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本文从司法实践的角度对挪用公款罪中公款使用人的共犯责任进行了探讨,并对使用人构成挪用公款罪共犯的条件及其刑事责任等进行论述,认为挪用公款罪中公款使用人只能是个人,私有公司、企业的所有者、经营管理者则可成为挪用公款罪的共犯。  相似文献   
The study examines the meaning of procedural justice to Dutch victims of crime. Using victimological research and the group-value or relational model or procedural justice developed by Lind and Tyler, a model for procedural justice judgments is developed and tested using the structural equation model. Data used for the analysis consist of 221 interviews with victims regarding their experience with the public prosecution. Although the emerging model differs from that of Lind and Tyler, results support Lind and Tyler's assertion that procedural justice judgments are normative and not instrumental. Victims are particularly concerned about being treated with dignity and respect and are not interested in influencing the outcome of their case.  相似文献   
Following the experimental design used by Barrett-Howard and Tyler (1986), this study examines the importance given by West German university students to procedural and distributive justice allocation decision making. After reading one of eight scenarios in which there was a limited resource to be allocated, the subjects answered questions concerning the importance and meaning of justice. For the most part, the results correspond to previous U.S. findings of the importance of procedural justice and its definition across various allocation settings. However, the West German students placed greater importance on having mechanisms for correcting inadequate decisions than did their American counterparts. Beyond the design of the initial U.S. study, however, the West German students were asked in an open-ended format to discuss their concerns in making the allocation decision. Nearly half of the unprompted responses centered around justice issues.  相似文献   
段厚省 《北方法学》2017,11(2):127-139
程序法在内部有着四个向度的张力,分别是交往向度张力、认知向度张力、空间向度张力和时间向度张力。这四个向度张力的存在,使得程序法各项制度的功能失灵,进而又减损了司法权威,导致司法解纷的目的落空。但是这四个向度的张力乃是程序法天生的不可避免的内在张力,实际上也是程序法和程序法理论发展变迁的动力源泉,因此不可能在一般意义上得到彻底消解。比较现实的选择是在个案审理过程中,就所遭遇到的具体的张力逐个消解。而消解个案审理过程中出现的具体的张力的路径,乃是程序法中自带的程序性商谈机制。为保障程序性商谈机制顺利运行,又须在制度上确保程序参与者之商谈行为符合言语行为有效性要件的要求。就民事诉讼而言,目前较为重要的是进一步强化对妨碍民事诉讼行为的惩戒。  相似文献   
This study tests the effects of corporate social responsibility on employee-company identification (E-C identification) and employee performance, the effects of E-C identification on employee performance, the mediating effects of E-C identification on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee performance, and the moderating effects of organizational trust on the relationship between E-C identification and employee performance based on multiple regression analysis with the data collected from 140 employees and their immediate supervisors. The results reveal that corporate social responsibility associations and corporate social responsibility participation are able to influence E-C identification and employee performance; E-C identification is able to influence employee performance; E-C identification fully mediates the relationship between corporate social responsibility associations and corporate social responsibility participation and employee performance, organizational trust moderates the relationship between E-C identification and employee performance.  相似文献   
大数据分析方法在呈现科学性、有效性的同时,也具有实证主义与功利主义的特质。当前,亟需对刑事诉讼领域的方法误读与失范进行匡正,守定教义学的价值前提,赋予大数据分析方法以程序正义属性,发掘程序正义的数字特性。增添数据真实性、可知性要求,进而保障当事人有权对数据加以更正,有权针对算法的合理性、有效性进行辩护;同时,为大数据分析方法的运用确立非歧视性、有利于被告人的价值导向;此外,应确立“权利而非权力”“辅助而非替代”“定量而非定性”“证伪而非证实”四个立场。  相似文献   
法治作为现代文明的重要标志,是民主社会的重要保障。法治原则应成为制度、政治制度和巡视制度建设中遵循的重要原则,成为制度建设科学化的重要衡量标准。巡视制度建设科学化遵循法治原则要求,在巡视制度设计方面,无论是实体类规定和程序类规定都要围绕着依法治国理念;在巡视制度执行方面,要使依法巡视成为巡视工作的基本遵循。  相似文献   
岳强 《行政与法》2020,(3):61-67
廉政文化建设是加强反腐倡廉教育的一项基础性工作,在构建不想腐的体制机制过程中发挥着重要作用。目前,廉政文化建设还面临主体责任不明确、对象范围狭窄、建设途径单一等困境。为此,应进一步提高对廉政文化建设重要性的认识;明确和坚持马克思主义在廉政文化建设中的指导地位,保证廉政文化建设的正确方向;着力增强廉政文化建设的系统性;不断推进廉政文化建设的载体创新,以期加快廉政文化建设的进程。  相似文献   
基层党建引领社区治理是实现制度优势向治理效能转化的重要路径。部分基层党组织缺乏组织力、领导力,街道与社区等社区治理主体职责界定不明晰、治理载体单一,导致以党建推动社区治理制度向效能转化存在困境。天津市“战区制、主官上、权下放”模式着力强化基层党组织建设、明确街道与社区作为社区治理“主战区”、强调领导干部这个“关键少数”的主体责任、坚持治理重心下沉,有效推动了党建引领基层治理的体制机制创新。新时代提高社区治理效能必须坚持以党建为引领、以基层为主体、以人民为中心、以问题为导向、以创新为手段、以制度为保障,构建基层社会治理新格局。  相似文献   
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