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This paper explores mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of criminal behaviour by investigating specifically the timing and frequency of the parents' criminal behaviour while including risk factors for criminal behaviour. The results demonstrate a dose–response relationship: parents' number of criminal convictions is positively related to offspring's conviction rate. Furthermore, children whose parents had only been convicted before the child's birth have more convictions than those whose parents had never been convicted. Children whose parents had been convicted after the child's birth have more convictions than those whose parents had only been convicted before the child's birth, but this difference can be explained partly by the observation that the latter group had fewer risk factors for crime. When parental convictions at different ages were examined, children whose parents had been convicted between their 7th and 13th birthdays exhibit more criminal behaviour than children whose parents were convicted in other periods, but none of the differences were significant. There does not appear to be a sensitive period for the impact of parental criminal behaviour. The results demonstrate support for static as well as dynamic explanations of intergenerational transmission such as the transmission of a criminogenic environment and/or mediation through risk factors.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, Hong Kong has undergone momentous socio‐economic changes, which in turn have greatly affected public attitudes toward society and the economy. Interpersonal trust and the sense of community have weakened. Hong Kong as a society is increasingly seen as unfair in the sense that it is not perceived as a land of opportunities for the hardworking. The capitalist rules of the game are increasingly considered by the people to be unacceptable. Public demands for more governmental intervention in the economy, particularly in the area of income redistribution, are increasingly raised. Nascent feelings of class antagonism are palpable as economic inequalities are getting worse. As social conflicts of various kinds proliferate, public anxieties about Hong Kong's fraying socio‐economic fabric have come to the fore. People expect the government and the legal institutions to strengthen social order. At the same time, however, public trust of all social, economic and social authorities is declining. Accordingly, as social discontent and anxieties accumulate, the socio‐economic system of Hong Kong will face serious challenge in the years ahead.  相似文献   
Abstract: The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect, Section on Ophthalmology, acknowledges that searching for retinal hemorrhages (RHs) in infants only in cases of suspected of abuse creates selection bias. However, they also recommend that postmortem eye removal might not be indicated “in children who have clearly died from witnessed severe accidental head trauma or otherwise readily diagnosed systemic medical conditions.” Although infrequently described in the child abuse literature, peripapillary intrascleral hemorrhages (bleeding in the sclera at the optic nerve insertion)—putatively from severe repetitive acceleration/deceleration forces with or without blunt head trauma—have been considered essentially pathognomonic for abusive head trauma (shaken baby syndrome). We present two neonates who sustained accidental, severe in utero head injuries and had associated extensive RHs and optic nerve sheath hemorrhages with peripapillary intrascleral hemorrhages detected at autopsy. Neither neonate had a documented clinical fundal examination in the intensive care unit.  相似文献   
Abstract:  We report three deaths in young adult males following closed blunt trauma to the head and face where the affected individuals were able to walk away from the incident, before subsequently collapsing and dying a short distance from the site of the assault. In each case, due to the rapidity of the posttrauma collapse, the pathologist was faced with a diagnostic difficulty at autopsy; the external examination revealed multiple injuries to the head and face, but internal examinations showed limited findings with no structural explanation for the death. We discuss possible mechanisms that could account for this scenario, the implications of alcohol consumption with a concussive head injury, and parallels that can be drawn with the so-called "talk and die,""talk and deteriorate," and "second impact syndrome." Finally, the possible role of so-called "postexercise peril" is discussed in relation to these deaths.  相似文献   
方俊杰  陈阳 《法医学杂志》2009,25(3):204-207
脂肪栓塞综合征(fat embolism syndrome,FES)是一种较多见而又威胁生命的临床症候。多年来,FES一直是医学界,尤其是法医学及骨科学领域研究的难点。在法医学中,FES的鉴定因缺乏典型的症状、体征,极易发生误鉴或漏鉴。本文就FES的病因、发病机理、病理学、致死机制以及FES的最新法医学诊断研究进行了回顾。  相似文献   
Rapunzel syndrome is very extreme form of trichobezoar formation where the tail of the trichobezoar extends from the stomach into the small intestine. Death resulting from this condition is rare and is usually associated with gastric or intestinal perforation. We report a fatal case of Rapunzel syndrome in a 3 years and 10 months old girl. Review of the literature indicates that this case involves the youngest child to have died from this syndrome. Furthermore, this case is unique due to the clear association with the parent's neglect with failure to provide the child with adequate health care.  相似文献   
随着社会的发展,人们越来越重视对人身权的保护,对亲子关系的研究和保护也逐渐受到关注。诱拐儿童、错抱子女、探望权纠纷等都属于第三人侵害亲子关系的行为,但我国现行《婚姻法》仅仅涉及对亲子关系的内部调整,整个民法都欠缺对亲子关系的外部调整,造成第三人侵害亲子关系的行为无法得到有效的制约。从私法保护的角度出发,对第三人侵害亲子关系的行为宜明确规定"父母照顾权"、构建以"请求权"为核心的二元保护模式、重视精神损害赔偿。  相似文献   
目的:对皖北地区艾滋病毒(human immunodeficiency virus, HIV)感染者和艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS)患者的中医临床症状和证候特点进行初步探讨.方法:采用中医临床流行病学调查方法,制定统一的临床观察表与调查方法,用Excel建立相关数据库,对症状、体征和证型的频数分布进行统计.结果:皖北地区HIV感染者和AIDS患者的感染途径主要为经血感染;临床症状以乏力、气短为最多见;HIV期以气血两亏型为最多见,AIDS期以气阴两虚、肺肾不足型,肝经风火、湿毒蕴结型,脾肾亏虚、湿邪阻滞型和气虚血瘀、邪毒壅滞型为前4位复合证型.结论:AIDS中医临床症状特征是"以虚为主,虚实夹杂,气血津液俱亏,湿毒瘀虚同在",证型特征是"复杂多变,以虚为本,多脏腑受累",病情呈现渐行性发展、渐进性加重之特点.  相似文献   
生育保护假期制度是保障育龄妇女权益的重要手段,OECD国家将产假期限、工作保护和津贴补助三者有机结合,创设的陪产假和育婴假制度极大地促进了性别平等,帮助受雇者平衡工作与家庭的冲突,提升了生育保护水平。当前中国面临着二孩政策全面放开后生育率不如预期乐观的情况,如何走出低生育率陷阱成为亟需解决的问题。通过对OECD国家和中国现有的产假制度进行比较,研究为完善我国生育产假政策提供建议。  相似文献   
目的 探讨小儿手足口病中医证型的分布特点及其相关影响因素。方法 收集298例手足口病患儿的中医四诊资料,分析其中医证型分布特点及其与性别、年龄、病程、主要实验室指标的相关性。结果 298例手足口病患儿的中医证型以湿热郁蒸证多见,其次是肺脾湿热证,毒热动风证最少。3种证型患儿的性别、病程比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),毒热动风证多见于男性患儿,肺脾湿热证多见于发病后5~6 d,湿热郁蒸证多见于发病后5~7 d,毒热动风证多见于发病后7~8 d。3种证型患儿年龄比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。3种证型患儿感染病原体的类型比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),肺脾湿热证以感染CoxA16为主,而湿热郁蒸、毒热动风证以感染EV71为主。毒热动风证患儿白细胞计数、血糖、肌酸激酶-MB、血清白细胞介素-6、降钙素原和C反应蛋白水平均明显高于肺脾湿热证和湿热郁蒸证患儿(P<0.05)。结论 小儿手足口病中医证型的分布具有一定的特点,其与性别、病程及主要实验室指标具有明显的相关性。  相似文献   
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