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城镇职工基本医疗保险参保与工会参与是农民工实现与城镇本地职工同等权利的重要内容,关系到农民工市民化进程的推进。基于2017年CMDS数据,研究探讨了工会参与对农民工城镇职工基本医疗保险参保率的影响。研究发现:农民工参与工会活动会显著提高其城镇职工基本医疗保险的参保率,在经过倾向得分匹配等稳健性检验后结论依旧成立;工会参与对参加城镇职工基本医疗保险的促进作用在农民工的代际之间均有显著作用,但对老一代农民工的影响更大。研究建议,为更好地加强农民工劳动权益保护,应当重视工会建设,以推动城镇职工基本医疗保险对农民工更广的覆盖。  相似文献   
The migration experience is normally associated with acculturative stress; this condition assumes relevance when the migrant is a minor alone. The aim of this study was to explore perceptions about the migration process and educational interventions offered by host-community social workers. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 10 unaccompanied migrant adolescents that had finished their educational pathways in the traditional community centers. Interview results were analyzed using NVivo 9, based on the grounded theory. The main results of the study are related to the incompatibility between the educational intervention of host communities and minors’ projects and motivations.  相似文献   
我国农民工社会保障缺失是客观存在的,其缺失的原因有三.一是地位尴尬:职业和身份(户口)的错位;二是待遇特殊:二元结构下的制度排挤;三是缴费困难:利益博弈下的"牺牲品".改变这种状况,需要树立平等观念,取消现行的户籍制度,政府积极作为,企业承担道德责任,共同保障农民工的合法权益.  相似文献   
对于我国城市流动儿童这部分边缘群体,社会、政府、学校应从多个方面给予特定的关怀和教育支持。督促各地政府各部门严格执行国家制定的相关政策;改革户籍制度;学籍实现全国统一管理;试验创新教育经费的发放方式—教育券;审慎对待民办民工子弟学校。  相似文献   
While many opponents construe the growing presence of Muslim headscarves in Germany as evidence of creeping Islamicization, religious activism can also be interpreted as an attempt on the part of migrant offspring to forge positive ‘hyphenated identities’, rooted in urban culture, material consumption, and specific mosque communities. Islam has become ‘young, chic and cool’ among ethnic minorities, often denied citizenship and opportunity in their country of birth owing to jus sanguinis and/or other complex naturalization requirements. Religiosity, in turn, is slowly giving rise to new types of civic engagement, leading more ethnic youth to pursue German citizenship. Drawing on representative surveys, inter alia, this essay argues that while not problem free, an emerging Pop-Islam movement has provided Muslimas especially with an important platform for breaking with traditional gender roles, building social capital and acquiring the participatory skills necessary to bring ‘civil society’ into their own communities. It moreover infers that national policies banning headscarves in public service professions are increasingly at odds with European Union directives addressing gender equality and religious discrimination.  相似文献   

This paper explores the Ethiopian female migrant’s change, sustainability of gains, and problems of adjustment and reintegration upon return from the Middle East. Data was gathered from 87 returnees. The income they earn is contributed to their households. However, remittance management and saving strategies were ineffective to bring remarkable changes. Much of the remittance sent home was spent on basic needs. Savings at home and in the Middle East were insignificant. Employment and involvement in investments in the post-return period were limited, and most were leading lives either similar to before or lower level than prior to their departure. Using a methodological classification ‘success’ or ‘failure’, one-third of them achieved relative success. Efforts should be made to develop pre-migration awareness via media such as telecom alerting radios, televisions, and posters. Interventions in skills training and counseling should also be the norm.  相似文献   
This article aims at gendering our understanding of populist radical right ideology, policy and activism in Italy. It does so by focusing on migrant care labour, which provides a strategic site for addressing the relationship between anti-immigration politics and the gendered and racialised division of work. Three arrangements and understandings of elderly care are analysed, whereby care work should be performed ‘in the family and in the nation’, ‘in the family/outside the nation’ and ‘in the nation/outside the family’. Party documents and interviews with women activists are used to show how the activists’ views and experiences partly diverge from the Lega Nord rhetoric and policy on immigration, gender and care work. The article locates populist radical right politics in the context of the international division of reproductive labour in Italy and suggests the relevance of analysing gender relations in populist radical right parties in connection with national care regimes.  相似文献   
论农民工职业培训成本的分担   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农民工职业培训的准公共产品属性,决定了农民工个人、企业和政府应该成为职业培训成本的分担者。要解决农民工职业培训经费不足的困境,必须在坚持能力原则、收益原则和保障原则的基础上,建立个人、企业和政府共同负担的多元化农民工职业培训经费成本分担机制。  相似文献   
民工“自救型犯罪”是指当民工的生存、定展受到威胁或合法权益遭受侵害时,他们以犯罪的方式来维护自己的权益;维权成本过高、保障机制缺失、心理失范、法律知识匮乏等是民工“自救型犯罪”产生的原因。因此。需要健全立法和加强执法,将民工纳入科学的社会保险体系.关注民工心理健康,加强民工的法制教育;  相似文献   
魏丽华 《中国发展》2010,10(5):72-75
该文深入探析了"积分制入户"的特点及其带来的借鉴,并提出该模式对于加快推进新生代农民工更好地融入城镇发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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