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喻文德 《桂海论丛》2007,23(5):32-34
美德是一种崇高的道德品质.美德的崇高性表现为对人的情感欲望和生命的超越.从二元对立的思维方式来看,美德是一种本质主义的价值预设.因此,美德是一种精英道德和情境道德,不可能成为一种普遍的道德标准.道德建设应以底线道德为起点,以美德为归宿,坚持先进性和广泛性的统一.  相似文献   
高职院校是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,构建和谐德育体系是高职院校人才培养目标的本质要求。在构建过程中,要牢固树立和谐德育体系理念,坚定指导思想,认真分析高职院校德育工作现状,不断创新德育工作的机制和方式方法。  相似文献   
In human history there is no lack of malice, revenge, or savagery. The twentieth century has seen 33 million military deaths. Victimization deaths are estimated at six times that number, at 205 million people. The past decade has seen people enslaved, tortured, raped, and persecuted as members of political, racial, ethnic, or religious groups in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa. Yet we have not seen meaningful prosecution of crimes that have occurred on a massive scale. Former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights José Ayala Lasso has stated that a person stands a better chance of being tried and judged for killing one human being than for killing 100,000. This paper examines reconciliation in the aftermath of protracted, deadly, wide scale conflict characterized by impunity when crimes against individuals, groups, and humanity go unpunished. It describes the relevance of moral exclusion theory to conflicts in which dehumanization and violence are normalized, and it argues that impunity is an urgent matter for psychology and social justice research.  相似文献   
Most current theories of justice are focused on how social identity, instrumental concerns, or both shape how people decide whether something is fair or unfair. A neglected consideration is that people may also be concerned with justice because they strive to be authentic moral beings by acting on the basis of values closely tied to their personal identity. We posited that self-expressive moral positions or stands (moral mandates) are important determinants of how people reason about fairness. Supporting this notion, we found that (a) people see some trial outcomes in morally mandated terms, e.g., that the guilty must be convicted and punished, and the innocent must not; (b) convicting a defendant believed to be innocent or acquitting a defendant believed to be guilty were seen as unfair, regardless of whether the verdict was achieved by a fair or unfair investigation and trial (Study 1); and (c) a guilty defendant's death was seen as equally fair, and an innocent defendant's death was equally unfair, if it was achieved by a trial that led to the death penalty or by vigilantism (Study 2). Procedural propriety only mattered when defendant guilt was ambiguous.  相似文献   
"道德滑坡"的社会学分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
当前道德滑坡的一个主要原因是社会中的种种制度安排客观上使得遵从道德的行为成本过高,而违反道德的行为需要付出的代价太小.同时"蹂躏道德"现象值得警惕.要实现道德的重建,就必须发挥社会中多元的力量,从制度上减少遵从道德的行为的代价和成本,并注重自上而下的道德示范.  相似文献   
认真实践“以德治国”重要思想 ,积极实施“以德治警”方略 ,是公安机关贯彻“以德治国”思想之必然 ,是一项事关公安队伍建设全局的战略性工作。实施“以德治警” ,重点要抓好四个关键环节 :以德治吏 ;以德育警 ;以德修身 ;以德养廉。  相似文献   
为人民服务从政治宗旨发展为道德核心 ,其基本含义是“我为人人 ,人人为我”。这一新型道德实现了政治与道德、先进性与广泛性、现实与理想、义与利的高度统一。进行以为人民服务为核心的道德建设 ,必须与发展社会主义市场经济目标相一致 ,与多元化利益主体格局相适应 ,与党的方针政策相协调 ,正确处理诸多关系。  相似文献   
本文首先分析了市场经济道德基础的核心原则"己所不欲,勿施于人",然后提出了市场经济体制下劳动关系的道德基础是市场经济的道德基础在劳动关系中的体现,并具体分析了劳动关系主体双方应该具备的道德基础.  相似文献   
Many people believe that economists in general are more selfish than other people and that this greater selfishness is due to economics education. This paper offers empirical evidence against this widely held belief. Using a unique data set on giving behaviour in connection with two social funds at the University of Zurich, it is shown that economics education does not make people act more selfishly. Rather, this natural experiment suggests that the particular behaviour of economists can be explained by a selection effect.JEL Classification: A13, A20, H41  相似文献   
教育道德是从伦理学的角度用道德的本质来审视教育活动及其过程。从根本上说,教育共同体是一个伦理实体,教育善恶是教育道德的具体体现,教育是道义的事业、是求真的活动、是公平的“砝码”。教育从善的最终实现,要依靠“教育中人”的德性修养和制度德性来保证。“伦理实体”的论断给教育道德一个重要的理论支撑,是关于教育道德的一种新的阐释。  相似文献   
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