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范若兰 《思想战线》2006,32(1):20-25
殖民地、第三世界国家民族主义和女权主义在社会性别观念变化、妇女解放运动和民族解放运动高涨、民族国家建立和发展等方面都发挥了重要作用。但是由于民族主义在争取民族独立中的主导地位和女权主义的从属地位,决定了第三世界国家的妇女解放主要是由民族主义、民族国家和男性主导的,难以达到真正的男女平等和妇女解放。  相似文献   
The incarceration experiences of white-collar offenders have received relatively little attention among criminological researchers, and the research that has been conducted has focused on offenders’ experiences in prisons rather than jails. The purpose of this study was to fill this gap by examining approximately 6500 inmates incarcerated in local jails, comparing those classified as white-collar offenders to violent and other non-violent offenders. The differences between offender types based on demographics, psychological adjustment (i.e., mental health issues since arrival to jail), and behavioral adjustment (i.e., institutional misconduct) are examined to see whether white-collar inmates have more difficulty than others adjusting to the jail environment (consistent with the special sensitivity hypothesis). Findings suggest that white-collar jail inmates do not appear to experience symptoms indicative of poor psychological or behavioral adjustment to the jail environment. Implications for policy and future research are discussed.  相似文献   
《1844年经济学哲学手稿》和《德意志意识形态》中蕴涵了很多马克思关于人的解放的思想。着重从人的解放理论出发,结合著作中具体的理论观点加以分析,并结合自己的理解进行解读。从分析工人的现状、异化劳动、分工等学说提出人的解放的重要性,然后通过研究工人的现状从中发现造成工人悲惨状况的原因。最后提出一些实现人的解放的途径,这也是最重要的一点,理论与实践相结合,找出解决的方法与途径。  相似文献   
作业假说是侦查假说的基本特征,分解式-过程式-回顾式是其不同形态,各有其特定的工作模式;统一性、否定性和客观性是检验一个合格的侦查假说的基本原则;以其要领衡量,浙江张氏叔侄冤案是不应该发生的事件。  相似文献   
The relationship between economic development and democracy is an important research topic in political science. Since Lipset proposed the argument that “economic development promotes democratization” in 1959, this thesis has been exerting profound influence on academic circles, known as “one of the most prominent theories of the social science” and “one of the best sustained by the evidence” in comparative politics. “Lipset hypothesis” was examined repeatedly during the half a century. It met with fierce criticisms. For instance, some scholars questioned the positive effects of the economic developent; some revised the linear causal logic between economic development democracy; and some raised “political process explanation” and “exogenous explanation” as alternative theories. Scholars who supported “Lipset hypothesis” responded to the criticisms. Their research made the causal relationships between economic development and democracy more explicit, expanding the theoretical space and explanatory power of “Lipset hypothesis”. However, with the change of reality and the development of society, the debates on this issue will continue.  相似文献   
