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新中国成立以来,中国共产党三代领导集体对社会主义所有制结构理论进行了不断探索。以毛泽东为核心的第一代领导集体,对新民主主义和社会主义的所有制结构提出了一些设想,在总体上把单一公有制看成是现实社会主义的基本特征;以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体,认为公有制为主体是必须坚持的社会主义基本原则,确认了公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的所有制结构;以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体,深化了对社会主义公有制经济的认识,把公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展确定为我国社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度,进一步丰富和发展了马克思主义所有制理论。  相似文献   
2011年,我国小汽车产销量已位居世界第一,并且还在快速增长。随着我国经济的快速发展,城市汽车保有量的增长迅速,导致城市交通状况不断恶化。文章在对我国城市汽车保有量增长过快原因分析的基础上,评估汽车保有量增长过快对人们生活带来的具体影响。  相似文献   
James Margach famously argued that Prime Ministers from Lloyd George to Callaghan had been intent on exploiting the media in their determination to centralise power. From Margaret Thatcher onwards, however, there is a strong argument that the power relationship has been reversed, and that the Leveson Inquiry—set up in the wake of the phone hacking scandal—exposed a political class which had become deeply fearful of the power and influence of the national press. Citing evidence to Leveson and subsequent recommendations by the inquiry, this article presents two case studies—on data protection and on media ownership—where the public interest clearly demanded political intervention, which would be inconvenient for the major publishers. And yet, despite recommendations by Lord Justice Leveson and despite clear support from leading politicians of all parties, there has been virtually no policy progress in either case. While the Leveson Inquiry was billed as a watershed in press–politician relations and an opportunity to counteract decades of unhealthy press power, political inertia in these two areas suggests that very little has changed.  相似文献   
Security sector reform (SSR), targeting security forces and their management and oversight institutions, has become a major feature of international peace- and statebuilding activities. The article draws on policy transfer research to assess substantive and procedural changes in how international actors intervene in the security governance of fragile or post-conflict states. By comparing transfer processes in Liberia, Timor-Leste and the Palestinian Territories, the article shows that despite variations across political, economic and strategic factors in each domestic context, external SSR interventions showed distinct similarities. SSR interventions expanded their substantive scope over time; less directly coercive mechanisms of persuasion and socialization increasingly replaced the direct imposition of external models of security governance; and the influence of domestic elite actors on transfer processes increased over the duration of interventions.  相似文献   
近年来非婚同居的现象越来越普遍,由非婚同居引发的各种纠纷也越发凸显,尤其是财产纠纷更为突出.对于我国非婚同居的财产问题,我国的现行规定则是少而又少,缺乏实际意义上的操作性,且过于原则化,不足以应对在实践中产生的各种各样的纠纷.法律应当做出必要的规范,以统一司法认识,对于同居予以立法规制,可以更好地保护公民个人的合法权益,特别是保护弱者的权利不受侵害.  相似文献   
Over the last couple of years, ‘African ownership’ has become a buzzword in many fields. Economic development initiatives like the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) are based on it, partnership agreements like the Joint AU–EU Africa Strategy are built around it and its central concept of Africanisation guides virtually all external relations of the continent. African leaders (rightly) insist on it, international organisations (rightly) preach it and many non-African actors are (unsurprisingly) hiding behind it. The concept of African ownership is so omnipresent today that it is more than surprising that the simple question of who actually owns it has not yet been asked. It is the declared purpose of this paper to disentangle rhetoric from reality and identify the owner as well as the limits of African ownership in the sphere of peace and security.  相似文献   
国有企业改革的进程本质上也是探索公有制有效实现形式的过程。现代经济发展以及我国改革实践充分表明,公司制企业是公有制多种实现形式中最为有效的形式。着眼于优化公司制企业产权配置和产权约束的有效性,应建立和完善法人治理结构,增强人力资本与其他形态资本的匹配性,在国有企业股权多元化过程中引进非公有制经济成分,努力形成国有经济与非公有制经济的竞合关系,完善国有资产监督管理方式。  相似文献   
作为一个协作系统,企业组织本质上无法清晰地界定为单一主体所有,而是呈现出一个所有者谱系,也即,企业所有权具有模糊的共有性。但是,企业所有权在现实中却往往被界定给特定个人或群体,这种现实归属是法律关系的产物,它是对异化了的社会现实之确认,主要是社会权力结构因素决定的。一般地,在迄今为止的资本主义社会,由于资本处于绝对强势的地位,因而企业组织也相应地被视为出资者所有;但是,随着社会力量的演变以及人们对企业本质认知的深化,企业所有权的现实归属也必然会不断调整。  相似文献   
论集体土地所有权与土地承包经营权之间的冲突与协调   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集体土地所有权与农村土地承包经营权并行存在于农村土地上的事实决定了两者之间必然会产生冲突与协调的问题。现实中,集体土地所有权与土地承包经营权之间的冲突普遍存在于农村土地的调整过程中、集体收回承包地的过程中以及农村土地承包经营权的流转过程中。严格限制集体调整承包地与收回承包地的权利,允许农民在自愿的基础上充分流转其承包地,建立集体土地所有权在土地承包经营权限制下实现的制度,可以达到协调两种权利的运行,构建和谐农村法秩序的目的。  相似文献   
李凤章 《法律科学》2009,27(6):131-142
民法所有权制度是法律移植的产物。大陆法系的土地所有权乃是国家在涤除土地上的公共权力因素,使土地成为单纯的财产之后建立的私人对于土地的终极支配权。所有权将土地在立法规制之外甚至人类认识之外的潜在价值归属于个人,确立了所有权享有的无条件性,从而建立起所有权人相对于国家的终极地位,所有权因此构成了国家权力的边界。而《物权法》未能正确理解其本质,导致了概念错位。《物权法》的完善应该放弃概念的同一,而力求精神的追随。  相似文献   
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