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何小勇  姜俊 《行政与法》2012,(1):104-109
预购商品房抵押是伴随着商品房预售制度的产生和银行为防范住房金融业务信贷风险而出现的一种担保方式。我国的法律、部门规章、司法解释在不同时期从不同角度对预购商品房抵押进行立法规制,但对其应具备何种法律效力未予明确,无法衡平商品房预售中各方参与主体的利益。本文通过对法律规制的变迁及相关司法判例的探讨,分析了预购商品房抵押的性质、效力及纳入预告登记制度的可能性,使其与现行的物权法律体系相协调,以维护住房金融市场的稳定有序。  相似文献   
随着我国信托业的发展,迫切需要完善信托登记制度。在我国推进不动产统一登记制度之际,构建不动产信托登记制度的时机已然成熟。我国台湾地区将不动产信托登记纳入不动产登记制度之中,区分信托公契与信托私契,平衡当事人隐私权保护与交易安全价值维护之利益的经验,值得借鉴。信托关系当事人及受益权的信息,应当纳入登记范围,以实现登记之目的。登记簿之设置则不宜采取“双登记簿”模式,而应将信托登记内容纳入不动产登记簿。  相似文献   
不能以结婚登记程序瑕疵为由撤销婚姻登记,婚姻的效力也不因为结婚登记程序的瑕疵而受影响。对程序瑕疵的结婚登记予以补正或重新确认是可行的。婚姻登记程序的规范意义,重点在于规范婚姻登记机关的行为,违反婚姻登记程序应当依照行政诉讼法的规定作出确认违法的判决。  相似文献   
异议登记是为阻却登记公信力而设的一种预防措施,是不动产登记中不可缺少的制度。我国现行的物权立法虽然规定了异议登记制度,但仍然存在不够完善之处。应在借鉴国外法律资源的基础上,从异议登记的适用范围和条件、异议登记的效力及限制等方面加以修改,以建立符合我国国情,并具有可操作性的异议登记制度。  相似文献   
周园 《知识产权》2012,(5):52-56,66
商标注册的实质条件是商标法最重要的制度之一.我国商标注册实质条件的相关规定存在严重缺陷:过于分散,缺乏体系性;条款众多,缺乏逻辑性;用语不精炼,缺乏准确性;不同条款之间存在内在的矛盾,缺乏合理性等.然而,商标法修订草案未采取措施弥补这些缺陷.《商标法》第三次修改应正视这些问题,重构我国商标注册的实质条件.  相似文献   
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):303-324
While sex offender registration laws with notification provisions are now over a decade old, little is known about how these policies influence the prevention of sex offending. Very few studies have considered the impact of notification on sex offender recidivism or the effect of these laws on sex crimes, generally. This study considers the effectiveness of offender tracking and declaration at the state level through evaluation of current sex offender laws in Arkansas. Using a quasi‐experimental regression‐discontinuity design, this research evaluated the recidivism of the first three waves of sex offenders registered in the state (1997–1999) vs. a comparison group of sex offenders from a decade earlier (1987–1989). Findings indicate there is no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of recidivism. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   
《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):858-887
In recent years, several pieces of state and federal legislation have imposed new restrictions on convicted sex offenders, including registration with law enforcement agencies, community notification provisions, and sexually violent predator designations permitting civil commitment following a prison sentence. This paper uses panel data for the American states for the years 1970–2002 to assess the impact of these policies on the rate at which rapes occur. Our research finds no evidence that our current policies reduce the incidence of rape.  相似文献   
目前我国城乡户籍制度改革探索中,还存在着认为改革应主要在中、小城市进行,而不是大城市;应给城市政府充分自主权,中央政府不应深度介入;将征地拆迁或集中居住的农民作为主要对象等误区。研究表明,进一步改革要求地方政府要有公共服务的能力和政治意愿,以不降低城市居民既得公共服务及福利水平为底线,其进展也决定于地方工业化和城市化程度。下一步改革应完善城乡社会保障制度体系、加快农村宅基地确权改革、大力开展城市廉租房的建设、着力解决农民工二代的市民化问题、完善土地和财政制度配套改革、统筹城乡发展和促进城乡制度一体化,尤其是中央政府应从国家建设和公民权的角度来参与和制定户籍改革的相关制度。  相似文献   
苏喆 《知识产权》2012,(3):41-47
商标权取得制度是商标法的核心,也是解决商标争议的根本依据。我国商标法较多地借鉴了大陆法系国家的商标法,并且具有浓厚的商标行政管理法特色,在商标权取得制度上偏重于商标注册和管理的效率性,较少体现公平,客观上使得商标抢注成风、不公平竞争泛滥、问题商标成灾,最终导致了整体效率的丧失。美国兰哈姆法坚持公平优先,兼顾效率,使两者有机结合、相辅相成,其商标权取得制度建立在使用主义的基础上,并科学地引入了在先申请主义的内容,使其制度设计不断优化,为我国商标法的修改和完善提供了可资借鉴的范本。  相似文献   
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, text messages have become an increasingly attractive tool of voter registration. At the same time, in countries without automated registration, advocacy organisations play a more prominent role in supplementing the efforts of official bodies in registering voters. However, most available, robust evidence on whether voter registration campaigns work is based on campaigns conducted by official bodies charged with electoral registration. We present the results of two RCTs that aimed to increase voter registration in the UK using SMS-text messages, relying mainly on behavioural messaging. One was conducted by a local authority, while the other was implemented by an issue advocacy organisation that had no prior involvement in voter registration. In line with previous findings, the local authority’s text messages resulted in an increased registration rate of eight percentage-points, which translates into a three percentage-point increase in voter turnout. However, the advocacy organisation’s text messages neither increased voter registration, nor turnout, no matter whether the text message offered a personal follow-up conversation, or not. Given that many voter registration campaigns are run by advocacy organisations and text messages are an increasingly important mobilisation tool, this raises questions about the scope conditions of existing findings.  相似文献   
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