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According to biomechanics of fracture production during blunt impact, tubular bones are subject to compressive (impact site) and tensile (opposite impact site) forces; this causes bones to break in tension before compression, producing Y-shaped fracture patterns with breakaway (butterfly) fragments. In current forensic models, the side of the bone exhibiting the breakaway fragment is designated the impact side, with initial breakage occurring opposite. Fracture production and patterning of blunt impacts to 255 sheep femora were analyzed. Contra the existing model, only 60% of complete butterfly fractures exhibited impact side breakaway fragments. Although fractures initiated on the tension, nonimpact side, butterfly fragments formed on either compression or tension sides. Using newly defined breakaway fragment shape criteria, impact side was estimated with 98% accuracy for both complete and partial butterfly fractures. Furthermore, the results suggest that the impact site is the located on one of the Y-fracture's arms, not the butterfly fragment's center, as previously modeled.  相似文献   
Age determination is a major field of interest in physical and forensic anthropology. Among the different methods based on macroscopic skeletal study, the Iscan method, which analyzes the sternal end of the right fourth rib, is one of the most reliable. We applied the Iscan method to two- and three-dimensional multislice computed tomography (MSCT) reconstructions of the sternal end of the right fourth rib on 39 ribs. The intra-observer variability on MSCT reconstructions was good (gamma coefficient equal to 0.86; value of the Krippendorff's alpha reliability equal to 0.79); inter-observer variability on MSCT reconstructions was also good (gamma coefficient ranging from 0.82 to 0.88; value of the Krippendorff's alpha reliability ranging from 0.78 to 0.86). We demonstrated excellent agreement between the results of analysis of bone samples and those of the two- and three-dimensional images, in particular regarding bone projections, morphology of the pit and of its rim. The accuracy of age estimation did not significantly differ between the Iscan method applied to dry bones and the same method applied to MSCT images. Determination of the Krippendorff's alpha reliability coefficient for the inter-error method confirmed the agreement between phase estimations obtained with the two methods (ranging from 0.55 to 0.71). The real civil age was comprised in 21 cases out of 36 for assessment performed on dry bones and in 23 cases out of 36 on MSCT reconstructions, which represented 58.3% and 63.9%, respectively. Use of MSCT reconstructions in forensic anthropology offers many advantages: no bone preparation, no damage to bone material, and the possibility of application to living individuals.  相似文献   
