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通过在地方性法规和行政规章中设置约束性惩戒性的行政规范,难以解决集体协商中拒绝或拖延集体协商问题,也不利于集体劳动关系的和谐稳定及健康发展。完善规范建立在“劳工三权”基础上的集体协商机制,利用市场机制和法律制度,协调劳动关系主体相互间的利益关系,化解矛盾冲突,这不仅是劳动者与工会的最佳选择,也应当是政府确立和发展和谐稳定劳动关系的途径和目标。  相似文献   
美国的辩诉交易是为了应对高犯罪率、刑事案件大量积压以及普通程序比较繁琐的弊端而产生的,它的产生有其特定的理论和制度基础。我国不能盲目移植美国的辩诉交易制度,应结合我国的具体情况分析。  相似文献   
从英国辩诉交易制度的实践中总结经验和教训,辩诉交易制度在很大程度上是一项有缺陷的解决刑事案件的方法,不应当引入到中国.取而代之,中国应当重视自身的社会和文化历史,并从中寻求构建案件解决方法所需要遵循的价值和原则.  相似文献   
……四、撤销仲裁裁决案件性质问题的学理分析……(三)撤销仲裁裁决之诉之性质———程序法上形成之诉通过前文的分析和论述,笔者认为撤销仲裁裁决的请求完全可以定位为一种诉,即设立撤销仲裁裁决之诉。同时,笔者认为撤销仲裁裁决之诉在性质上为前文所介绍的大陆法系学理中已经进行论述的程序法上的形成之诉,具体理由如下:第一,正如前文所述,应该在观念上和立法上确立“撤销仲裁裁决之诉”这一概念和救济制度,将撤销仲裁裁决的请求纳入到“诉”的范畴内,只有这样才能使当事人享有作为民事争议的主体而向法院提起诉讼的依据,同时也可以促使国…  相似文献   
浅析辩诉交易制度及其在我国的确立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辩诉交易是美国刑事诉讼文化的重要组成部分。有高效、实用、民主等特色。当今世界各国都面临着社会犯罪压力巨大和司法资源有限的两难处境,众多国家,包括一部分大陆法系国家转而借鉴美国的辩诉交易制度,并在实践工作中取得了良好效果。在社会转型时期,中国具备了适用辩诉交易制度的司法环境,建立一套适应我国国情的行之有效的、具有中国特色的辩诉交易制度是极为重要的。  相似文献   
Plea bargaining has become a central feature of criminal procedure in Anglo-Saxon jurisdictions. This paper explores an area seldom discussed in the economic literature on plea bargaining: the influence of the defence lawyer's fee contract on the terms of the bargain. In particular, it uses data from one jurisdiction of the impact on case trajectories of changes in publicly funded defence lawyers’ contracts to test the proposition that the nature of the lawyer's contract influences how cases are managed. An event study methodology on a pooled time-series cross-section data set of case trajectories before and after the change in the nature of the contract is used to examine whether the new payment regime significantly changed the trajectories of cases through the summary criminal justice system. Overall the results seem to suggest that the behaviour of defence lawyers may be influenced by financial incentives. This implies that the terms of plea bargains reached between prosecution and defence lawyers may be affected by the defence lawyer's remuneration contract. Consequently, the authors conclude that the role of defence lawyers has been under-researched in the literature on the economics of plea bargaining.  相似文献   
How are unanimity negotiations commonly settled in the EU Council of Ministers? Important contributions have been made to our understanding of the ‘consensual’ decision‐making dynamics in the Council, but most studies focus on explaining the sheer absence of votes in legislative decision making under the qualified majority rule. This study seeks to explain how vetoes are averted, or curtailed, in unanimity decision making. These unanimity negotiations are explained as attempts to induce or prevent high‐level exposure. The degree of exposure in turn depends on the degree of lower level contestation. A process tracing analysis of one prolonged debate is performed from the perspective of one Member State – the Netherlands – which played a very prominent obstructing role. By analysing when, why and where (at what level) the Dutch won or lost, one can come closer to understanding the dynamic interplay between the different Council levels.  相似文献   
论以订约目的为依据的合同分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以订约目的为标准对合同进行分类具有理论与现实意义。合同当事人订立合同的目的大体可以分为四类:创设各种民商事主体的合同,如通过合同创设合伙、公司、中外合资经营企业等;创设各种民事权利的合同,如通过合同创设债权、物权、知识产权、身份权等;变更合同权利义务的合同,即通过合同对已经成立的合同进行变更;解决合同争议的合同,即通过合同解决民事争议。此四类合同各具特征。  相似文献   
Collective bargaining, a core social institution, faces a fundamental transformational challenge. National survey data provide unique insights into the current status of the bargaining process — revealing challenges and opportunities. Awareness and use of interest-based bargaining principles is widespread but complicated by underlying tensions between labor and management. The findings illustrate the value of conducting an institutional-level analysis of a negotiations process.  相似文献   
我国《合同法》为了矫正司法实践对双务合同之牵连性的认识缺陷,借鉴国际经济交往中相关合同履行规则,设立了先履行抗辩权制度。作为一项独立的规则,它弥补了同时履行抗辩权和不安履行抗辩权的不足,但《合同法》实施以来大量的合同纠纷表明.人们对先履行抗辩权的认识不够深刻,对先履行抗辩权的行使不够规范。为了有效避免违约行为的发生.最大限度地保护合同当事人的民事权利,需要透析《合同法》相关条文,细化先履行抗辩权的行使要件.寻求正确行使先履行抗搿权的规则与技巧。  相似文献   
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