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There is virtually no literature on child sexual abuse committed by “powerful perpetrators”, who, use position, reputation, wealth and/or power, to become influential members of their organisation. Seventeen cases relating to youth serving organisations were identified using a comprehensive search of databases covering case reviews from England, Australia and the US. A Quantitative Content Analysis was used to analyse the sample with a focus on identifying offenders’ “modus operandi”. Findings revealed a number of critical differences between powerful perpetrators and other child sexual offenders described in the literature. Findings are discussed in relation to their implications for creating safer youth serving organisations. In particular, focusing on educating YSOs to recognise and address risks posed by powerful perpetrators; expanding organisational safety policies and practices and taking steps to develop a strong, positive organisational safety culture are commended as key approaches.  相似文献   
Within contemporary society, there is a prevailing sentiment that our criminal justice system leaves much to be desired in its responses to the offender, the victim, and the community. As a potential answer to these conceded shortcomings, restorative justice has earned significant recognition and consideration. While restorative justice principles and programs have received increasing support, for many individuals this is limited to cases involving relatively ‘minor,’ first time, and/or juvenile offenses. When it comes to situations with more ‘serious’ and violent offenses, acceptance of restorative responses dissipates. Gaining broader acceptance can be particularly challenging with current college students. With many students raised in the ‘get tough on crime’ era, embracing this alternative approach to serious crimes can be a difficult paradigm shift. This article will provide a framework for approaching the feasibility of applying restorative justice with serious offenses in the college course. In addition, suggestions for readings, projects, and assignments that will further assist in effectively engaging students with these issues will be provided.  相似文献   
在公安工作中,带有艾滋病、乙肝等各种严重疾病的嫌疑人成为了基层公安派出所监管面临的难题。在调查案情和追究其刑事责任的过程中,往往因为看守所不愿意接受羁押而给派出所带来很大的负担,对公安工作产生不良影响,如加重警力负担,降低法律公信力,破坏群众安全感,影响民警工作积极性等。由于看守所等羁押机关的特殊性,由每个地市的看守所设立特殊疾病监室对其进行羁押比由派出所进行监管会对执法司法工作更有利。  相似文献   
根据刑法第263条的规定,笔者认为,抢劫罪主要有两种典型形态,即以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法抢劫公私财物的构成基本抢劫罪;在满足基本抢劫罪构成要件的基础上,又具备某一加重因素的构成加重抢劫罪。为了贯彻罪责刑相适应的原则,文章结合实践,对加重抢劫罪的既遂与未遂予以理论探讨,以期对确立加重抢劫罪既遂与未遂的标准、指导司法实践、准确量刑,有所裨益。  相似文献   
再论牵连犯   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
高铭暄  叶良芳 《现代法学》2005,27(2):103-114
牵连犯是指行为人出于一个最终的犯罪目的实施了数个犯罪行为(目的行为、方法行为或结果行为 )而分别触犯不同罪名的犯罪形态。牵连犯是一种客观存在的犯罪形态,因此,对其宜存不宜废。判断牵连关系,应坚持主客观相统一原则,并由法官结合具体案情判定。对牵连犯的处罚,应坚持从一重重处断原则。  相似文献   
近年来 ,社会治安形势异常严峻 ,严重暴力犯罪和各种群体性事件屡有发生。为了有效地打击严重暴力犯罪和处置各种群体性事件 ,公安机关有必要对战术演习的问题进行研究。这样 ,才能缩短训战距离 ,提高公安机关整体战斗力。  相似文献   
在本案例中,辩护人通过非法证据排除原则,推翻控方的有罪证据,通过论证被告人不存在“严重不负责任”和“造成”的主观、客观要件,采用犯罪构成要件说,导出不构成犯罪的结论。关于刑法第335条,笔者建议出台相关司法解释,以利具体操作。  相似文献   
恐怖活动犯罪是最具有危险性的一种严重暴力犯罪。当前恐怖活动犯罪有犯罪主体多元化、犯罪动机多样化、犯罪手段科技化、犯罪的后果呈严重化、恐怖活动地区化国际化等特点。预防、减少恐怖活动犯罪应做好强化全民的反恐意识,建立反恐专业队伍,健全反恐怖活动犯罪的法律体系,加强地区、国家间的反恐合作力度等多方面的工作。  相似文献   
非法经营罪的“其他严重扰乱市场秩序的非法经营行为”概括抽象,故有人认为该罪已成新的“口袋罪”,应分解或废除。理解此款只要遵循有附属刑法、行政法规、司法解释的明文规定且可追究刑责才纳入的原则,此罪就无侵犯罪刑法定原则之虑;中国现继续深化改革国情决定此罪应有灵活性,没必要分解或废除:修正案(七)颁布后的传销行为不能再定本罪。无经营主体资格出版、印刷、销售他人享有着作权的作品的,其行为既符合本罪又符合侵犯他人着作权罪或销售侵权复制品罪,属于法条竞合犯,应以后者定处。  相似文献   
郭菁菁 《行政与法》2005,3(7):81-83
废除死刑已成为国际趋势,而从中国现阶段国情来看,限制死刑更具有现实意义。所以本文从死刑适用条件以及死缓制度两个方面,探讨了如何严格限制死刑的适用,并对在此基础上引发的死缓与死刑在立法上不衔接问题作了一定的阐述。  相似文献   
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