We report a case of meningitis caused by Comamonas testosteroni in a 54-year-old, alcoholic, homeless man. He, as a pedestrian, was struck by a car and suffered multiple fractures of the facial bones including the left frontal sinus. Over the course of 2-week hospitalization, he was clinically diagnosed with multiple cerebral and cerebellar infarcts resulting in altered mental status. He was pronounced dead 15 days after the injury. At the time of autopsy, diffuse purulent meningitis was found on gross examination. A swab culture of the brain surface was positive for C. Testosteroni, a saprophytic organism commonly found in soil and water. This is the first reported case of fatal meningitis caused by this micro-organism.  相似文献   
目的 探讨CT技术的应用对鼻区骨折法医学鉴定的影响,发现现行鉴定标准存在的问题提出修订意见.方法 运用x2检验比较两个不同时期分别以X线和CT为主要鉴定依据评定为轻伤的案件,探究医学放射影像检查技术对鼻区骨折鉴定意见的影响程度.结果 发现CT技术对鼻区骨折的鉴定结果的影响,与X线比较,其差异有统计学意义,并暴露出基于X线影像技术的鼻骨损伤鉴定标准条款不再适应目前鉴定实践状况的问题.结论 在CT技术广泛应用后,现行的鼻骨损伤鉴定标准条款不能很好地适应医学发展,有必要重新制定基于CT技术的鼻区骨折鉴定标准.  相似文献   
De‐identified wound data from 197 homicidal gunshot postmortems were obtained between 2000 and 2008. Forensic ballistics data were only available for cases between 2004 and 2008. Males represent 91% of gunshot victims and were struck in the thorax/abdomen with an average of 2.3 bullets. The type of firearms involved were semi‐automatic pistols in the predominant caliber 9‐mm Luger and assault rifles in caliber 5.56 × 45 mm and caliber 7.62 × 39 mm Soviet, using full metal jacket bullets. The majority of shootings occurred at ranges of 1 m or greater. The most common bullet path was front to back in 66% of cases. Entry wounds occurred more often on the left side of the thorax, abdomen, and back. The most common critical organs/tissues to sustain bullet trauma in descending order were as follows: heart, lungs, liver, aorta, spleen, kidneys, and vena cava. Ribs were struck by most bullets that entered the thorax.  相似文献   
胸外按摩致肋骨骨折法医病理学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨胸外按摩致肋骨骨折特点。 方法 对 1990~ 2 0 0 0年间华西医科大学法医学院所做 30例胸外按摩致肋骨骨折的尸检进行法医病理统计分析。 结果 肋骨骨折男性 2 8,女性 2例 ,年龄为 18~ 6 8岁 ,胸外按摩骨折主要发生在疾病、电击伤、溺死及中毒病例 ,以第 6~ 9肋骨的腋前、中线骨折常见 ,多为左侧。 结论 胸外按摩与外伤所致肋骨骨折具有明显的区别。  相似文献   
鼻骨骨折螺旋CT3D成像与X线片对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 评价螺旋CT扫描三维重建成像与X线摄片对比对鼻骨骨折法医学鉴定的价值。方法 使用SOMATOM BALANCE 1s螺旋CT机,对32例复杂鼻部外伤者2mm/2mm扫描,常规进行最大密度投影法(MIP)、多平面重建(MPR)、表面覆盖法(SSD)、容积成像(VR)方式。全貌显示受伤鼻骨骨折影像,并与常规鼻骨摄片比较。结果 螺旋CT三维成像纠正3例X线照片的假阳性和6例诊断骨折类型不准确。结论 螺旋CT三维重建对诊断复杂鼻骨骨折块数目、移位,以及骨折类型优于X线摄片。  相似文献   
Chen XM  Luo SG  Wang ZX 《法医学杂志》2005,21(3):183-184,187
目的探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)及图像后处理在鼻骨骨折法医学鉴定中的应用价值。方法采用MSCT对134例被鉴定人进行薄层扫描并行多平面重建(MPR)和表面遮盖成像(SSD)。比较MSCT与常规X线诊断结果。结果线型骨折55(41.04%)例,粉碎型骨折46例(34.33%),凹陷型骨折27例(20.15%),未见骨折6例(4.48%)。X线平片及CR片漏、误诊48例(35.82%)。MSCT正确诊断133例(99.25%)。两者诊断结果存在显著差异(χ2=45.0816,P<0.001)。结论MSCT及后处理图像应作为鼻骨骨折法医鉴定的主要依据。  相似文献   
目的探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)及其图像后处理功能在骨折法医鉴定中的诊断与应用价值。方法对366例法医鉴定者行薄层扫描并进行表面遮盖成像(SSD),透明化X线模拟投影(see-through)和多平面重建(MPR)处理。对所得图像进行诊断和分型。结果准确诊断并对134例鼻骨、98例眼眶和21例颅骨骨折进行分型。正确显示36例肋骨骨折、4例肩胛骨骨折、24例脊柱骨折和27例四肢骨及关节骨折。利用透明化X线模拟投影等技术鉴别陈旧性骨折18例。结论MSCT及图像后处理在骨折法医鉴定中具有重要实用价值,可为伤害等级鉴定提供有力的法医学依据。  相似文献   
70例对冲性颅底骨折分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
作者对70例头部损伤引起的对冲性颅底骨折进行了分析.认为在骨质菲薄部位,如眶板、筛板及蝶骨翼等处出现孤立性线状或粉碎性骨折,系由于头部受钝性暴力作用,于着力点的对侧被眼球或脑的加速运动撞击造成;在对冲性颅底骨折的相应部位的脑组织出现严重的对冲性脑挫伤,系由于该部脑组织加速运动撞击形成;二者是相互作用的结果.其它部位的对冲性颅底骨折主要是由于颅底部突出部分的反作用力造成.  相似文献   
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