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The rise in improved and widely accessible printing technology has resulted in an interest to develop rapid and minimally destructive chemical analytical techniques that can characterize printing inks for forensic document analysis. Chemical characterization of printing inks allows for both discrimination of inks originating from different sources and the association of inks originating from the same source. Direct analysis in real‐time mass spectrometry (DART‐MS) and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR‐FTIR) were used in tandem to analyze four different classes of printing inks: inkjets, toners, offset, and intaglio. A total of 319 samples or ~ 80 samples from each class were analyzed directly on a paper substrate using the two methods. DART‐MS was found to characterize the semi‐volatile polymeric vehicle components, while ATR‐FTIR provided chemical information associated with the bulk components of these inks. Complimentary data results in improved discrimination when both techniques are used in succession resulting in >96% discrimination for all toners, 95% for all inkjets, >92% for all offset, and >54% for all intaglio inks.  相似文献   
公安院校法律文书教学的目的就是实用性,要求教师在教学中除了应遵循写作的一般规律外,关键应结合法律文书的特殊性来教学,抓住法律文书中"法律"的特征来实施教学,掌握其中一定的技巧以提高此门课的教学质量.  相似文献   
近年来,文件检验技术有了很大的发展,把语言学作为刑事技术手段应用于侦查破案中,为文件检验开拓了新的领域。在办案实践中,充分注意作案人的言语特征,通过对作案人的言语识别,能够在一定程度上为侦查工作提供方向和范围,为认定作案人提供客观依据。本文试以运用语言学知识,然后结合本地区实际和所办的案件探讨了如何从作案者的年龄、职业、文化程度和性别和地域特征等方面,给作案人“画像”。  相似文献   
文书提出命令的适用范围探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文书提出命令是大陆法系国家或地区民事诉讼中一方当事人向对方当事人或诉讼外第三人收集证据的主要手段。近年来,文书提出命令制度有了新的发展,其适用范围更是改革热点。在我国的民事诉讼法中,当事人收集证据的手段和方法相当不完善,因此,确有必要对文书提出命令的相关问题加以探讨,以期促进我国证据收集制度的完善。  相似文献   
《折狱龟鉴补·译注》一书,在取得重要科研成果的同时,竟也出人意外地存在着不少点校失当、注释讹误、译义不确之处。其中有执笔者对古代经典文句、行文体例、公牍程式不够熟悉的缘故,也有对古代规章制度、法制术语、史地知识欠缺了解的原因,更有在付印之前未作认真审校的因素在,否则大多数失误会在出版之前得到纠正的。现拈出十几个特别值得商榷的条目,与译注者和方家们研讨一下,希望能对该书的进一步完善有所帮助。  相似文献   
Eye tracking was used to measure visual attention of nine forensic document examiners (FDEs) and 12 control subjects on a blind signature comparison trial. Subjects evaluated 32 questioned signatures (16 genuine, eight disguised, and eight forged) which were compared, on screen, with four known signatures of the specimen provider while their eye movements, response times, and opinions were recorded. FDEs' opinions were significantly more accurate than controls, providing further evidence of FDE expertise. Both control and FDE subjects looked at signature features in a very similar way and the difference in the accuracy of their opinions can be accounted for by different cognitive processing of the visual information that they extract from the images. In a separate experiment the FDEs re-examined a reordered set of the same 32 questioned signatures. In this phase each signature was presented for only 100 msec to test if eye movements are relevant in forming opinions; performance significantly dropped, but not to chance levels indicating that the examination process comprises a combination of both global and local feature extraction strategies.  相似文献   
新世纪新阶段发展我国多党合作事业的纲领性文件   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
最近中共中央颁布的<关于进一步加强中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度建设的意见>,是指导新世纪新阶段我国多党合作事业的纲领性文件.学习好、宣传好、贯彻好<意见>,是中国共产党和各民主党派、无党派人士当前的一项重要政治任务;要充分认识<意见>颁布的重大意义,不断增强贯彻落实<意见>的自觉性、坚定性;准确理解和把握<意见>提出的新的理论观点和政策措施,为贯彻落实打下坚实基础;认真学习贯彻<意见>精神,不断把多党合作事业提高到一个新的水平.  相似文献   
当前文件检验工作中存在着文检鉴定机构混乱、鉴定主体不合法、对文检鉴定人员缺乏严格统一的管理体制、鉴定人员的素质及技术设备与现实要求差距较大、鉴定程序不合法等一系列问题。为此,必须建立一元多极化司法鉴定的体制,从立法角度确定鉴定主体的法律地位;设立鉴定人制度,规范鉴定人行为;规范文检程序;加强文件鉴定复核和监督。  相似文献   
具有强制执行效力的公证债权文书在执行时 ,存在执行难的问题。应该通过严格强制执行公证文书的范围、提高公证质量、提高执行人员素质等方法解决这一问题。  相似文献   
In addition to having blast mitigation properties, aqueous foam concentrate AFC-380 blast suppression foam is designed to capture aerosolized chemical, biological, and radioactive particles during render-safe procedures of explosive devices. Exposure to aqueous environments and surfactants may negatively affect forensic evidence found at the scene, but the effects of AFC-380 foam and aqueous gel on the preservation and subsequent analysis of forensic evidence have not previously been investigated. Sebaceous finger and palm prints and DNA samples on paper, cardboard, tape, and various metal and plastic items, along with hairs, carpet and yarn fibers, and inks and documents, were exposed to AFC-380 foam. Similar mock evidence was also exposed to a superabsorbent gel of the type found in aqueous gel blocks used for shrapnel containment. Exposure to foam or aqueous gel was associated with a dilution effect for recovered DNA samples, but quality of the samples was not substantially affected. In contrast, exposure to AFC-380 foam or gel was detrimental to development of latent finger and palm prints on any substrate. Neither the hair nor the fiber samples were affected by exposure to either the foam or gel. Indented writing on the document samples was detrimentally affected by foam or gel exposure, but not inks and toners. The results from this study indicate that most types of forensic evidence recovered after being exposed to aqueous gel or blast suppression foam can be reliably analyzed, but latent finger and palm prints may be adversely affected.  相似文献   
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