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作假证明是包庇罪的核心行为,从作假证明的主体、阶段、行为及目的要素等方面进行分析,并与伪证罪的相关问题进行比较,会更好地解决包庇罪与伪证罪认定中的若干疑难问题。具体说来,作假证明的主体应包括被害人,发生的阶段是在刑事诉讼过程中,行为方式是积极的作为方式,目的是使犯罪的人逃避法律制裁。  相似文献   
Despite calls to increase federal oversight of hydraulic fracturing (HF), the U.S. Congress has maintained a regulatory system in which environmental regulatory authority is devolved to the states. We argue that this system is characterized by a long‐standing “policy monopoly”: a form of stability in policy agenda‐setting in which a specific manner of framing and regulating a policy issue becomes hegemonic. Integrating theories on agenda‐setting and environmental discourse analysis, we develop a nuanced conceptualization of policy monopoly that emphasizes the significance of regulatory history, public perceptions, industry–government relations, and environmental “storylines.” We evaluate how a policy monopoly in U.S. HF regulation has been constructed and maintained through a historical analysis of oil and gas regulation and a discourse analysis of eleven select congressional energy committee hearings. This research extends scholarship on agenda‐setting by better illuminating the importance of political economic and geographic factors shaping regulatory agendas and outcomes.  相似文献   
Knowledge of task-irrelevant information influences judgments of forensic science evidence and thereby undermines their probative value (i.e., forensic confirmation bias). The current studies tested whether laypeople discount the opinion of a forensic examiner who had a priori knowledge of biasing information (i.e., a defendant's confession) that could have influenced his opinion. In three experiments, laypeople (N = 765) read and evaluated a trial summary which, for some, included testimony from a forensic examiner who was either unaware or aware of the defendant's confession, and either denied or admitted that it could have impacted his opinion. When the examiner admitted that the confession could have influenced his opinion, laypeople generally discounted his testimony, as evidenced by their verdicts and other ratings. However, when the examiner denied being vulnerable to bias, laypeople tended to believe him—and they weighted his testimony as strongly as that of the confession-unaware examiner. In short, laypeople generally failed to recognize the superiority of forensic science judgments made by context-blind examiners, and they instead trusted examiners who claimed to be impervious to bias. As such, our findings highlight the value of implementing context management procedures in forensic laboratories so as not to mislead fact-finders.  相似文献   
涉及患者死亡的医疗事故属于一级医疗事故,其技术鉴定能否做到公正的意义重大。对于这类鉴定的主要形式应是医学会组织的技术鉴定,辅助形式是法医司法鉴定。为了确保鉴定结果更加公正.科学,应加大法医参与涉及患者死亡的医疗事故技术鉴定的力度。  相似文献   
证据收集是刑事诉讼活动的核心内容,打击商业贿赂犯罪,应明确商业贿赂案件证据收集的内容,结合商业贿赂案件证据的特点,掌握收集证据的途径和方法。  相似文献   
社会保险费是建立和完善社会保险制度的物质基础。拒不缴纳社会保险费的行为, 具有严重的社会危害性和违法性,采用行政处罚不足以遏制其滋生蔓延。为保证社会保险费的及时、足额征收,必须运用刑罚手段制裁拒不缴纳社会保险费的行为。  相似文献   
李世清 《河北法学》2007,25(4):195-200
证人证言作为证据中的一种,对于查清案件事实十分的重要.但是在目前的诉讼中尤其是刑事诉讼中,证人证言认定案件事实中起着巨大的作用.但是证人出庭率却十分低,从各地的统计数字来看,证人出庭率普遍不足5%.甚至在一些案件中,证言起着关键性作用,但是作为陈述证言的证人却拒不出庭,其实就意味着证据没有经过质证.所以,在运用这种证据的时候,应该十分谨慎.要求证人出庭接受审查等问题已经迫在眉睫.试从刑事诉讼人手,分析解决证人在诉讼中出庭的问题.  相似文献   
This article explores how Baltic migration, and particularly the experience of forced migration, relates to broader comparative and methodological issues and debates in the emerging field of refugee history. Attention is given to the impact of two world wars and their aftermath in the Baltic, with particular emphasis on the ways in which refugees from the Baltic and elsewhere have related their experiences. The article concludes by drawing attention to the multiple readings of population displacement that historians need to entertain.  相似文献   
近年来,刑事诉讼中诸多冤假错案暴露出有瑕疵的鉴定意见造成法官对案件事实认定错误的问题,使鉴定人不出庭现象备受指摘,各方要求鉴定人出庭的呼声不绝于耳。然而,鉴定人出庭作证必须以案件具备其出庭必要性为前提,在鉴定意见质证机制尚未完善之前,如若忽视质证效果而一味强调鉴定人出庭,无异于叶公好龙。深刻洞察制约鉴定人出庭之因素,理性评估出庭作证之效果,客观认识质证功能虚化之成因,才能有助于鉴定意见的审查判断,科学构建鉴定人出庭作证的机制。  相似文献   
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