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农民工权益保护问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革开放20多年来,我国农村剩余劳动力向城市转移呈逐步加快趋势。从2002年至今,每年拥入城市的农村劳动力大约1亿人。随之而来,中国出现了一个游离于城市边缘的特殊群体———农民工。由于历史与现实的诸多因素,农民工权益被损害现象十分突出,此问题应予以足够重视,使这一弱势群体的利益得到切实保障。  相似文献   
我国现有的农民工养老保险制度使农民工不能同城镇职工享有平等的养老保险权益。因此应完善法律法规;加大执法力度;改革不合理的用工制度;建立同农民工相适应的社会养老保险制度;做好统筹方面的工作;完善政策,加强宣传。  相似文献   
首都职工素质教育工程的全面实施开创了职工教育的新模式,为职工终身学习创造了条件,得到了企业和职工的广泛欢迎,在社会上引起了强烈反响。作为一名授课教师,要对开展素质教育工程的意义有深刻的认识。在教学过程中注重与学员的交流。要根据考核要求,结合学员实际水平,确定授课重点。并注意结合成人学习特点,改变教学模式,引导学员主动参与教学活动,强化学员自主学习意识。  相似文献   
在实践中,基层医疗机构职代会职权行使往往流于形式,职代会组织不能有效发挥其应有作用。分析原因,由于基层医疗机构具有明显区别于其他事业单位的行业特殊性,单位领导尤其是一把手对职代会作用的认识程度、重视程度、支持力度,对职代会职权行使产生重要影响,因而应建立包括学习培训制度、目标考核制度、督导调研制度、集体研究会议决定制度、权力监督约束制度在内的职代会职权行使保障机制,确保职代会作用的有效发挥。  相似文献   
近年来我国NGO(尤其是慈善公益类NGO)的蓬勃发展,为社会慈善公益事业的繁荣搭建起有利的平台。而我国工会工作在经济体制转型和国企改革进一步深化的环境下遇到了新的挑战———如何加强困难职工群体的帮扶工作这一现实问题。在现阶段,要解决这一问题,工会在依靠政府支持和自身发展的同时,应该从更加广阔的社会领域中去寻求资源和帮助。而其中的关键就在于要加强工会与NGO(尤其是慈善公益类NGO)的良性互动和合作。  相似文献   
从法律实施的角度来看,劳动合同法需要基层工会的配合与支持。和谐社会的建设离不开和谐劳动关系的建立,和谐劳动关系的建立同样也需要基层工会的大力支持。工会工作者要坚持以理论创新推动工会工作创新,要坚持走有中国特色的社会主义工会道路。  相似文献   
Abstract — The agrarian issue in Chile is largely defined by the problematic impact, particularly on the peasantry, of the country's continuing integration into the world market. This paper focuses on the shift from a market-led to a state-mediated process of 'reconversion' of agriculture's pattern of production and land use. Although the 'Concertación' governments have designed specific and novel policies aimed at enhancing the productive and transformative capacity of peasant farmers these have not yet been able to reduce the widening technological and economic disparity between capitalist and peasant farming. Thus the future of the peasant economy is far from being assured in an increasingly globalised and competitive environment.  相似文献   
In the second of our two-part review of Vladimir Lenin’s 1917 study of American agriculture, we extrapolate upon Alexander Chayanov’s neoliberal appropriation, Giovanni Arrighi’s treatment of partial proletarianization, the propagandistic “family farm,” agribusiness’s fluctuating territorial embeddedness, agriculture as an industry, and land and rent as commodities themselves. We finish by deploying Lenin’s alternate history as a Benjaminian détournement in the face of what now appear insurmountable obstacles. An alternate food future is not only possible, it is already underway.  相似文献   
Although the devastation from Haiti’s 2010 earthquake was concentrated in Port-au-Prince, it had deep agrarian roots. This paper situates Haiti’s urban poverty in the chronic exploitation of the country’s peasant classes as a basis for assessing the competing contemporary visions for agricultural development. We argue that the post-earthquake reconstruction has fortified a neoliberal development that is incompatible with the aspirations of the Haitian peasantry. Given the interrelated power of domestic elites and international donors, and the proliferation of disconnected development projects, we conclude that any prospect for pro-poor development hinges on the growth and collaboration of peasant movements.  相似文献   
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