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关于贵州民族地区经济实现"历史性跨越"的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贫穷落后的贵州民族地区经济社会发展实现历史性跨越是一个重要的理论和现实问题。本文从历史性跨越的基本内涵入手,探索贵州民族地区实现历史跨越的可行性以及实现历史性跨越的途径。  相似文献   
段渝 《贵州民族研究》2006,26(5):146-150
先秦巴蜀地区各族,除巴、蜀两族外,主要为百濮和氐羌两大民族系统。巴蜀地区的百濮,多为商周时代即已在当地定居的族群,也有春秋时代从江汉地区迁徙而来的濮人支系,主要分布在四川盆地、四川西南和四川东部。巴蜀地区的氐羌民族系统至少在夏商时代就已出现,主要分布在川西高原。  相似文献   
东北亚区域合作与图们江地区开发展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文考察了东北亚区域经济合作中的多国合作项目——图们江地区经济开发项目的背景之后,把图们江地区经济开发分为3个阶段,即起步(90年代前期)阶段、冷却(90年代后期)阶段、升温(2000年以后)阶段,着重阐述了东北亚地理中心图们江地区开发开放的火车头——延边;参考东盟经济合作的成功经验,探讨了东北亚经济合作的可能性;对图们江地区开发开放的前景进行了展望并提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
PCR扩增SON基因3’非编码区进行种属鉴定   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
根据人 DNA的 SON基因碱基序列选择性设计一对特异性引物 ,并对人和猕猴、阿拉伯狒狒、猪、牛、羊、马、驴、骡、狗、猫、兔、大白鼠、小白鼠、豚鼠等 14种哺乳类动物染色体 DNA的 SON基因 3’非编码区中的种属特异性区域进行 PCR扩增 ,扩增产物经 SSCP分离银染色技术检测 ,观察到人和 14种哺乳类动物的 SSCP图谱有明显不同。本方法可以对人和上述 14种哺乳类动物进行种属鉴定 ,适合于法医学种属鉴定的应用  相似文献   
This paper compares and contrasts South East Asian and European Union countries’ perceptions of the priorities for anti money laundering (AML) and anti terrorist finance (ATF) in relation to three industries: security goods and services; the timber trade; and ‘informal’ value transfer and banking services. It might be expected that all countries would equally support each of these aspects of AML/ATF policies, without differentiating between the industries generating the proceeds. As this paper will show, however, historical experiences, contemporary political relations and patterns of trade shape countries’ approaches, resulting in distinctive enthusiasms and reservations. In a nutshell, the EU points most strongly to products and services originating in Asia as posing AML/CTF risks, and locates primary responsibility for monitoring and control as falling within Asia - a projection of risk and responsibility that is reciprocated by Asian countries. Asian countries perceive a need for tighter control of dangerous products exported by the west, for example, small arms and light weapons, and of related money laundering circuits. Asian and European policy makers increasingly articulate concerns over illegal logging and related laundering, however European importers and their governments see responsibilities for this as falling primarily within Asia. Finally, the EU (like the US) perceives high levels of laundering risk in ‘informal’ value transfer/banking services, in which Asian-run businesses have a global competitive advantage. For the future, as the international balance of trade shifts, and as Asia increases its influence in international fora including those concerned with AML/CTF, so the region’s policy preferences may be expected to carry more weight.
Michael LeviEmail:
Abstract: While the mitochondrial control region has proven successful for human forensic evaluations by indicating ethnic origin, domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) of seemingly unrelated breeds often form large groups based on identical control region sequences. In an attempt to break up these large haplotype groups, we have analyzed the remaining c. 15,484 base pairs of the canine mitochondrial genome for 79 dogs and used phylogenetic and population genetic methods to search for additional variability in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We have identified 356 SNPs and 65 haplotypes in the remainder of the mitochondrial genome excluding the control region. The exclusion capacity was found to be 0.018. The mitochondrial control region was also evaluated for the same 79 dogs. The signals from the different fragments do not conflict, but instead support one another and provide a larger fragment of DNA that can be analyzed as forensic evidence.  相似文献   
海上战争中的海军战略准备与实施是海军为达成海上战争目的而进行的一系列带全局性的军事准备和实施活动 ,内容包括海军战略侦察、海军战略判断、海军战略决策、海军战略措施、海军战略协调、海军战略保障、海军战略指挥、海军战略作战等。本文对海军战略准备与实施一系列问题的特点、内容和要求进行了较为系统的论述。  相似文献   
从国际法看中日钓鱼岛争端   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
中日两国之间有关钓鱼岛的争端主要涉及岛屿主权归属和东海海洋权益两个方面。从国际法的原则来看 ,钓鱼岛的主权属于中国。中国最先发现并获得其主权 ,日本所主张的“无主地先占”的原则根本不能成立。美日之间的和约或协定也不具备决定钓鱼岛主权归属的法律效力。根据《联合国海洋法公约》的有关规定以及国际司法判例 ,钓鱼岛不应享有大陆架和专属经济区 ,亦不具有划界效力。中日两国在东海大陆架的划定问题上应该遵循公平和自然延伸的原则 ,达到最为公正合理的划界效果。  相似文献   
抗日战争期间,陕甘宁边区作为中共中央所在地,为抗战胜利作出了巨大贡献.其间,边区工会通过自身的积极活动,调动边区一切人力、物力、财力支持抗战,保障了边区抗战的顺利进行.  相似文献   
招商引资必须贯彻科学发展观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扩大招商引资,是发展所需、形势所趋、民心所向;扩大招商引资,必须坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观;扩大招商引资,必须在观念、环境、方法等方面实现创新.  相似文献   
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