在西方经济学视阈中,市场经济与个人主义、私有制度具有天然合一的特性,其内含经济人无形之手—放任自由信仰效率—公平互抵等充满争议的理论假设。其中的经济人假设在某种意义上可以被视为这个假设体系的基础和理论质点。亚当·斯密在《国富论》中对此作出了最早且明确的阐述,之后,由约翰·穆勒将之归结为经济人假设,帕累托进而将经济人概念引入西方经济学理论视阈中。经济人假设认定私有制经济符合人类最为真实和唯一的本性——利己性,在看不见的手牵引之下,自私的本性及私有制经济将最大化地促进人类社会整体利益,这个理论杠杆有力地撬起了功利主义维度的市场经济道德支柱,并论证了市场经济与私有制相融合的天然合理性。文章首先对经济人假设与私有制经济作出批判性考察,尝试把这两个因素与市场经济剥离开,并将市场经济还原为一种社会经济资源配置的方式和机制,接着分别对作为过渡阶段社会主义的历史局限性与公有制经济高绩效命题及其历史实践作出辨析,对社会主义公有制经济与市场经济必然相遇而且能够相容的问题作出了肯定性回答,而这也彻底消除了十八届三中全会使市场在资源配置中起决定性作用的命题中可能蕴涵和产生公有制经济将逐渐被私有制经济所取代的疑虑。  相似文献   
王有腔博士关于马克思的自然观和自然科学观的研究,引入多维复杂综合的研究方法是显著特点。她强调指出,不能把马克思的学说简单看作是与自然科学无关的一种经济学或社会学的理论,因为马克思主义是一种追求人类解放的学说,要真正实现人的自由和解放必然以生产力的高度发展为前提,而生产力的高度发展又必须通过科学技术的进步来实现。王有腔博士把马克思的自然观和他的自然科学观、实践观和人及社会的发展观统一起来加以研究,勾勒出了一个先在自然、人自身的自然、人化自然的多维自然图景,并认为相对于人化自然,自在自然不仅具有历史先在性,而且还具有现实基础性。王有腔博士还结合现代经济和社会发展的现实,在一个更为广阔的时代背景上揭示了马克思的科学观和自然观的现代意义和价值。  相似文献   
This article systematically investigates the relationship between internet use and protests in authoritarian states and democracies. It argues that unlike in democracies, internet use has facilitated the occurrence of protests in authoritarian regimes, developing a theoretical rationale for this claim and substantiating it with robust empirical evidence. The article argues that whereas information could already flow relatively freely in democracies, the use of the internet has increased access to information in authoritarian regimes despite authoritarian attempts to control cyberspace. The article suggests this increased access to information positively affects protesting in authoritarian states via four complementary causal pathways: (1) by reducing the communication costs for oppositional movements; (2) by instigating attitudinal change; (3) decreasing the informational uncertainty for potential protesters; and (4) through the mobilizing effect of the spread of dramatic videos and images. These causal pathways are illustrated using anecdotal evidence from the Tunisian revolution (2010–2011). The general claim that internet use has facilitated the occurrence of protests under authoritarian rule is systematically tested in a global quantitative study using country-year data from 1990 to 2013. Internet use increases the expected number of protests in authoritarian states as hypothesized. This effect remains robust across a number of model specifications.  相似文献   
《妇女杂志》是研究五四时期女性解放运动的重要期刊,也是女性期刊中引进日本学者的女性观最多的刊物。早期《妇女杂志》对于日本学者相关论述的引进偏重于自然科普,具有挖掘女性日常生活史的重要意义。随着1921年章锡琛、周建人担任主编,刊物主旨发生变化,更多关注女性解放思想革新。日本学者与谢野晶子、山川菊荣等人的观点给五四女性解放带来启示,引起时代性讨论。在译介策略上,中国学者对日本学者的观点也秉持兼容并包原则,对于社会主义女性解放思想、资本主义自由民主的女性参政观点一律予以接纳。对爱情婚姻问题给予极大重视,从而引入了日本作家有岛武郎情死事件大讨论,和中国五四新文化运动的婚姻革命问题形成了印证争鸣关系。反映出对于共同的东亚妇女命运的关注与思考。  相似文献   
和谐劳动关系既是经济社会发展的可靠动力,又是经济社会高质量发展的必然结果。关于和谐劳动关系的研究成果较多,但多是从管理学、法学和社会学等视角进行的定性研究,从经济学视角进行的规范系统的定量研究较少。《和谐劳动关系论》利用经济学的分析方法,将理论和实证相结合,在归纳和提炼国内外劳动关系发展规律的基础上,分析影响我国和谐劳动关系构建的主要因素,最终提出一系列针对性和实用性强的政策建议。其研究的创新性主要体现在:(1)提出了技术进步、经济发展和人力资本积累过程中劳动关系的“倒U型”变化规律;(2)基于经济发展新常态和依法治国的背景,评估了劳动关系三方协商机制的有效性,并对构建和谐劳动关系中的政府职责进行了强调。  相似文献   
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