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大鼠弥漫性脑损伤后早期病理学及烯醇化酶表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察烯醇化酶(NSE)在弥漫性脑损伤(DB I)动物模型中的变化。方法采用M arm arou的弥漫性脑损伤模型,于伤后15m in,30m in,1h,3h,6h,12h,24h取脑组织,运用免疫组化SABC法染色结合北航MAIS图像分析系统进行图像分析。结果打击后15m in,阳性细胞灰度值较正常对照组减弱,随伤后时间的延长,灰度值持续下降,伤后6h为最低(P<0.01),伤后24h仍显著低于正常对照组。伤后12h阳性细胞数明显减少(P<0.01),并持续到伤后24h。特殊染色观察到轴突断端球形改变及神经纤维脱髓鞘改变。结论DB I具有复杂的病理学改变,烯醇化酶(NSE)可用于早期鉴定及损伤经过时间的推断。  相似文献   
This study evaluated the use of different degree day (DD) models, developmental thresholds and developmental data sources for estimating postmortem interval (PMI) based on developmental rates of blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Blow fly evidence was collected from three mock crime scenes and sent for blind analysis of PMI. PMI estimates were calculated using averaging, single sine, double sine, single triangle, and double triangle models of DD calculation with minimum developmental thresholds of 0, 6 and 10 °C and Anderson's, Byrd and Allen's, Greenberg's, Nishida's and Kamal's developmental data sets. These estimates were compared with the actual PMI to determine which combination of DD model, developmental threshold and developmental data provided the most accurate estimate. For all three cases, at least one method gave a PMI estimation that was within 1 day of the actual date of death. There was no variability between PMI estimated using the five models of DD calculation. Overall, as lower developmental threshold increased, the PMI interval estimates increased. Depending on the developmental data set used, increasing the lower developmental threshold caused some overestimations of the date of oviposition, with estimates given that were prior to the actual death. Future PMI estimates should include error ranges, so that overestimation of PMI is avoided.  相似文献   
不动产登记在不同立法体例中对不动产物权的作用是不同的。因此,充分认识我国物权立法体例下不动产登记的效力,对于理解不动产登记的必要性,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
关于网络虚拟财产的法律属性,理论上众说纷纭。无论是将网络虚拟财产归入物权、债权或者知识产权体系之中,都难免破坏现有财产权体系的逻辑自洽。网络虚拟财产的本质是一种电磁信息,法律可以对其进行私有产权的界定,将权利的客体由智力创造性信息扩展到一般性的信息,在知识产权之上设计外延更为广泛的信息产权制度,从而实现对网络虚拟财产的有效调整。  相似文献   
Survival analysis: A survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is a survey of statistical methods used to analyze the length of time until a specified event occurs. These models have often been used to analyze the survival times (i.e., time until death) of medical patients, and so the term survival analysis is natural. In criminology, the main application of these models has been to analyze the time until recidivism, but many other applications are possible. The paper summarizes the statistical literature on survival analysis, and describes its applications in criminology. The methods are illustrated by an application to the prediction of time until recidivism for a sample of North Carolina prison releasees.  相似文献   
Abstract: A new screening method for detecting gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) in drink matrices, using the IonSense, Inc. (Saugus, MA) direct analysis in real time (DART) ion source coupled to a JEOL exact mass time-of-flight mass spectrometer (AccuTOF), was validated and compared with the current screening methodology. The DART ion source allows for analysis of samples under ambient conditions with little to no sample preparation. Fifty drink specimens were spiked at levels of 1, 2, 3, and 4 mg/mL GHB, and analyzed on the AccuTOF-DART. Positive detection of GHB occurred for each of the samples at each concentration level, giving 100% accuracy for the samples tested. Twenty-five of the 50 drink specimens were spiked at 1 mg/mL GHB and tested using a color test known as the GHB Color Test #3. Only two of these 25 specimens tested positive for the presence of GHB, giving only 8% accuracy. Implementation of this new methodology as a screening tool for GHB analysis will quickly eliminate negative specimens allowing the examiner to focus analysis time on those that screened positive.  相似文献   
Researchers are frequently interested in estimating the elapsed time until the occurrence of an event, such as an arrest following release from prison, dissolution of a marriage, and death following the onset of a disease. Estimation is often hindered by the occurrence of a competing event, which prevents the event of interest from being observed, and by limited follow-up periods. A parametric procedure developed in this paper is suitable for dealing with nonrepeatable competing events when the events are correlated and when independent righthand censoring also exists. Weak distributional assumptions are accommodated by using a Box-Cox transformation and by explicit modeling of heteroscedasticity. The procedure is applied to data pertaining to failure on probabation and parole.  相似文献   
<中华人民共和国物权法>的颁布施行可以视为建国以来最为著名的法制事件之一.在立法技术上,它取得的成绩有目共睹,主要表现在:在结构形式上采用了总则、分则、附则的营造模式,与<物权法>二百余条的规模而言大体协调和谐;体系较为清晰,内容充实,文字凝炼,少有虚言.但其立法技术上的缺陷亦同样明显,具体表现在:其一,总则中基本原则用语和范围失当,原则与规则不分;其二,不谙概念使用规则,一方面有应使用概念而未使用概念之处,另一方面又存在对已经下定义的概念却未能很好利用的情况;其三,语言文字瑕疵随处可见;另外,还存在调整范围不明、条文不均、违背一条一义等诸多技术性问题.造成这些技术问题存在的重要原因之一在于物权法的起草工作为民法学界所垄断,未能重视起草小组成员全面的重要性,未能实行开门立法.  相似文献   
马克思主义时代化的路径探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时代性是马克思主义的本质属性。作为不断发展的理论,马克思主义的每一次历史性飞跃,都带有深刻的时代烙印,都是马克思、恩格斯、列宁、毛泽东、邓小平等马克思主义者在马克思主义基本原理的指导下精细考察时代特征、准确把握时代脉搏、深刻洞察时代趋势的基础上,把对马克思主义的"文本解读"与对各个历史时期的"时代解读"相结合,不断实现马克思主义时代化的过程。"文本解读"与"时代解读"相结合,是实现马克思主义时代化的根本途径。  相似文献   
不动产登记机构要统一已经成为各界的共识,但如何统一则存在由法院、行政机关、中介机构充任等多种选择方案。不动产登记机构的选择应坚持有效性、可行性和效率原则。从不动产登记的目标和我国一直由行政部门登记的国情出发,先以土地、房产登记为基础设立独立的不动产登记局,再逐步统一整个不动产登记是当前的合理选择。不动产登记局的设立应从登记机构及其人员设置、登记机构的职责、对从登记机构的监管等方面加以明确规定。  相似文献   
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