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In an effort to take positive steps toward coping with problems for families and children created by high levels of separation and divorce, ever increasing civil caseloads and the exposure of children to interparental conflict, court‐affiliated educational programs have emerged in the United States for parents separating from their spouse or partner or going through a divorce. This article will provide an overview of the creation of such programs and their development, which includes a discussion regarding the numerous states currently mandating parents to attend. It will summarize some of the research which has been conducted as to the efficacy of the programs and will provide the results of our nationwide research for each state's parent education status. There is a discussion of domestic violence issues and sensitivities in the context of parent education programs and possible future directions for mandatory parent education.  相似文献   
王昭振 《法律科学》2008,26(5):57-67
我国刑法“立法定性、定量”的.立法特点对于我国刑法中“主客观相统一原则”的“相统一”基准以及犯罪故意概念内在结构的理解都有其实质性影响,从行为无价值与结果无价值机能二元论的视角重新审视“客观超过要素”理论就会发现“客观超过要素”概念的存在有其充实的理论基础与合理性。  相似文献   
彰显主体性的价值多元时代呼唤青少年德育的新路向。规范性与主体性相统一的德育路向,既与道德的本质相谋合,又与我国当前价值多元的德育环境相契合,具有理论和实践上的合宜性。在此路向上所做的德育方法的探索必然能够开拓我国当前德育的新局面。  相似文献   
Non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) play an increasingly important role in public service provision and policy making in sub‐Saharan Africa, stimulating demand for new forms of regulatory oversight. In response, a number of initiatives in NGO self‐regulation have emerged. Using cross‐national data on 20 African countries, the article shows that self‐regulation in Africa falls into three types: national‐level guilds, NGO‐led clubs and voluntary codes of conduct. Each displays significant weaknesses from a regulatory policy perspective. National guilds have a broad scope, but require high administrative oversight capacity on the part of NGOs. Voluntary clubs have stronger standards but typically have much weaker coverage. Voluntary codes are the most common form of self‐regulation, but have the weakest regulatory strength. This article argues that the weakness of current attempts to improve the accountability and regulatory environment of NGOs stems in part from a mismatch between the goals of regulation and the institutional incentives embedded in the structure of most self‐regulatory regimes. The article uses the logic of collective action to illustrate the nature of this mismatch and the tradeoffs between the potential breadth and strength of various forms of NGO self‐regulation using three detailed case studies. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
司法审查的理念和制度要素发轫于立法机关制定的法律要服从更高的法律以及权力要受到法律制约的历史性观念。这种制约观念经过漫长的历史演化成为一种意识形态并获得了法治理念的形式,其后与一定的社会政治条件相互作用,并通过制度要素的整合构成人类法治文明的制度基石。司法审查的制度化要素主要有:理性的司法主体是司法审查制度的主体要素;审查程序的司法化是司法审查的程序制度要素;各种形式的高级法是司法审查及其权能的依据;通过司法解释审查行政行为和立法行为的合宪性,是司法审查的内容要素;司法审查的国际化和全球化导致它的价值理念和制度安排突破民族国家的界限,成为人类法治文明生长的共同趋势和必然选择。我国建构司法审查制度要结合司法审查的司法性和政治性特质,形成宪法法院和普通法院相结合的审查制度框架。  相似文献   
刑事审判超审限问题一直是司法顽疾之一。最高人民法院清理超审限、超期羁押的活动未能触及超审限产生的基础,难以从根本上杜绝超审限。刑事审判超审限的根本原因在于审限制度设计的基础情况已发生了重大的改变,导致现有的审限制度不可能适应刑事审判实践的需要。应尽快根据审限制度设计基础的变化情况,在全面调研的基础上调整和完善现有的审限制度。  相似文献   
泰国刑法典关于刑事责任的规定,内容涉及故意、过失、错误、责任能力、正当化事由、可以减轻处罚的具体情况等方面,理论基础深厚,归责要素丰富,体系较完整,为正确适用刑罚提供了立法保障,并具有较强的先进性和科学性。借鉴泰国刑法典的立法经验,我国应加紧建立或完善刑事责任的刑法理论,以丰富刑事责任的归责要素;在刑法典中设专章规定刑事责任,以突出刑事责任的独立地位;科学构建我国刑事责任具体的归责要素内容和归责体系。  相似文献   
民商事案件的涉外性直接关涉到案件在诉讼程序中的“法律待遇”,目前对该问题的判断主要存在着“法律关系构成要件涉外说”和“联系说”两大标准,前者的优点在于具体易操作,后者的长处在于全面而无遗漏。我国的立法和司法实践对于民商事案件涉外性的判断存在着一定的问题,在未来的模式选择上宜仍以法律关系构成要件涉外说为基础,辅以必要的兜底条款以赋予法官一定的自由裁量权。  相似文献   
Current state law creates the risk that, if sex education is not provided to a child in public school, no similar instruction will be given to the child. Legislatively enacted opt‐out provisions give parents broad control over their child's education by granting them the option to have their child excused from any sex education requirements within a public school's curriculum. Through public school sex education, professionals provide youth information aimed at protecting them from the dangers of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). A stricter statutory opt‐out provision should be enacted by state legislatures that only allows parents to excuse their child from sex education after a parent attends a 90‐minute STD prevention course and receives the instructional material used in the school's sex education curriculum. Parents should be provided up‐to‐date information and a structural framework designed by the school to encourage them to discuss with their child the many sexual issues addressed within a school's sex education curriculum.  相似文献   
This article examines the Counter‐Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 and how this new piece of legislation undermines fundamental human rights, including those protected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). It considers in particular how the new act criminalises behaviour with a wide sweep, to include behaviour that is not in itself criminal, but might be indicative of future criminal intent. As a result, the act restricts the right to freedom of speech and to liberty in a manner that is neither necessary nor proportionate.  相似文献   
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