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汪跃平 《政法学刊》2007,24(2):75-79
先要澄清物权主体与所有权主体的概念范畴,依据我国立法,物权主体与所有权主体在外延上不是一致的,法人在我国可以成为他物权主体,但不能成为所有权主体。这种状况造成逻辑上的混乱。另外要澄清私人与自然人的概念,私人这个词不是严格的法律概念,因为它的内涵虽然意为“私”,但是“私”与“公”的比较从来是相对的,有一定参照前提的,法人中的成员相对于法人是“私”,法人是“公”;而法人相对与国家是“私”,所以用私人所有权取代自然人所有权不科学。应该根据民法的民事主体制度,打破原来的所有权“三分法”,建立新“三分法”。  相似文献   
汶川地震发生后,在灾区恢复重建活动中遇到的一个很重要问题就是因为法律关系变更导致了大量的法律纠纷和社会矛盾,因此,如何在制度上建立一套规范有序的程序来解决地震灾害所破坏的各种财产关系、人际关系成为法学界和灾区所关注的重要问题。震后恢复重建活动要高度关注权力与权力关系变更、权力与权利关系变更以及权利与权利关系变更三类法律关系变更问题。由于我国目前法律法规关于法律关系变更制度的规定不系统、不规范,致使最高人民法院只有通过司法解释的方式才能解决本来应当由立法机关加以解决的震后灾区各种法律关系变更所引发的法律问题。因此,要通过制定《紧急状态法》、《灾害对策基本法》和《灾害保险法》等等法律法规的立法途径,来进一步规范和完善法律关系变更制度,为震后恢复重建工作提供更加充分和有力的法律保障。  相似文献   
美国“应急管理”对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管中国与美国的国情不同,但近年来都多次遭到自然灾害等公共突发事件的袭击而造成重大生命财产损失。美国是发达的资本主义国家,有雄厚的经济实力和先进的科学技术装备,建立了较完善的应急管理机制和社会保障机制,在应对公共突发事件领域获得了不少成功的案例,很是值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   
李先波 《法学研究》2010,(1):182-196
自然人流动作为跨国服务提供方式之一,在全球服务贸易中发挥着日益重要的作用。晚近的立法和实践表明:自然人流动的规制总体上呈现多边谈判进程缓慢、区域和双边协定安排灵活多样、国内立法规制复杂细致等特征。自然人流动是我国服务贸易领域对外开放的重点,我国应加强国际合作,在未来的多边谈判中争取主动,尽快完善相关立法和配套制度。  相似文献   
Seismologists have reported that a majority of recent earthquakes in Oklahoma have been triggered by the activities of oil and gas companies. Despite this fact, there is evidence of strong opposition toward earthquake mitigation policy. In this article, we argue that how individuals define issues affect their policy choice. Furthermore, we incorporate the concept of venue shopping from the literature on macro theories of the policy process to investigate the effect of problem definition in shaping individual venue preference for policy choice. Using unique survey data, we find that problem definition, particularly issue causality and issue image, is strongly related to individual support for earthquake mitigation policy. However, a more nuanced relationship between individual problem definition and venue preference is observed. Our findings contribute to scholarly endeavors to understand the politics of problem definition at an individual level, which may be the precursor of understanding policy choices at the institutional level.  相似文献   
Matching dental antemortem (AM) and postmortem (PM) data for human identification is especially challenging when the workforce is limited. Dental hygienists have served mass fatality incidents (MFIs) due to dental-related expertise. However, forensics within dental hygiene education and research on transferable skills is limited. This qualitative balance design study assessed senior dental hygiene students' match accuracy of simulated cases varying in dental identifiers based on AM full mouth series (FMS) radiographs and oral photographs to PM WinID3® odontograms to demonstrate possible disaster victim identification (DVI) transferable skills gained during formal education. A convenience sample of senior dental hygiene students (n = 31) was presented information on WinID3® interpretation, then presented with 5 mismatched cases and asked to visually interpret each to make 10 total matches; five based on AM FMS with simulated PM WinID3® odontograms and five based on AM photographs with PM WinID3® odontograms. Match accuracy scores ranged from 41.9% to 58.1% for cases with 1–10 identifiers, and 77.4% to 93.5% for cases with 11–40 identifiers. Accuracy when matching AM radiographs to PM odontograms versus AM photographs to PM odontograms was compared and revealed no statistical differences in match accuracy depending on image type (p = 0.388 to 1.000). Results of this pilot study suggests transferable match accuracy skills resulted from the participants' dental hygiene formal education. These baseline skills with additional specialized training support the rationale for dental hygienists serving on DVI teams. More research is needed in education and practice when preparing dental hygienists for forensic-based service.  相似文献   
印尼的国营经济比重在东南亚国家中是最高的,这对于其维护经济独立、推动工业化起了重要作用。但印尼的国有企业经营效率低、服务质量差、长期亏损,这不仅加重了政府的财政负担,也不利于行业发展和参与国际竞争。为此,政府不得不对国有企业进行改革与调整。印尼国企改革整顿已取得一定成效,但仍存在许多问题。印尼国企改革最终效果如何值得重视和研究。  相似文献   
This article investigates off-farm work decisions by smallholder farm households. Using data on 1,101 households from Burkina Faso, it demonstrates that in addition to the usual household socio-demographic characteristics, remittances, access to information and beneficiary of specific training affect off-farm work decisions, as well as rainfall factors and idiosyncratic health shocks. Community characteristics such as accessibility and number of inhabitants are also key factors. While suggesting that off-farm work is less likely to be undertaken for accumulation purposes, these results have important policy implications. In particular, policy measures should consider each segment as a separate entity.  相似文献   
New technology has expanded the opportunities for energy companies within the United States, often bringing them into populated communities and requiring them to negotiate deals with landowners. This case study focuses on how one group of landowners in northeastern Pennsylvania creatively reimagined the process of negotiating in a natural gas deal. They used collective bargaining for leverage, and the Internet and social media to level the informational playing field. These techniques allowed them to develop trust within the group and ultimately with one company, as they sought to protect their environment and enhance their financial gain.  相似文献   
目前学界对我国小学生灾难教育缺乏专项研究。基于全国性问卷调研数据,利用orderedprobit回归模型对我国小学生社会灾难技能影响因素进行微观实证分析,分析了个人、家庭、学校、社会四个层面中的11种因素的影响作用。研究发现,学校教育、家庭教育、社区教育、媒体教育、自我教育五种因素对我国小学生社会灾难技能的掌握呈显著正向影响;小学生社会灾难技能存在性别和城乡差异。我国应构建政府主导下的学校、家庭、社区、媒体、自我五种教育协同作用的小学生灾难教育体系;依据小学生的性别及城乡差异,开展针对性教育。  相似文献   
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