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新生代务工人员最基本特征是"追求个人发展"。而"追求个人发展"与现行"限制个人发展"的体制发生剧烈冲突。"限制个人发展"体制的转型是必然的。  相似文献   
新营养学是研究食品体系,食品、饮品和它们的营养成分及其他成分,它们在生物体内以及其他所有相关生物体、社会和环境系统之间的相互作用的一门学科。传统的营养学教学使学生所学内容主要局限在书本上传统的营养学知识,并没有真正掌握营养学的实践方法与应用技术,培养出的学生不能有效地解决许多人类在新世纪所面临的与营养健康有关的严峻问题。为此,我们进行了营养学教学改革,将新营养学理论渗透到传统的营养学教学中,包括一系列的教学和考核方法改革,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   
It is now commonplace within the discipline of art history and visual culture to speak to theories of vision and visuality. Recent questions concerning the subject of vision, sexed positionalities and discourses of viewing are indebted to theories of visuality, which now occupy a privileged place within the study of visual culture. Theories of visuality have revealed both the terms of cultural visibilities and significantly the how of what we see. And yet despite this engagement of the opacity and duplicity of the visual, recent work into visuality has been plagued by a re‐occurring myopia regarding the corporeal This oversight within the visibilites of visual discourse is the unchallenged idea of a ‘human vision’ within the social constructivist project. In this article I assess how this universal operates as the matter for theories of visuality and of the ramifications of this for the project of the critique of vision.  相似文献   
印章文化在我国源远流长,其中公章自古至今为实用而治,私章则经历了一个从实用到艺术的转变过程。我国古代书面契约的取信方式历经变化,但私章讫未成为公认的取信手段。西方国家在法律史上曾有盖印取信的制度,但当今通行的法定取信手段则是签名。我国现行法上的书面契约取信方式兼采签名和盖章。私章自身的内在局限及签名取信的多维优势,决定了签名取代私章的必然。自然人主体书面契约的取信方式统一于签名,是法律体系内部相协调的需要,并可以获得法律解释理论上的有力支撑。  相似文献   
罗智勇  冯黔刚 《证据科学》2012,20(2):155-164
刑事审判中,实物证据以其特有的客观性、稳定性和不可替代性特征而对于案件事实的认定发挥着令人更为信服的证实作用,从而显示出实物证据的证明优势。但实物证据在刑事诉讼证明中,也存在其一定的局限性。对于实物证据的审查,应主要从其客观真实性、证据来源、保管和鉴定过程、与案件事实的关联性、是否全面等方面进行。对于非法实物证据实行有别于言词证据的裁量排除原则,即只有在相关部门不能补正或者作出合理解释的情况下,才对其予以排除。  相似文献   
杨光 《政法学刊》2013,(2):112-117
网络证据是在网络条件下存在的用于证明案件事实的材料,它具有流动性强、存在范围广、信息量大、形式多样、超文本等特点。与传统的证据相比,它又具有数字性、准确性、依赖性、稳定性、多媒体性、传输快捷性、可分离性等特征。相对于电子证据,网络证据在生成的主体与场所上,在传输的环境、速度和范围上,在收集的主体、场所及方式上,在证据的保全和审查判断上等方面都表现出自身的特性。  相似文献   
作为对外部挑战与内部情势的司法回应,晚清修律和司法改革运动首先意味着司法理念与司法原则的历史性转变,进而标志着一种区别于传统司法文明价值系统的近代型司法文明价值系统的应运而生,展示了从传统走向现代的司法文明进步成长的历史图景。这场司法变革运动的启动性举措,乃是删除最重之法,推行恤刑庶狱,彰显了司法人道主义的价值取向,从而为编订《大清现行刑律》和《大清新刑律》奠定了重要基础,在近代中国法律与司法发展进程中产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
抢抓新基建机遇,把握国家支持政策,充分认识城际高速铁路对都市圈、城市群发展的重要推动作用,正视陕西目前城际高速铁路发展的短板和问题,加强项目规划引领,加大政策支撑力度,强化建设资金保障,完善循环发展机制,做强做大做优产业平台,构建上下游产业体系,为区域经济社会发展蓄势聚能。  相似文献   
The forensic science community raised the need for improved evidence recognition, collection, and visualization analytical instrumentation for field and laboratory use. While the 3D optical techniques for imaging static objects have been extensively studied, there is still a major gap between current knowledge and collecting high‐quality footwear and tire impression evidence. Among optical means for 3D imaging, digital fringe projection (DFP) techniques reconstruct 3D shape from phase information, achieving camera‐pixel spatial resolution. This paper presents a high‐resolution 3D imaging technology using DFP techniques dedicated to footwear and tire impression capture. We developed fully automated software algorithms and a graphical user interface (GUI) that allow anyone without training to operate for high‐quality 3D data capture. We performed accuracy evaluations and comparisons comparing with the commercial high‐end 3D scanner and carried out qualitative tests for various impressions comparing with the current practices. Overall, our technology achieves similar levels of accuracy and resolution with a high‐end commercially available 3D scanner, while having the merits of being (1) more affordable; (2) much easier to operate; and (3) more robust. Compared with the current practice of casting, our technology demonstrates its superiority because it (1) is non‐destructive; (2) collects more evidence detail than casts, especially when an impression is fragile; (3) requires less time and money to collect each piece of evidence; and (4) results in a digital file that can easily be shared with other examiners.  相似文献   

As the largest source of carbon-free energy in the United States, nuclear energy must play a vital role in reducing emissions. This article suggests the Green New Deal, an ambitious federal proposal to address climate change, should aim to preserve the existing nuclear fleet by authorizing states to establish zero emission credit (“ZEC”) programs. The ZEC programs will provide credits, in the form of revenue, for the carbon-free attribute of nuclear energy. This article posits the ZEC programs should be based on a model ZEC program developed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and explicitly authorized by amendment of the Federal Power Act to avoid issues of preemption.  相似文献   
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