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刑法只有经过解释,才能适用于司法实践活动中.具有我国特色的刑法司法解释作为刑法解释中的一种,从其诞生起一直备受争议.现行刑法明确规定罪刑法定原则,刑法司法解释存在就缺乏法律依据,违背罪刑法定原则的精神,更违背罪刑法定原则的出罪功能,其应该退出司法实践活动,取而代之的应为司法刑法解释.  相似文献   
当前的司法实践中,主要以侵犯国家秘密类犯罪规制考试作弊行为,但是在"试题及答案的定密、以渎职罪名评价作弊行为、保密期限的确定、情节严重的认定、‘枪手’答案的性质"等问题上存在争议,已无法满足形势发展的需要。为了更准确、有效地依法打击考试作弊,应尽快出台考试法,并在刑法分则中单独设立"妨害考试罪",规制考试作弊行为。  相似文献   
"孙大午案"折射出司法者对非法吸收公众存款罪持宽泛理解的态度,通过本案可看出法体系整体性思考的重要性,以及前置法——刑法阶层性思维的必要性。非法吸收公众存款罪中的"存款"应仅限于"银行信用"范畴,通过引入"既存的实质性联系"标准对"不特定"的内涵进行限定,从而实现前置法与刑法之间的衔接。进一步,刑法具有二次性违法的特征,司法过程切忌价值先行。  相似文献   
改革开放以来的35年中,报复社会型个人极端暴力犯罪从之初的个别省市偶发逐渐蔓延至全国且逐年攀升,并呈现出以男性犯罪人为主、以纵火和爆炸为主要作案手段、公共场所及中小学校园成为主要作案地点、私人恩怨和个人需求未得到政府满足为案件主要起因、以不特定公众为主要侵害对象、危害后果严重等特点。为了有效防控报复社会型个人极端暴力犯罪,需要全面提高罪前的综合防控与预测预警能力、罪中的现场处置与应急反应能力以及罪后的严厉打击与妥善处置能力。  相似文献   
跨境犯罪是当前重特大电信诈骗的趋势和特点,它呈现出作案人与被害人、行为地与结果地相分离的情况,给案侦工作带来极大困难。以信息流和资金流为主要取证渠道的双向侦查应当成为侦查重点。要准确把握人证、物证、书证、视频资料、电子证据等形态的基本特性,从信息流查证、资金流查证、网络痕迹查证及服务器监控等方面获取和固定犯罪证据,同时要根据境外窝点的特征精确认定窝点现场,并依据一定的操作规程有效取证。  相似文献   
Today the segregation of duties is commonly used to ensure regulatory compliance in various industries. This article considers the organizational requirements for the effective implementation of this principle, through an examination of a duality‐based segregation‐of‐duties type control system and its fundamental characteristics. Cases from the Swedish banking and finance sector are discussed to show how breakdowns in duality‐based systems have compromised compliance and even encouraged crime, and how crimes could be carried out in practice. Particular attention is paid to the critical role that gullibility, loyalty, and dependency relations among employees played in these cases, in leading control persons to neglect their responsibility to review and approve their colleagues’ work, while bringing no consequences for their ability to carry on performing their work tasks. The argument is made that an effective duality‐based segregation‐of‐duties type control system presupposes social relations characterized by relative autonomy and third‐party dependence, along with work task interdependence.  相似文献   
罪刑相适应原则是刑法的基本原则,然而在具体的制度中常常存在量化标准的缺位。在涉林渎职犯罪中,已经明确将以违法发放林木采伐许可证之外的其他方式作为的渎职犯罪,定性为滥用职权罪或玩忽职守罪,但对于该类犯罪"情节特别严重"等升格量刑的标准,仍存在立法和解释上的不足,导致量刑畸轻,同类犯罪易发、多发。量刑标准的确立应综合考虑行为的社会危害性、侵害法益的差异性、立法技术的统一性等多重因素,在此基础上可推之,涉林渎职犯罪"情节特别严重"的认定宜遵循现有司法解释对渎职犯罪升格量刑的一般规律,将其确立在立案标准的5倍以上为宜。  相似文献   
Because arrest rates are especially high for teenagers and young adults, criminologists have long contended that age structure changes affect crime trends. In recent years, however, this belief has been drawn into question because crime has not declined even though high-crime age groups have shrunk. We argue that the age/crime relationship is probably exaggerated because the high arrest rates for younger persons are due partly to their lesser ability to escape arrest, younger persons commit more group crime, and the age structure of victims should be taken into account. We then review 90 studies that regress crime rates on age structure; only a small minority consistently finds significant relationships. Because of methodological problems in this research, one cannot conclude that the age/crime relationship does not exist, but the weight of evidence shows that forecasts based on demographic trends are not likely to be helpful.  相似文献   
As UK investment in forensic science has increased, the government has taken a fresh interest in how far this has led to dividends in terms of the detection of crime and its reduction. The Home Office funded 'Pathfinder Project' sought to monitor and document the complex relationships between the collection and use of forensic material (looking at a range of forensic science techniques) and its impact on crime detection. The project specifically targeted the 'volume' crimes of burglary and vehicle crime. Detailed data was gathered on all stages of the process between the collection and use of forensic material and crime detection. The model falls into two conceptual phases--scene attendance to suspect identification and identification to detection. From the analysis it was found that approximately one third of burglary and autocrime scenes are visited by SOCOs. While scientific identifications are only made in a minority of burglary and autocrime offences overall, it belies their importance. About one in ten of burglary and autocrime cases are cleared up by the police and it is estimated that fingerprints and SGMPlus were a contributory factor in achieving one third of these clear ups.  相似文献   
萨瑟兰的不同交往理论与我国青少年犯罪控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"不同交往理论"是美国著名犯罪学家萨瑟兰解释犯罪的一个重要的理论。它在美国犯罪学研究史上产生了重要影响。从这一理论的9个命题出发,可以分析这一理论的积极意义及其困境,由此可以得到对我国青少年犯罪控制的有益启示。  相似文献   
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