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对我国行政审批程序进行改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"先具备条件,后审批"是我国各级政府现行的行政审批程序。这种程序导致公民、法人或者其他组织可以先"从事特定活动",后要求行政机关审批。改革开放以来出现的无序建设、产能过剩、行政审批腐败等问题,都与政府采用这种行政审批程序有关。多年来,我国用结构调整、淘汰落后产能和事后监督的办法来解决无序建设、产能过剩和审批腐败问题,成效不是很理想。原因就在于现行的行政审批程序,对公民、法人或者其他组织"从事特定活动"没有事先控制权,国家一边调控,一边新的过剩产能和不合理结构继续产生。如果改变现行的行政审批程序,按照审批事项建设的三个阶段("确定建设意向"、"设计和制定建设计划"、"完成设计和建设计划"),分别设立审批环节,申请人三次申请,行政机关三次审批,就可以避免上述种种弊端。  相似文献   
我国法院迄今在适用不方便法院原则的案例中,就有关法院能否主动适用不方便法院原则、申请时间和形式、适用务件、适用模式、举证模式、应考虑的因素、程序问题、限制条件等方面存在众多分歧.应根据我国司法实践中运用该原则的具体情况,结合国际社会的立法,全面构建我国不方便法院原则.  相似文献   
“平等主体”民法调整对象限制语研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐国栋 《北方法学》2009,3(3):37-40
我国《民法通则》第2条规定:“中华人民共和国民法调整平等主体的公民之间、法人之间、公民与法人之间的财产关系和人身关系。”可见对所调整的社会关系加了“平等主体”的限制语。对民法学界关于这一限制语存在的当否问题的证成研究和证伪研究两方面进行疏理,进而启发学人的思考,显得十分必要。  相似文献   
信赖利益的保护有赖于法律在实体和程序上作出规定.我国刚通过的<行政许可法>只作出了实体上的规定来保护信赖利益,而忽略了程序上的规定,这是立法上的一大缺憾,更不符合程序正义理论.<行政许可法>中行政许可撤销程序缺位造成了一定的影响,应增补行政许可撤销程序,以期完善我国信赖保护制度体系.  相似文献   
高速城市化和城市土地上多元权益结构的形成,催生了开发过程中城市空间利益分配问题.对此,私法上相邻关系规则和民事诉讼制度已不敷使用.行政法的第三人效力制度和理论,拓展出利害关系人行政诉讼.但是,对我国典型案例和样本判决的解析表明,法院将主观权利保护诉求处理成了客观合法性监督,从而减弱了原告资格扩张的意义,而行政过程中的程序权利和行政许可审查内容公开也未能形成利益的实体权衡机制.这种局限性使得作为裁判依据的城市规划和技术标准变得相对关键,其利益权衡机制的确立至关重要.这就形成了城市空间利益正当分配的多阶机制和连续过程,它在行政的合法性证成的传统模式基础上拓展了行政的正当性证成机制.  相似文献   
专利权人将专利许可给被许可人实施后,再将专利权向他人转让时,应当注意保护被许可人的既得利益,即从经济的角度出发使其能够继续实施专利、维持事业的延续。专利实施权的对抗制度就是在此种条件下调整被许可人与受让人之间冲突的一项法律制度。独占实施权、普通实施权等不同的实施权基于其自身特点应该有不同的制度设计。在具有对抗效力的情况下,如何保护受到此种对抗的专利受让人的利益也应该得到重视。在特定情况下将许可合同的某些条款让其继受也是维护受让人利益的一种措施。在考虑专利许可的对抗与继受问题时,需要结合具体的合同条款来分析,以期达到三方的利益平衡。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the threats and opportunities posed by the possibility of a Digital Copyright Exchange (DCE). On the one hand, an exchange could be implemented as a way of replacing traditional distributors such as publishers. On the other hand, it could strengthen certain publishers by making licensing of content the normal method of distribution. An exchange may, therefore, be accurately described as a facilitator of change. The Hooper Feasibility Studies of 2012 have posed a number of possible formulations of the Exchange, but it is suggested that those studies have not realised the broader implications of their proposals upon the central tenets of the copyright balancing exercise. This paper outlines possible consequences and suggests that a broader consideration of the implications should be adopted in future.  相似文献   
非行政许可的内涵和性质是正确界定非行政许可在实践中严格规范其运行的基础性问题.行政审批问题具有的复杂性以及行政机关认识能力存在的局限性是导致“非行政许可”内涵难以界定的主要原因.从行政许可的特征及其与非行政许可和行政审批的关系入手在逻辑上分析可知:非行政许可是行政机关根据公民、法人或者其他组织的申请,准予从事除“特定活动”以外的活动,或根据其他机关对其直接管理的事业单位的申请,准予其从事一定的活动.非行政许可中的外部行政行为具有验证性和确认性,内部行政行为具有权力和职能的分配性.  相似文献   
Today's business environment is no longer defined exclusively by bricks and mortar. Business models of software distribution are constantly evolving as new technologies develop. Traditional retail versions of software products are mostly replaced with digital distribution of copies of software products. However, these ways of software distribution are by no means exhaustive. Functionality of software is not necessarily tied with provision of the copy of the relevant program to the user. Instead he can receive access to it via the Internet without the need to install software onto his computer. This type of business model received the name “Software-as-a-Service” (SaaS) or, sometimes “Cloud Computing”. The legal nature of relations arising between the user and provider of distant access to such software is subject to considerable debate in Russia. The main problem is that at first glance it resembles the features of various types of contracts, recognized in the Civil Code of Russia, although not falling completely within any of them. At the same time the type of agreement chosen by the parties defines the legal framework, which governs relevant relations and relevant tax consequences. This article aims to analyze the nature of existing relations between the user and SaaS-provider and to define whether it can be characterized as a license, service, lease or some kind of sui generis contract. Based on the analysis the author comes to a conclusion that as delivery of copies of software becomes less and less relevant for the software industry, due to the new business models implemented by vendors, the rights to use the particular copy of software around which the traditional copyright regime has been built, become more and more superseded with the right to access such software. Thus traditional contractual models developed for IP distribution (license agreements, assignment agreements) and, more generally, the legal framework of existing copyright law that is centered on the core idea of the “use” of the copy, are no longer adequate regulators in the digital era where remote access to objects of copyright will soon start to dominate.  相似文献   
我国夫妻共同债务推定规则是由婚姻法和司法解释的相关规定组成的,它从目的推定制逐渐发展为合意推定制、利益分享推定制。现行的夫妻共同债务推定规则从保护交易安全出发,注重对债权人利益的保护,非举债一方配偶的合法权益实际上受到了损害。婚姻法司法解释(三)征求意见稿对司法解释(二)的共同债务推定规则作出了一定程度的修正,但仍需有更为明确具体的规定。  相似文献   
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