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犯罪现象存在论在整体上理解,大体上可以从明确具体的论域、学科建设的大背景、犯罪原因概念狭义界定三个方面进行,标签化的存在犯罪学有着建构的问题意识以及独到的学术创见;学术批判刚刚开启,显示出较大的分歧来,但是具有一定的理论推进助力;更多的期待是围绕以下问题展开:整体上理解与批判问题、中西犯罪学知识体系比较问题、如何实质性推进问题。总之,在认识上,犯罪现象存在论更需从一种方法论的视角思考。  相似文献   
通过对哲学观从拟科学到拟价值嬗变的观察,马克思、海德格尔对形而上学的颠覆的双重理论视域及二者关系体现为:海德格尔分析传统形而上学的同时,又营建了有限性的形而上学,而马克思在对传统形而上学颠覆的同时,也消除了海德格尔的形而上学。马克思与海德格尔有关本体论思想价值取向的巨大反差,在于生存论方法性旨趣与形而上学性的本质主义的基础存在论。  相似文献   
This essay compares the ideas of Cornelius Castoriadis and Terrence W. Deacon. Castoriadis’s anti-Naturalistic ontology, with its conception of radical ontological creation and fundamental indeterminacy, along with his analysis of the category of the “for-itself”, comprising all subjective beings from the living organism to the social-historical, is compared to Deacon’s exploration of the emergence of life and mind, which sees the emergence of teleological beings as resulting from the creation of form-generating constraints that involve new types of dynamic process. Significant parallels and convergences between Castoriadis and Deacon are uncovered and explored.  相似文献   
摘要:文章从本体论、道德论和认识论三个维度对冯友兰的大全概念做了解读。从本体论的角度说,冯友兰的大全概念与他的新理学的哲学体系之间存在着逻辑的冲突,但由于这个概念的引入,使新理学具备了儒家“一个世界”的世界观特点;从道德论的角度说,大全概念使得新理学的儒家道德哲学的展开获得了本体论的依据;从认识论的角度说,大全不是知识的对象,最终促使冯友兰的哲学方法由理性的逻辑向传统的功夫论转变。  相似文献   
本文择选了庄子和尼采等中西具有代表性的诗化哲学家,阐述其作为"自由人"的存在方式.所谓"自由人"是以"无化"为根基,从怀疑一切、批判一切的自由精神走向理解一切、肯定一切和面对一切的自由境界的演绎进程,我们把这一进程理解为自由的行动.而其中的清醒、孤独、梦幻和沉醉作为"自由人"的基本存在方式,实际上构成了无化本体论.  相似文献   
One of the main purposes of feminist jurisprudence is to create or find better ways of being and living for women through the analysis, critique, and use of law. Rich work has emerged, and continues to emerge, from feminist theorists exploring conceptions of the self, personhood, identity and subjectivity that could be used to form a basic unit in law and politics. In this article, it is argued that a strong sense of human subjectivity needs to be retained to enable the human potentiality of women and men to flourish. This can be done in a way which is not essentialist, yet does not dissolve the subject out of existence, issues pertinent to feminist jurisprudence in recent years.  相似文献   
Theodor Herzl's thought was a product of an austrian political and humanist culture. His political values were formed within a multinational, cameralist tradition that at its best bred a tolerance for differing persons and cultures but isolated the private individual from a responsible role in his or her own governance. The problem of governmental power in relation to the members of its society became for Herzl a conundrum whose solution was a redistribution of that power downward. Herzl's depiction of the future Jewish state in his 1896 The Jewish State and in his 1902 novel Old-New Land offers the vision of a privatized society in which each citizen may eventually become a cooperative owner. An examination of Herzl's vision reveals a thread of Austrian humanistic concepts and values that have characterized social-economic thought in Austria since the Enlightenment.  相似文献   
政务信息资源整合与共享在未来若干年内将成为电子政务的战略重点和建设热点.分析了天津市电子政务信息资源建设取得的成就与存在的不足;鉴于知识管理对提升电子政务信息资源价值的重要作用,基于知识管理思想对几个国家和地区的电子政务实践进行了分析;提出知识管理系统的设计原则在电子政务系统中的应用框架,构建了基于知识管理思想的电子政务信息资源共享模式;提出了天津市电子政务信息资源建设的对策,以期提高天津市电子政务整体应用水平和公众服务能力.  相似文献   
What is reality, the truth, good, justice, man, etc., is something we have learned from texts for a historically long period of time. Together with writing and linear alphabet, a new ability which could be called conceptual thinking has become part of our life. Therefore, deciphering texts means nothing else than revealing images denoted by these texts. Traditionally, learning meant to be able to read in the book of the world, i.e., to learn to code the world in texts using linear writing first and then to learn to decipher texts applied to reality. Media theorist Vil6m Flusser states in his key texts that technical images become a dominant cognitive metaphor of the contemporary society. New social culture is being formed in connection with their creation, distribution, transfer, and consumption. Such new social structure needs new criteria of analysis and requires a new interpretive beginning. Flusser does not wonder how a medium is possible, but he deals with the consequences of the effect of one type of media abstraction, namely technical images. The following paper briefly analyses the dominant cognitive metaphor of Flusser's theory --the concept technical image.  相似文献   
宪法政治哲学以宪法与其他社会现象之间的关系为研究对象。一个完整、科学的宪法政治哲学理论,必须在逻辑上回答"宪法的起点是什么",在本体论上回答"宪法究竟是什么",在认识论上回答"宪法表现为哪些形态",在方法论回答"如何认识宪法"。只有宪法政治哲学与宪法解释学相得益彰,才能搭建完整、科学的宪法学理论体系。  相似文献   
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