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This article deals with the encounters between female students and Aarhus University, Denmark during the first twenty-five years of its existence. My goal is to identify the affective processes of female student life as resulting from the intra-actions of immateriality and materiality. The paper offers an invitation to join me on my research journey into the archives and history of the university. Maria Tamboukou's thinking about the archive as a fragmented, experimental space entangled with the life rhythms of the historian guides this journey. Logbooks from the kitchens in the student halls stand out as holy grails, where affective histories haunt the pages. Affective methodologies are my tools in unlocking a world of seriousness and senselessness, bullying and fun, hate and affection, camaraderie and humiliation.  相似文献   
迁徙自由作为公民的人身自由权利的一项重要内容,曾在我国1954年宪法中予以规定过,但由于种种原因,后来的1975年宪法、1978年宪法和1982年宪法却取消了这一规定。目前,随着我国市场经济的建立和发展、签署两个国际人权公约和加入 WTO,在宪法中尽快恢复我国公民的这一权利已显得十分必要。  相似文献   
转型期我国户籍制度改革新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国户籍制度改革面临盲目性、不彻底性,法律规范滞后及定位不准等困惑。为此,提出建立城乡统一的居民户口制度,强化户籍管理的基础性工作,分类引导人口合理流动以及尽快完善户籍立法等户籍制度改革路径。  相似文献   
居住证是随着近年来户籍制度改革而出现的新兴事物,安徽省实行居住证制度半年以来,虽然赋予其一定的附带权益,但情况并不乐观。影响申领居住证,既有新规定不为流动人口所知、担心在农村既得利益受损的个体原因,还有政府发展定位、财力不足等不愿、不能兑现居住证附带权益的社会原因。完善居住证制度必须在法律上为居住证的合法存在扫除障碍,必须清理、废除一些不合时宜的政策规定,还要抓住主要环节丰富居住证附带权益的地方特色,同时要求政府部门要切实落实职责,形成合力,搭建信息化平台,依靠科技的力量,强化对居住证的管理。  相似文献   
新《刑事诉讼法》的立法初衷将监视居住从非羁押性强制措施转变为减少羁押的替代性措施,但具体的条文设计却使监视居住制度产生了内部的分裂:在嫌疑人、被告人自己住所执行的监视居住可以被认为是一种非羁押性的强制措施,但指定居所的监视居住却演变为一种准羁押性的强制措施。我们应立足司法实践,以程序正义与人权保障的价值博弈为切入点,以构建刑事强制措施体系的层次性、完整性为视角,提出通过加强检察机关的监督使该项制度更加完善与更加具有可操作性。  相似文献   
我国传统的二元户籍制度建立于计划经济体制之下,它构成了城乡二元结构的基础.导致了社会的不平等,限制了人才的流动。随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,我国的户籍制度改革正全面展开。当前,我们必须认识到,户籍制度改革并不是取消户籍管理,也并非无条件的开放户口。其最终是要实现户口的非物质化的目标。  相似文献   
惯常居所的历史背景、构成要素,惯常居所作为属人法连结因素的优势以及惯常居所法律冲突的原因和解决途径都是需要在实践中厘清的问题。惯常居所地法的发展趋势是与属人法的趋同化。它不仅极大地方便了当事人主体能力的确认,而且是对住所地法原则的发展。这一新发展既有利于规范和统一我国的冲突法制度,又有助于解决我国区际属人法的冲突。  相似文献   
This article critically examines the relationship between shared residence and contact after the breakdown of the parents’ relationship. It examines the background to the government’s main emphasis on methods of monitoring, facilitating and enforcing contact as the most efficacious method of proceeding in respect of the law reform agenda, focussing particularly on the potential impact of punitive enforcement measures on primary carers, usually mothers. The article sets the discussion within its wider cultural context in respect of fathers’ rights claims that family law currently favours mothers, and shows how recent legal developments constitute part of a package to manage post-separation relationships between parent and children. It also examines some of the emerging case law to show how the judiciary is using shared residence orders and transfer of residence to deal with protracted and very difficult contact disputes, and in ways which were not anticipated when shared residence orders were first introduced. Drawing on feminist legal commentaries the argument will be made that the use of transfer of residence and shared residence orders in these disputes is extremely worrying, especially in light of the growing body of empirical research which heralds caution. The article will conclude by suggesting that far from favouring mothers, both the law reforms and the case law effectively construct mothers as integral to the problem of contact. They are treated as the site of and solution to the ‚problem’ of contact, and the means of dealing with the problem is by increasingly punitive measures which are inappropriate in a family law context. At the same time non-residential fathers who do not uphold contact escape legal sanctions.  相似文献   
从八十年代开始实行的<暂住证>制度,在市场经济条件下其弊端日益明显,从法理上进行分析存在许多违宪、违法问题:(1)违反了宪法的基本原则;(2)为公民设定了法律之外的义务;(3)违反了行政许可法;(4)侵犯了公民的人身权利和自由.从保障人权的宪法原则出发,应当以<居住证>取而代之.<居住证>的特点:非强制性,非歧视性,权益性.  相似文献   
新刑事诉讼法保留并完善了监视居住制度,将其定位于减少羁押的替代措施,新增了指定居所监视居住,明确了其适用条件和程序,有其存在的价值和合理性。但是,由于指定居所监视居住相配套的法律、司法解释不完善,实践中对具体问题理解适用不一,也存在法律规定模糊、执行难度大、变相羁押等问题。如何完善指定居所监视居住制度,防止权力滥用,在打击犯罪与保障人权之间保持平衡,是立法和司法实践不容忽视的重大问题。  相似文献   
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