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我国早在 1979年刑法第 14 7条中就规定了侵犯少数民族风俗习惯罪。 1997年又对本罪主体进行了适当调整 ,将其进一步缩小为国家机关工作人员。但发生在不同文化间的冲突更多地要依赖于各种文化间本身的调和来解决 ,而并非是依靠外在强力的压制 ,从而单纯地变为谁服从谁的问题。因此作为国家调控社会最后采用的手段———刑法而言 ,适用范围是十分狭小的 ,相关研究也未有太大的突破。笔者拟从本罪客体、主体、客观方面三个构成要件出发作一分析。  相似文献   
随着社会主义市场经济体制的完善,工会组织的地位和作用越来越重要,特别是在加强社会建设的背景下,从战略背景分析入手,进而确定工会组织的战略目标,分解战略任务,并形成相应保障措施,是实现工会组织长远发展的战略思路。  相似文献   
彭先兵 《桂海论丛》2009,25(2):22-25
政治体制改革滞后的重要原因之一在于未像经济体制改革那样确立一个明确的目标模式.我国30年的改革以解放思想为先导,其间的大突破也有着相应思想观念的变革为先导,特别是经济体制改革目标模式的确立,就是"南方谈话"引发思想解放运动出现又一轮高潮的直接成果.深化政治体制改革,明确政治体制改革的目标模式,需要掀起新一轮解放思想的高潮,需要坚持统筹兼顾的方法.  相似文献   
Asa pioneer, Wang Xionggong stands out among modern Chinese aesthetics schools, due to his adherence to science-dominated aesthetics, in contrast with Liang Qichao, Cai Yuanpei and Wang Guowei who are devoted to humanistic aesthetics, and Zhu Guangqian and Zong Baihua who combine humanism and science. Regrettably, researches into Wang’s aesthetic theory are far from deep. Wang advocates thataesthetics is an art-research science, and beauty is strictly defined as senses and feelings. So his aesthetics is a scientific research of aesthetic perception. By analyzing his attachment to objective materials such as masculinity, inclusiveness, expanse, multitude, mobility, orderliness and connectedness, he is proven to belong to the school of blending and balancing the objective and the subjective, accepting the ‘external objects’ as prerequisite for aesthetic materials, and insisting on the subjective processing and its results, equating art to beautyfinally. Wang’s aesthetics is confined to empiricism despite his mentioning of aesthetic perception ascending to rational realm. Thus, he is characterized by highlighting logic and science while neglecting the metaphysics within spiritual science.  相似文献   
1958年1月15日德国联邦宪法法院对吕特案做出的判决,曾经引起德国社会极大的关注。长期以来,该判决确立的一系列重要原则,包括宪法的适用效力可对私法产生间接的辐射效应、客观价值秩序可作为基本权利与私法益发生冲突时的衡量标准、表达自由在基本权利中居于基础性地位等等,已经成为法学界和司法实践部门的共识。50年后的今天,德国法学家对这一判决的历史价值仍表现出持续关注,并做出更为系统的评价。吕特案判决的贡献在于建立了一个普遍适用于战后西方国家的用于解决基本权利冲突的范式。  相似文献   
大陆法系的客观证明责任制度是在职权主义诉讼中产生的一种裁判依据;大陆法系的抽象的主观证明责任与英美法系的说服责任有一定的对应性,一旦其与证明标准结合起来,客观的证明责任就失去了用武之地;大陆法系的具体的主观证明责任和英美法系的提供证据责任具有部分的对应性。两大法系证明责任的合理分配都必须综合考虑多方面的因素。  相似文献   
刑法中的客观归责理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客观归责理论是目前德国刑法学界研究的时尚理论.根据该理论,如果行为制造了危及行为客体而为法所不容许的风险,并且这个风险实现了构成要件的结果,那么这种由人的行为所导致的结果是可归责的.客观归责理论是一个正处于发展之中的理论,其所开创的新的诠释方法对犯罪理论具有积极意义,但其本身也存在着一些难以克服的问题.研究这一理论,对我国刑法理论的研究具有重要的启示意义.  相似文献   
列宁在同马赫主义斗争的过程中,褒贬鲜明地批判了相对主义,集中地阐述了真理的客观性、绝对性和确定性。但是列宁没有简单地否定相对主义,而是在对其进行科学分析的基础上,既揭示了相对主义同唯心主义的必然联系,又客观地分析了相对主义同辩证法的不可分割的关系,并阐明了相对主义在认识中的地位和作用,充分体现了唯物而辩证的思维方式。  相似文献   
中国社会保障制度是一种城乡二元结构的现实,基于如此现实,对社会保障的制度路径选择形成了两种不同的分析理路,即建立在经验现实基础之上的否定说与建立在抽象理念基础之上的肯定说。以二者的任何一个作为中国社会保障制度的构建原则都存在片面性。中国社会保障制度构建的关键在于义务主体的界定,目前我国社会保障义务主体在法律、政策层面上存在着法律定性不清、义务内涵不明确、农村义务主体缺失等弊端,以此分析为基础,提出构建社会保障城乡一体化的立法原则。  相似文献   
Following Le Pen's relative successin the French presidential vote and the BritishNational Party's historic return in our own2002 local elections, the article considers theprospects for the production of morecommunicative race relations in contemporaryBritain. To this end we reassess the media'streatment of the Stephen Lawrence case andexplore the political logic of the Macphersonreport, the policy document which followed theapparent miscarriage of justice that allowedLawrence's alleged killers to walk free. Interms of our analysis of the media we areconcerned to show how the real of Britain'sordinary racism was hidden behind an ideologyof multiculturalism that scapegoated singularindividuals to cover for the structuralinequalities of wider society. The article aimsto show how the media upheld the notion ofobjective justice that institutional law wasapparently unable to secure.But while the media supported the ideology ofthe law, its exposure of the failings ofinstitutional law also led to calls for legalreform to guarantee the realisation ofinstitutional justice. Although we accept thatthe attempt to achieve legal totality isimpossible, our argument is that the critiqueof legal objectivity, which takes in subjectiverights claims, may present the possibility forthe realisation of a novel, inclusive, model ofrace relations. That is to say that althoughthe media supports the ideology of the law, thefact that this support requires a critique ofpractical law forces the law to modernisearound the idealistic demands of its ownideological structure. Akin toDouzinas,1 who has argued for theendless expansion of rights as post-modernutopianism, we believe that this process ofmodernisation, which is arranged to maintainthe status quo through minimal reform, is thecondition of possibility of a more inclusivesystem of race relations.  相似文献   
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