讼程序具有统摄性,在刑事诉讼各个阶段都存在着程序法定的具细原则。我国刑事诉讼制度在立法和司法实践中存在的种种问题最后几乎都可以归结为“程序法定”原则的不彰、程序法定价值的不显。基于此,刑事诉讼法典的制定和运行,贯彻程序法定原则是当务之急。  相似文献   
我国食品安全风险评估科学顾问的合法性危机既体现在"作为行为"中,也体现在"不作为行为"中,突出表现为社会对其作出的风险评估结论持不信任态度。原因在于:科学顾问缺乏科学上的卓越性和独立性及其活动缺乏透明性。需要设计公正和科学的科学顾问成员的遴选制度、广泛和有效地支撑其开展风险评估工作的网络体系、精密和完整的利益声明规则、合理和全面的食品安全风险评估活动的公开等制度来有效克服科学顾问的合法性危机。  相似文献   
迄今为止,民主是人类追求政治文明和现代化进程中最好的制度选择,是中国特色社会主义制度建设的根基。网络群体性事件直接显示出我国网络民主的发展,对中国的民主化的发展有其双重作用。网络群体事件频发的原因是错综复杂的,民主化内生力量的发展不容忽视,民主本身也是一种自身发展中不断纠正和趋于完善的机制。因此,在应对网络群体性事件过程中,要坚持有经有权的网络民主发展理念,形成危机常态化的网络民主善治措施,建立长效的政府与网民信任合作对话机制,提高公民的民主意识和民主能力。  相似文献   
当前警察合法权益受侵害的形式、原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国社会的不断改革和经济的不断发展,犯罪呈现出常规化、智能化、集团化、暴力化的特点,警察合法权益和执法权益都受到了一定的侵害。如何完善警察合法权益和执法权益保障机制,依法严惩各种犯罪,保障警察人身合法权益与正当执法权益,树立警察执法的权威,是新形势下警察合法权益保障问题研究的课题。  相似文献   

Genuine, periodic, free and fair elections are one of the key defining features of a vibrant multi-party democracy. They provide a public mechanism for regular peaceful institutional competition for power and the opportunity for people to change, review or legitimise government through their freely expressed will. This article interrogates the behaviour of South African voters using a qualitative analysis of available studies covering the national and provincial elections held in 1994, 1999, 2004 and 2009, and the municipal election of 2011. One of the notable trends is that while the number of registered voters keeps increasing, voter turnout is on the decrease. There are other salient observable tends but they are not the focus of the article. For the purposes of the article the first conclusion is that among the various competing variables influencing voters’ choice of a particular political party in South African public elections, the race issue, however weak some might suggest it is, still looms large and is a dominant factor despite denials by some researchers. Second, in contrast to what obtains in many other African countries, ethnic identity happily has only a marginal influence on South African voters. This second conclusion should however not be regarded as cast in stone, given the ever-changing dynamic nature of people's identity and behaviour as well as the election campaign strategies of participating political parties and the role of the media. Given that there is a complex interrelatedness of ethnic and racial identity and interests, the electorate might well be more sophisticated than many realise.  相似文献   
This paper makes two arguments. First, the political and economic institutions of a state affect that state's foreign policy preferences. Second, dyads with similar political and economic institutions are less likely to experience conflict than other types of dyads. After developing the logic of these arguments, I create measures of political and economic institutional similarity and test the hypotheses against the empirical record. The empirical analysis supports the argument that dyadic institutional similarity reduces the likelihood of conflict. The most noteworthy finding is that economic institutional similarity, even when the political institutions in a dyad are dissimilar, reduces the likelihood of militarized conflict.  相似文献   
通过采用田纳西自我概念量表、应对方式问卷,对山东省泰安市的260名警察进行测试,探讨警察自我概念和应对方式的现状及二者之间的关系,结果发现警察自我概念得分较高,首选解决问题和求助两种应对方式,总体上警察自我概念较积极,大多采用成熟积极的应对方式,不同性别、不同警龄、不同级别的警察在自我概念和应对方式上差异显著。警察自我概念和应对方式之间存在显著相关,自我概念对应对方式有较大的影响。  相似文献   
事业单位改革相对滞后于企业改革,工会应努力把握事业单位改革的总体目标和改革的基本思路,积极探索事业单位改革中工会工作遇到的新情况、新问题,寻找应对措施和工作方法,充分发挥工会在事业单位改革中的重要作用.  相似文献   
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