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As a result of developments in pharmacology, stricter standards for involuntary commitment, and changes in public expenditures, there has been a dramatic decline in the capacity of public psychiatric hospitals to maintain America's most severely mentally ill. Psychiatric deinstitutionalization has led to an increased presence of persons with mental illness in urban areas, many “falling through the cracks” of community‐based services. This is hypothesized to have contributed to homelessness, crime, and arrests. Individual‐level research has documented disproportionate and increasing numbers of mentally ill persons in jails and prisons. It has also found higher rates of violence and arrest among persons with mental illness compared to the general population. This study takes a macro‐level social control approach and examines the relationships between psychiatric hospital capacity, homelessness, and crime and arrest rates using a sample of eighty‐one U.S. cities. I find that public psychiatric hospital capacity has a statistically significant negative effect on crime and arrest rates, and that hospital capacity affects crime and arrest rates in part, through its impact on homelessness. In addition, I find no crime‐reducing effect of private and general psychiatric hospital capacity.  相似文献   
我国法医鉴定体制的新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于司法体制改革和社会的变革,近年来我国法医鉴定体制呈现出法、检两家的法医机构有萎缩趋势、一些地区成立了统一的法医鉴定组织、社会法医鉴定机构增多、医院参与法医鉴定的范围进一步扩大等新特点。对我国法医鉴定体制中出现的新发展,应辩证地分析和看待,积极地引导,吸收其合理要素,革除其弊端,以构建我国科学的法医鉴定新体制。  相似文献   
冯淼 《东北亚论坛》2011,20(3):110-116
2010年我国的粮食产量达到54 641万吨,增产2.9%。[1]尽管如此,我国的粮食安全问题仍然是十分重要的大问题,全球的粮食安全问题仍然很严重,粮价维稳已成为各国的头等大事,2010年全球玉米价格暴涨了52%,小麦上涨了49%,黄豆上涨了28%。[2]有些问题是自然灾害造成的,有些问题是人为造成的,这使全球经济陷入一种十分不稳定的状态。当今全球社会十分害怕粮食价格上涨,有些人把这些问题摆在与金融危机同一个位置上。  相似文献   
The 1911 Parliament Act decreed that Lords reform was ‘an urgent question which brooks no delay’, yet the subsequent 112 years have witnessed only sporadic and inchoate reforms. The issue has invariably suffered both from interparty disagreement between the Conservatives and Labour and, more importantly, intraparty disagreements owing to the divergent views and irreconcilable disagreements among Labour MPs over ‘what is to be done?’, and recognition that any reform which enhanced the legitimacy of the second chamber would threaten the pre-eminence of the House of Commons and a Labour government therein. A similar fate is likely to befall the Labour Party's latest proposal for replacing the current House of Lords with an elected second chamber. Meanwhile, the Conservative peer, Lord Norton, is seeking to place the House of Lords Appointments Commission (HOLAC) on a statutory basis and impose stricter criteria on prime ministerial nominations for peerages. Yet, this would still leave any Prime Minister with considerable powers of patronage in appointing members of the second chamber. This article therefore suggests that a Prime Minister should only be permitted to nominate 20 per cent of the membership, with the rest appointed via HOLAC itself, thereby depoliticising the process as far as practicably possible, and imbuing it with greater public trust.  相似文献   
司法鉴定制度改革与完善是深化司法体制改革的重点。科学合理的司法鉴定制度有利于认定案件事实,保障法律正确适用,实现社会公平正义。《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于司法鉴定问题的决定》(以下称《决定》)实施以来,司法鉴定制度改革在取得阶段性成果的同时,在司法鉴定与诉讼制度、证据制度的衔接、相关制度的健全、传统观念的转变等方面仍需完善。本文就完善司法鉴定启动程序、司法鉴定权威性、鉴定人执业制度、执业监管制度的完善作了重点论述。  相似文献   
2007年是司法行政机关全面履行司法鉴定管理职责,加强管理工作,规范执业活动的管理年。建设年,也是实现司法鉴定体制改革要求的关键一年。各级司法行政机关把司法鉴定管理工作的重点放在“抓管理、打基础、促发展”上。为促进法医类、物证类和声像资料类司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人的规范和发展做出了积极努力。本文对“三大类”司法鉴定情况作了统计和分析.  相似文献   
对我国司法鉴定收费管理的思索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司法鉴定制度改革与完善是深化司法体制改革的重点。《全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于司去鉴定管理问题的决定》实施以来,司法鉴定制度改革在取得阶段性成果的同时。在司法鉴定相关制度的健全、司法鉴定收费管理等方面仍需要完善。本文针对目前司法鉴定收费活动中存在的主要问题,对规范司法鉴定收费管理进行了一系列思考.包括司法鉴定收费的基本性质、依据、适用对象、原则、收费范围、管理权限等内容.提出了对司法鉴定收费管理实行分级管理模式的建议。  相似文献   
目前在刑事司法实践中面临着诸多问题需要解决,本文针对刑事诉讼中司法鉴定的启动程序作为研究对象,通过分析我国目前现状和,提出完善构想,期望能够解决当前刑事司法鉴定所面临的诸多社会问题,以探求适合我国诉讼制度和证据制度的司法鉴定制度。  相似文献   
司法鉴定学是一门交叉学科,是法学与相关自然学科、经济学科等结合的产物。司法鉴定的实践和理论在我国具有悠久的历史。但是,他作为一门独立的学科出现在法学教育的舞台上,却是近些年的事情。这是社会发展的结果,也是法学、自然科学以及其他学科发展的共同结晶。司法鉴定学的形成、发展和完善还需要面临一系列问题,因此,需要正确定位司法鉴定学与法学教育的关系,深刻研究司法鉴定培养的内容和层次、课程设置,以及教育的实施方式等,以促进司法鉴定教育的发展与完善。  相似文献   
郭华 《证据科学》2020,(2):159-171
"新《民事证据规定》"涉及鉴定条款占所有条款数量的四分之一,其中,新增条款又约占整个鉴定条款的60%。这种大幅度对鉴定问题的修订,彰显出鉴定在民事证据中的重要地位与实践中的突出作用。这些有关鉴定条款的修改、新增和删除,除理顺民事证据规定与民事诉讼法及其相关解释的关系和回应民众对鉴定的需求外,侧重于人民法院对鉴定委托的管理和对鉴定人活动的规范。具体体现为加强鉴定委托管理、强化鉴定人出庭作证、限制鉴定人撤销鉴定意见、严格鉴定人承诺和作虚假鉴定等方面的责任,尤其是鉴定费用退回的制裁方式。但也存在规范鉴定人和法官行为的失衡,以及条款间及其与相关司法解释的不协调问题等。对此需要在尊重诉讼规律、科学规律和证据规则本质的基础上,以司法改革、司法鉴定制度改革以及与相关法律、司法解释衔接和协调的综合视角对有关鉴定的规定作出理论诠释与适用说明,不宜孤立地解释条款的字面含义,以免导致实践适用上的失控。  相似文献   
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