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人体器官移植违法行为呈高发态势,某些人体器官移植违法行为具有严重社会危害性,符合犯罪本质属性,应当将其犯罪化认定。目前,我国刑事立法及司法对此类行为的规制和惩罚尚呈空白状态,刑法有必要对这些新型犯罪进行规制,并将其分别置于刑法分则第四章“侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利”和第六章“妨害社会管理秩序罪”之中。  相似文献   
构建社会主义和谐社会是我们党顺应我国社会的深刻变化作出的重大战略举措,也是对公安信访工作面临新形势、新任务而提出的新要求、新挑战。其二者的相互关系,既有本质上的一致性,相辅相成,又有其各自不同的差异性,互为作用。同时,构建和谐社会对公安机关的信访工作在思想上、目标上、思路上,也提出了更新更高的要求。  相似文献   
在我国刑事审判的对抗制改革中,对我国的司法机关包括审判机关和检察机关的认识、定位和塑造,是一个十分现实、重要的理论和实践问题。在对抗制改革中,审判机关和检察机关处于齐步改、同步变的过程中;改变最大的将是法院和法官,由职权制下的积极主动的审判者角色,转变为消极、中立的仲裁人身份;法院和法官的消极和中立不能或主要不能由法院和法官单方面自觉实现,而是在各方的互动下,客观上趋于消极,走向中立;检察机关和检察官也将减弱其身份在职权制下的职权色彩,发生类似于一方当事人的变化,但是,我国的检察官不应该当事人化。  相似文献   
首先 ,《合同法》的颁布并未平息赠与合同究为诺成合同还是实践合同的争论。笔者认为 ,《合同法》第 186条第 1款所指的赠与仅有诺成合同之名 ,却有实践合同之实。与其如此 ,不如直接将其规定为实践合同。这样较符中国的国情 ,而有利于重合同守信用的观念和法律意识的培养和提高 ;该条第 2款所指的赠与显然具有诺成合同之特征。其次 ,该法第 189条关于赠与人损害赔偿之规定的适用范围有待明确。最后 ,受赠人是否应有行为能力之限制 ,则应区别对待。  相似文献   
随着中国社会转型期政治、经济的大力发展,社会各主体的法律意识也发生了巨大的变迁。其中行政机关法律意识的变迁可以概括为三个主要方面:在行政理念方面的变迁表现为从“行政法制”转变为“行政法治”;在官民地位方面的变迁表现为从“民告官”到“官告民”:在执法方式方面的变迁表现为从重实体、轻程序转变为实体与程序并重。  相似文献   
公安机关道路交通安全管理部门必须在社会治安防控体系的总体框架下,立足岗位优势,发挥职能作用,着力构建严密的道路交通治安防控体系,使警务活动适时、高效、科学。实现警务模式由被动反应型向主动预防型转变,有效地提高公安机关交通管理部门在动态道路交通治安条件下的作战、反应和驾驭能力,实现打、防、控一体化,警务效能最大化。确保路畅、平安,经济繁荣,社会稳定和谐,百姓安康乐业。  相似文献   
当前我国既处于发展的重要战略机遇期,又处于社会矛盾凸显期,以现实社会结构为基础,通过数字化形式展示出来的虚拟社会,在为人们的生产生活带来便捷、浓缩社会空间、拉近人与人距离的同时,也带来诸多新问题.作为社会治安治理的主要行政机关,公安机关在对虚拟社会的管理中承担主要作用,扮演重要角色.如何加强对虚拟社会的引导和管理,是对构建以人为本的和谐社会的新考验.  相似文献   
“机关”不宜规定为单位犯罪的主体   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
马克昌 《现代法学》2007,29(5):54-58
机关应否规定为单位犯罪的主体,在1996年修订《刑法》时即存在争论。我国1997年《刑法》第30条明文规定"机关"可以作为单位犯罪的主体,但争论并未因此而停止。通过对"机关应否规定为单位犯罪主体的争论"和"机关规定为单位犯罪主体的得失"的评析,可以看出将国家机关规定为单位犯罪的主体弊大于利,因而虽有规定,却没有执行,实际成为置而不用。据此,"机关"不宜规定为单位犯罪的主体,《刑法》第30条中的"机关"一词还是取消为好。  相似文献   
The failure of medical examiners/coroners (ME/C) to allow heart valve donation is a major problem encountered by tissue agencies. Even though many ME/C favor tissue donation they remain responsible for determination of cause and manner of death. In 2001, the Jesse E. Edwards Registry of Cardiovascular Disease was approached by one of the nation's largest tissue procurement agencies (The American Red Cross--ARC) for the purpose of performing cardiovascular pathologic examinations following valve donation. The affiliation existed from October 2001 to January 2005. This study was undertaken to review all 593 postvalve recovery heart remnants received during that time period to tabulate the abnormalities identified and to determine whether donation interfered with the determination of cause of death. For each case, a preliminary cause of death was provided by the ARC. The decedent's body height and weight were also provided. Using the preliminary cause of death, the 593 cases were divided into natural and nonnatural manner of death groups. This division of the cases resulted in 106 cases placed in the natural manner of death group and 487 cases in the nonnatural manner of death group. For each case, all cardiac findings including significant conditions, additional findings, incidental findings, and congenital abnormalities were tabulated. Within the natural manner of death group, 15 cases had a noncardiac cause of death and 91 cases had a cause of death suspected to be cardiac related. In the 91 cases, a total of 132 significant cardiac findings were identified and there were six structurally normal hearts including two infants. In the nonnatural manner of death group, 214 significant cardiac findings were identified and 222 cases had a structurally normal heart. In both natural and nonnatural groups, the most common cardiac abnormality was atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. Other frequently encountered conditions were also identified including 11 cases with acute angle of origin of a coronary artery (five cases natural group; six cases nonnatural group). An important feature of this review was the recognition of potentially inheritable conditions that were diagnosed in both natural and nonnatural manner of death groups. There were three cases of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (one natural; two nonnatural), three cases of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (one natural; two nonnatural), and one case of mitral valve prolapse (natural). In reviewing these cases, we did not feel that valve donation severely impaired cardiac pathologic examination. The benefits of cardiovascular pathologic examination by a cardiac pathologist include the identification of significant and incidental findings and recognition of potentially inheritable conditions.  相似文献   
在医保体制和医疗制度改革进程中,由于医疗单位治安保卫工作的复杂性以及医疗单位本身管理不善,部分群众法律意识薄弱,引发医患关系紧张、医患磨擦增多、医疗事故难以按程序解决等社会问题,严重影响正常医疗秩序。为了切实维护医疗单位正常工作秩序,保障广大患者和医务人员的合法权益,公安机关必须加强对医疗单位治安保卫工作的监督检查。  相似文献   
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