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风景画创作不只是单纯的专业技能技巧的表现与应用,它涉及更为广泛的美术文化。艺术家应通过对人文精神的探寻和追求来陶冶情操和完善人格。  相似文献   
无论是传统写实绘画还是现代写实绘画,都经常通过一定的形式语言表达一定的观念和主张。无论这些观念和主张在艺术本质意义上的价值如何,它的形式与内在精神都应当相符,亦即理性内容与感性形式相统一。  相似文献   
正The Approaching China Book Series Executive Editor:Zhang Wei Price:RMB 98 x 11Published by New Star Press,Beijing.CHINA is a mystery.Few countries have larger territory and none can rival its population.Among the cradles of civilization,many of which have unfortunately disappeared,only China has survived centuries of vicissitudes,and is closing its gap with the West in a dramatic fashion.  相似文献   

Through a focus on photographic portraits commissioned in the late nineteenth century by the Ottoman-Egyptian Princess Nazl? Han?m, Roberts analyses the ways they tested Ottoman and western conventions. An examination of Nazl?'s strategic engagement with photography in this period positions her within the often-separated domains of Egyptian nationalism, Ottoman political reform, western Orientalist art and a proto-feminist moment of Egyptian women's history. One of the striking things about the Nazl? portraits is their transgressive inventiveness. This is transgression as Edward Said defines it, with an emphasis on crossing boundaries, testing and challenging limits, and cutting across expectations. Nazl?'s inventiveness is apparent through her canny experimentation with the codes of portrait photography and the ways she deploys her portraits as tokens of exchange within her culture and with her European interlocutors. Roberts argues that Nazl? Han?m's use of photography operates in a contrapuntal mode in the Saidean sense of a simultaneity of voices that sound against, as well as with, each other. Over the last three decades Said's writings have provided a crucial methodological framework for the critique of western Orientalist visual culture. Recently art historians have repositioned this corpus of western imagery in relation to art by practitioners from the region and addressed cultural exchanges. Said's seminal text Orientalism has been pivotal within these debates. Yet it is not so much this landmark book, but rather Said's writings on music, in which we can find an alternative approach to cross-cultural exchange. By transposing this model into the domain of art history, Roberts engages with his notion of reading contrapuntally. Said was interested in the broader applicability of this term, although its potential as an interpretive model for the visual arts remains unexamined. Through this case study of Nazl? Han?m's photographs, Roberts reassesses the value of Said's writings on music for understanding nineteenth-century visual culture.  相似文献   
This paper inquires into aesthetics and politics in North Korean socialist realist painting by way of an examination of North Korean journalist Han Chol Ju's article series “Visit to Korean Art Gallery” and three paintings in Korea Today (2010–2011). The paper explains late North Korean leader Kim Jong Il's national-Stalinist conception of Juche socialist realism in On Fine Art (1991); considers one Korean painting (Chos?nhwa), two oil paintings (yuhwa), and one jewel painting (pos?khwa); and addresses approved ways of seeing in political-aesthetic experience and response in the North Korean situation.  相似文献   
《近思录》是一部有目的有系统介绍北宋四子思想的语录体编著,虽说绝大部分内容不是原创的,但在篇目结构、卷次编排上却具有原创性的学术价值,成为后世理学要籍编撰时仿效的范本《。近思录》各卷篇名与本卷内容非常吻合,各卷纲目与《大学》纲目相发明,分类编辑利于读者“近思”;它是整个儒学深造的阶梯;朱熹、吕祖谦的学术地位、理学思想影响力大。  相似文献   
唐末五代前后出现的中国花鸟画,以写形、写实为主,画史称之为工笔花鸟画。随着花鸟画的不断发展与完善,这种工笔花鸟画必然被体现作精神追求、个性渲泄的写意花鸟画所取代。其写意精神的形成肇始于元代,渗透于明代,完成于明末清初,到今天已成为一种必然。因此,中国花鸟画从写实、写形向写意性的发展是一条基本的规律,画史上对花鸟画工笔写意的界定是不合理的,应不受其束缚而进入中国画写神、写心、写情的自由王国。  相似文献   
融书画诗印于一炉的中国画,乃是中国的国粹,它也是世界艺术园林的一朵奇葩.然而,当今世界文化多元化并相互交融,以及受到市场经济浪潮的冲击,当代中国的文人画家们正面临着前所未有的困惑和痛苦的抉择.我们的民族,总需要有那么一批"为艺术而艺术"的"艺痴".唯有保留中国文化和艺术的最后一片净土,保护中华民族的精神家园,或许才更有利于培育一批类似梵高、毕加索式的世界级的艺术大师,再造一批类似吴昌硕、齐白石、徐悲鸿、傅抱石、潘天寿式的东方艺术大师.  相似文献   
书画类鉴定古之就有,主要集中于文物鉴定,鉴定的主要目的是判断被鉴定文物是否为某某的真迹还是赝品。此类鉴别一般都是由文物专家或考古专家进行甄别,鉴别时往往拥有供参考的真品或文献。本文通过对两份绘画类试卷是否同一人绘画的检验,从文件检验的角度鉴别绘画是否为同一人所为。  相似文献   
《Critical Horizons》2013,14(3):379-395

Colour plays a fundamental role in the philosophical treatment of painting. Colour while it is an essential part of the work of art cannot be divorced from the account of painting within which it is articulated. This paper begins with a discussion of the role of colour in Schelling's conception of art. Nonetheless its primary concern is to develop a critical encounter with Jean-François Lyotard's analysis of the Dutch painter Karel Appel. The limits of Lyotard's writings on painting, which this paper will attribute in part to Lyotard's "empiricism", becomes most apparent in his treatment of colour.  相似文献   
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