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吴献萍 《河北法学》2012,(1):171-172,173,174,175,176
环境污染犯罪是当今世界各国普遍关注的一种环境犯罪类型,德国在这方面的立法较为先进。通过比较中德环境污染犯罪的立法,可以为我国的立法完善带来启示。为了有效预防、惩治环境污染犯罪,我国有必要借鉴德国立法经验,在环境污染犯罪法律规定模式、保护法益、主客观成罪条件、证明方法及处罚等方面进行改革和完善。  相似文献   
生态环境问题的成因包括对经济规律、自然规律、生态规律认识不够、把握失当,对资源过度开发、粗放利用、奢侈消费。生态环境保护建设的目标包括形成绿色发展方式和生活方式,促进人和社会持续发展,实现中华民族永续发展。基于全过程、全地域、全方位生态环境保护建设的视角,分别从宏观、中观和微观三大层面对习近平生态环境保护建设系统思维观的内涵进行解析。推进全过程、全地域、全方位生态环境保护建设要从党的领导、思想观念、制度建设、科学规划、科技创新、保护修复、节约集约、移民搬迁进行探索。习近平生态环境保护建设系统思维观是一个完整的思想理论。  相似文献   
本文就美国的性骚扰法律做了一个概述。本文将性骚扰问题界定为权力问题,涉及一人对另一人不公正地行使权力。文章在回顾美国联邦最高法院如何首次承认性骚扰问题为非法的性别歧视的基础上,分析了美国最高法院就性骚扰问题的一些判决。本文中还讨论了联邦反性骚扰法律中的关键法律问题,介绍了州性骚扰法律的发展,强调了性骚扰法律对美国女性的影响,并就中国最近颁布的性骚扰法律的法规制定提出了一些参考建议。  相似文献   
北方农牧交错带可持续发展战略与对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
北方农牧交错带地处农田生态系统和草地生态系统的过渡带,其生态系统结构、过程和功能对外界扰动敏感性强、反应迅速、变化幅度大。该文在系统分析了北方农牧交错带的概念、分布、变迁、主要问题与原因的基础上,提出了建设生态补偿机制、调整产业结构、统筹生态环境建设与经济建设,加快生态修复等区域可持续发展方面的战略措施。  相似文献   
This article assesses the regulatory response to fracking by Saskatchewan, Canada's second largest oil‐producing province. Public officials and industry representatives claim fracking regulations are “comprehensive” and “robust”; however, there has been no comparative assessment of this claim. To address this gap, we outline the dominant regulatory pathways of U.S. states and Canadian provinces, ranging from applying existing regulations with minimal revisions, to enacting broader revisions or bans. We account for this variation using a framework from Davis ( 2012 ) emphasizing governments’ dependence on the oil sector, the level of support for fracking among elected officials and policy makers, and the influence of key “constituencies.” The article then traces the growth and impact of fracking in Saskatchewan and analyzes new trends in the province's regulation of fracking. Given the province's application of existing regulations with minimal revisions and active weakening of enforcement, we identify Saskatchewan as taking Rabe and Borick's ( 2013 ) “conventional” regulatory approach, typical of Davis's “energy dominant” states.  相似文献   
抗战时期,桂林出现大量文化团体,这与桂林独特的地理环境、社会环境、政策环境等密切相关。国民党当局对桂林文化界有扶持、鼓励的一面,也有限制、打击的一面,为文化界开展活动制造了障碍。桂系当局对“文化城”的社团大体上持鼓励、支持态度,但在有些情况下也会加以限制、打击。中国共产党为桂林“文化城”的社团提供了良好的活动空间和坚强可靠的领导。中国共产党对桂林抗战文化运动的领导,主要表现在政治思想引导、方针政策贯彻和组织机构建立等方面。另外,桂林文化团体的物质条件极为匮乏,安全环境十分恶劣。  相似文献   
按照中央和自治区的部署要求,桂林积极贯彻落实广西“东融”战略,以融入粤港澳大湾区推动更高水平的对外开放。营商环境是软实力,与广西“东融”战略落实关系密切。要在新一轮改革开放中奋起直追、争取主动、赢得优势,必须深刻认识优化营商环境对桂林发展的重要性和紧迫性,切实把思想和行动统一到中央和自治区党委的决策部署上来。  相似文献   
Following Bosco and Verney’s analyses of ‘electoral’ and ‘government epidemics’, the 2018 Turkish Cypriot legislative election is examined in the context of the impact of the economic crisis on elections and government formation in southern Europe. Despite its obvious idiosyncrasies as a self-declared state with 335,000 inhabitants, in the last decade of economic crisis and austerity policies, the Turkish Cypriot case has followed a largely similar pattern to other southern European countries: declining turnout; emergence of start-up parties; three consecutive early elections; a more fragmented parliament; sidelining of the biggest party in government formation; the first ever grand coalition; and, finally, an unprecedented four-party coalition bringing together parties from left, right, and centre.  相似文献   

In considering the theme “Exploring Legal Discourse: A Sociosemiotic (Re)Construction,” this paper examines the symbolic relationship between law and chaos in the changing landscape of Kīlauea Volcano on Hawai’i Island. The socio-legal dimensions of this relationship provide insight into law’s project of governance in the dynamic natural environment. Most recently, in the summer of 2018, lava spouted and then flowed from Kīlauea in over twenty-four fissures which opened up within two heavily populated residential subdivisions. Law's response to the ensuing chaos provides keen insight into the epistemological positionality of law toward nature. In an attempt to tame this enlivened lavascape of persons and lava, law asserts authority over the spectacle in the areas of sightseeing, access, and mapping. In other words, the legal spectacle of lava eruption is an attempt to jurisdictionally frame the legal imagination of human risk in this dynamic landscape through legal semiotics, legal materiality, and legal topology. However, as this paper will explore, the source of chaos is actually law itself. Attempts to manage chaos are actually attempts to manage human nature as visitation to the erupting volcanic environment is ultimately beyond law's complete control. In a larger sense, this study of Kīlauea's lavascape as a constructed legal spectacle illustrates the phenomenological framing of law's incomplete jurisdiction over kinetic environments.  相似文献   
世界创新发展形势,社会发展全局,推动创新发展愈加成为国家和民族未来发展的重要战略。化工学科是以基本专业知识为基础进行实验研究的创造性学科,注重发展学生的发散性思维、实验能力、创新能力,培养适应时代需要的创新性、实用性人才。课题通过研究创新能力的概念、剖析化工学科学生创新能力培养现状及原因、探讨具体解决措施及方案、总结创新能力培养经验,对指导当代大学生创新思维、创新能力的培养具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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