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In 1997, the Office of Child Support Enforcement initiated the State Child Access and Visitation (AV) Grant Program, which involves annual awards of $10 million to states to promote the development of programs to alleviate access problems. Telephone interviews with 970 parents who used mediation, parent education, and supervised visitation programs funded by AV grants in nine states revealed that the programs are reaching diverse groups of parents including many low-income, non-White, and unmarried parents who receive no other type of access assistance. The programs also appear to be achieving the major objectives posited for them by the federal government. One-third to one-half of noncustodial parents in every program type reported that parent–child contact increased following program participation, with supervised visitation users who typically had the lowest levels of parent–child contact reporting a significant increase in the number of days of contact. A review of child support records for 173 program users in three states revealed that child support payments increased among participants following program participation, especially for never-married parents who paid a significantly higher proportion of what they owed. These findings are similar to results reported in a five-state study of mediation programs funded by AV grants that was conducted by the Office of the Inspector General. However, both studies have some serious limitations, including low response rates and the absence of a nontreatment comparison group.  相似文献   
工伤认定中若干法律问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
正确认定工伤,首先要根据工伤的构成要件准确把握工伤的概念,其次要能够准确把握劳务关系、雇佣关系、委托关系与事实劳动关系之间的异同,最后需要结合实际对工作原因、工作场所、上下班途中等三大要素作出合理认定。  相似文献   
确立自觉的责任意识和培养强烈的道德责任感,从权力本位转变为责任本位,是人民警察职业道德建设中的一个重要问题。人民警察具有其自身的职业道德责任特点、承担职业道德责任的限度以及增强职业道德责任感的途径。  相似文献   
造成冲击铁路群体性治安事件的原因是复杂的 ,多方面的 ,既有主观方面的原因 ,也有客观方面的因素。对此笔者从政治、经济、社会、文化和心理五个方面进行了分析 ,阐明了带有普遍规律性和特殊性的结论。  相似文献   
陈柳钦 《东北亚论坛》2006,15(3):93-100
自20世纪90年代以来,俄罗斯走上了从计划经济向市场经济转轨的道路,并迅速积累了巨额外债。近年来,俄罗斯外债余额递减,但规模仍然庞大,外债结构亦日趋合理。俄罗斯外债危机后的外债重组任务艰巨,解决外债问题,可以考虑以货抵债、以股抵债和外债资本化。综观俄罗斯国内外形势,从总体上看,俄罗斯外债形势仍不容乐观。2003年是俄罗斯的偿债高峰年,其1 301亿美元巨额外债的偿还进程举世瞩目,对世界各国的外债实践都有着重要的借鉴意义  相似文献   
通过对哈耶克自由主义法律理论的解读,笔者提出了一种理解契约正义的思想理路。即在自由主义的视域中,自由是正义的核心价值,正义实为对人的意志本身的评价,而不能从行为结果衡量,因此,不管缔约人追求的具体目的如何,我们应以缔约人意志的自由状态作为评价契约是否符合正义的基本标准;普遍的契约自由的实现有赖于法律的保障,缔约意志实为其内在动机与外在法律互动的结果,唯有以契约法为核心的私法具有保障契约自由普遍实现的功能品性,因此,所谓契约正义实为缔约人依私法自由缔约的契约本身。  相似文献   
东北老工业基地在东北亚经济合作中的区位优势重构   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目前,中国东北与东北亚周边国家之间的经济合作还主要以低层次初级产品与劳务输出为主,没有充分发挥出东北所拥有的区位优势和产业优势。东北老工业基地振兴需要加强东北地区与东北亚周边国家的经济合作,这需要重构区位优势,调整东北地区参与东北亚地区国际分工的产业组合。为此,要加快产业转型,打造世界重要的装备制造业基地;重点发展新能源、新材料等新兴替代产业;做强做大农产品加工、生物制药等产业。  相似文献   
农民群众是新农村建设的主体力量和直接受益者,只有充分尊重农民意愿,真正树立其主体地位,切实保护和落实其政治权利,新农村建设才会拥有源源不断的力量源泉。要发挥我国农民的主体作用,当务之急是真正落实农民对新农村建设的话语权。本文在分析农民利益表达现状的基础上,提出了新农村建设中农民如何进行利益表达的对策思路。  相似文献   
刘文宇 《行政与法》2005,(12):122-124
新《破产法》(草案)①引入了破产重整制度,并对其专设一章,可见重整制度之重要。破产重整的立法精神是再建主义精神。笔者认为,要想使破产重整制度发挥其最大功效,实现立法者拯救企业的立法本意,最关键的是在利益制衡原则的基础上,对破产重整制度各方主体的角色进行科学合理的定位,在此基础上,对破产重整制度中各主体的权限与职责做明确科学的规定,这样才能最大限度的发挥破产重整制度的作用。本文基于破产重整的制衡原则,对破产重整中各方主体进行了角色定位,希望能构建起破产重整制度中各方主体间完善科学的关系,从而加深对破产重整制度的理解,促进破产重整制在我国度发挥其最佳效果。  相似文献   
The DNA commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG) was convened at the 21st congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics held between 13 and 17 September in the Azores, Portugal. The purpose of the group was to agree on guidelines to encourage best practice that can be universally applied to assist with mixture interpretation. In addition the commission was tasked to provide guidance on low copy number (LCN) reporting. Our discussions have highlighted a significant need for continuing education and research into this area. We have attempted to present a consensus from experts but to be practical we do not claim to have conveyed a clear vision in every respect in this difficult subject. For this reason, we propose to allow a period of time for feedback and reflection by the scientific community. Then the DNA commission will meet again to consider further recommendations.  相似文献   
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