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我国农民工问题探析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
农民工是我国城市中的一个特殊群体,他们肩负着建设城市和繁荣农村的双重任务,对我国工业化发展和城市化进程作出了重大的贡献,但是却没有得到善待。随着我国社会经济的发展,现在我们到了为农民工“正名”。真正把他们纳入工人队伍,善待他们、给他们以相应的待遇的时候了。  相似文献   
城市化与农民工人养老保障制度的联动效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国特有的城乡二元结构导致城市化滞后于工业化、非农化,由此形成的制度壁垒阻碍了农村剩余劳动力顺利进入城市.农民工人在进入城市打工的同时不能得到城市居民享有的就业、社会保障等一系列待遇,他们仍将土地视为最重要的保障而在城市与农村之间不断流动,不仅延缓了城市化进程,而且不利于解决农民工人的养老保障问题.为此,应建立城镇分层养老保障制度,解决农民工人养老保障问题.  相似文献   
工作场所母乳喂养问题,不仅事关女职工权益保护、母婴身心健康,而且对我国实施“三孩” 政策后如何平衡企业用工压力与女职工权益保护需求之间的张力,具有现实且积极的研究价值。研究从个人、 组织和社会结构三个层面对影响工作场所母乳喂养的因素进行分析。研究结果表明:在个体层面,学历对母乳 喂养整体时长与返岗后继续母乳喂养时长均产生影响;在组织层面,明确的规章制度是生育权益的有效保障; 在社会结构层面,随着产假的增加,其对延长母乳喂养时间的影响呈现边际效益递减。因此,科学合理的产假 制度和母婴友好型社会的构建,对促进母乳喂养具有特别重要的意义。研究建议,需要在宏观层面解决生育成 本的合理分担,以激发企业落实生育保护政策的积极性。  相似文献   
"用人单位"本是劳动法中的概念,但是,经过《刑法》第244条的进一步确认,又赋予其刑法意义。根据罪刑法定原则,"用人单位"可以构成强迫职工劳动罪的单位犯罪主体。对此,不论从刑法与其他部门法的关系,还是按单位犯罪的代罚制原则,以及根据适用刑法人人平等原则,乃至从司法解释的合法性上来看,劳动法中的"用人单位"概念在刑法上均可以得到合理、合法的解释。  相似文献   
农民犯罪一直是我国犯罪的主流,在一定程度上左右着我国社会治安形势。农民犯罪随着我国社会改革开放的发展而发生着较大变化,了解这一变化对制定预防、矫治犯罪政策,促进社会的和谐与稳定意义重大。以什么样的标准来界定农民犯罪,将影响人们对农民犯罪态势的分析。从事农业生产劳动的人进行的犯罪才是农民犯罪,随着农业、农村劳动力的转移,农民犯罪将逐步减少,预防、矫治犯罪的策略也应有所调整。  相似文献   
农民工是我国特有的社会现象,他们为中国经济社会的发展、为城市繁荣与进步作出了巨大的贡献。但他们的社会保障问题却得不到有效的保护,这不仅严重地阻碍了我国城市化的进程,也不利于和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   
农地权利体系是以集体土地所有权为基础,派生出土地承包经营权,集体建设用地使用权,宅基地使用权,地役权,自留地、自留山使用权和债权性农地使用权的权利体系。同时,由集体土地所有权衍生出征收征用补偿权、农民的社会保障权和成员权、土地发展权等保障农地权利实现的权利。各项农地权利的运行机理以及法律救济有其内在的特点和规律。  相似文献   
This essay engages with Henry Bernstein's critical survey of food regime analysis, focusing on the claim that my interpretation of the food regime takes a misguided ‘peasant turn’. I argue Henry's representation loses sight of my reformulation of the ‘agrarian question’, as more than analysis of the uneven process by which capital subordinates landed property, and therefore of the class fate of the peasantry, as such. Rather it is about social and ecological fate on a global scale, involving questions of ecosystem survival, precarious labor circuits, urban slum proliferation, privatization of states, financialization, intellectual (property) rights, climate change mitigation and so on. Significantly, global recognition of these connections to processes of agro-industrialization and enclosure was informed by a ‘peasant’ mobilization that would be unthinkable within the terms of the classical agrarian question. Peasant organizations catalyzed challenge to the neoliberal food order institutionalized in the World Trade Organization (WTO) regime, in a time of massive dispossession. Politicizing neoliberal ‘food security’ as an agribusiness project, the ‘food sovereignty’ counter-movement used a politics of strategic essentialism to unmask the undemocratic and impoverishing architecture of the ‘free trade’ regime privileging corporate rights over state and citizen rights. In effect, this counter-movement performed a food regime analysis from within, importantly reaching beyond a peasant project. This essay revisits the comparative-historical method by which the food regime trajectory can be understood, as a contradictory set of interacting forces and relations that complicate and shape and reshape its politics, and yet allow identification of emergent possibilities.  相似文献   
This paper reports the findings of a study that investigates the factors affecting the re‐entry and readjustment process of returnee government scholars in Vietnam. These returnee scholars were originally sent overseas to study as part of changes introduced by the Vietnamese government to develop its domestic talent pool. Using the perspective of home country embeddedness, we find that career and community embeddedness factors, together with readjustment factors, have an effect on returnee scholars’ career and life satisfaction in their home country. These factors subsequently affected their intention to stay or re‐expatriate. The study contributes to public sector change management theory by examining factors affecting the re‐entry process of returnees within an emerging transition economy. It also adds to the limited studies on understanding and managing the re‐entry processes and state‐led diaspora strategies among returnee government scholars from emerging transition economies and their effectiveness.  相似文献   
The origin and evolution of the transnational peasant movement La Vía Campesina is analysed through five evolutionary stages. In the 1980s the withdrawal of the state from rural areas simultaneously weakened corporativist and clientelist control over rural organisations, even as conditions worsened in the countryside. This gave rise to a new generation of more autonomous peasant organisations, who saw the origins of their similar problems as largely coming from beyond the national borders of weakened nation-states. A transnational social movement defending peasant life, La Vía Campesina emerged out of these autonomous organisations, first in Latin America, and then at a global scale, during the 1980s and early 1990s (phase 1). Subsequent stages saw leaders of peasant organisations take their place at the table in international debates (1992–1999, phase 2), muscling aside other actors who sought to speak on their behalf; take on a leadership role in global struggles (2000–2003, phase 3); and engage in internal strengthening (2004–2008, phase 4). More recently (late 2008–present, phase 5) the movement has taken on gender issues more squarely and defined itself more clearly in opposition to transnational corporations. Particular emphasis is given to La Vía Campesina's fight to gain legitimacy for the food sovereignty paradigm, to its internal structure, and to the ways in which the (re)construction of a shared peasant identity is a key glue that holds the struggle together despite widely different internal cultures, creating a true peasant internationalism.  相似文献   
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