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On the subject of large shareholders and corporate governance under multiple shareholders structure, this paper conducts a systematic review and comments on the multiple large shareholders, the check and balance ownership between them and the relation between them. The results show that firstly, the reason of imbalance of the check and balance ownership in the multiple large shareholder structure is the cognitive confusion of “relationship of large shareholders”; secondly, consideration of the governance of microcosmic body, particularly the second largest shareholder is an effective breakthrough point to balance the check and balance ownership.  相似文献   
This paper argues that liquidity, short‐termism and low involvement in corporate governance are fundamental ingredients of shareholders’ value maximisation strategies. Neither shareholders nor their representatives will voluntarily adopt restrictions which inhibit their ability to pursue these strategies, such as those presented by the Stewardship Codes. Utilising Marxist and progressive theory this paper evidences the tendency for all capital (including shares) to seek liquidity. It presents historical evidence which shows that political policy can either restrict this tendency, as it did in the progressive and post war period, or facilitate it, as it did in nineteenth century England and in the current neoliberal period. The shareholder empowerment initiatives examined in this paper are therefore best understood as strategies to justify shareholder claims in the current crisis and to thereby protect the neoliberal status quo.  相似文献   
自有限责任制度创立以来,关于其利与弊的争议就没有停止过.效率与安全作为公司法的两大价值目标,如何在投资者的利益与债权人的利益之间取舍,如何做到平衡兼顾成为公司法关注的重点.在有限责任制度的框架下,如何在最大程度地保护债权人利益的同时又不失其鼓励投资的积极性是值得探讨的课题.同时,金融危机也更多地暴露了有限责任制度的逐利...  相似文献   
英语听力一直是困扰我国英语学习者的一大难题,但究竟什么因素影响了英语学习者的听力,我们又该用什么样的策略来解决这一问题。从问卷跟踪调查情况看,应当从基础做起,必须消除语音、语调障碍,扩充词汇,改变思维方式,扩大知识面,并培养学生积极的心志。  相似文献   
重视律师权益的保障是法治建设的应有之义.然而,我国《刑事诉讼法》对律师权益特别是律师会见权所作的具体规定,在实务中的落实状况却不容乐观.为了切实改变律师会见难的问题,应当建立有效的律师权益保护机制,构建法律职业共同体,贯彻“依法治国”理念,来共同践行法治.  相似文献   
2011年全国工会学年会,于10月在昆明召开。年会主题突出,开幕式隆重简洁;论坛发言不乏新颖精彩之见;邀请普通高校与企业工会人员与会,成为其一大亮点;东道主的组织接待工作,更是值得称道。但会中的讨论,似还可更为充分与平和。  相似文献   
司法实践表明,因股东瑕疵出资引发的纠纷占公司诉讼案件相当大的比例。而我国《公司法》对瑕疵出资股东的民事责任的规定过于简单和粗糙,今年新颁布的《公司法》司法解释(三)在此问题上有了很多的进步,但仍有一些理论依据的缺乏和制度安排的不足。本文以该解释(三)为视角,从理论上对瑕疵出资股东应承担的民事责任的性质和形态及相关重要的特别事项作了展开式的分析和探讨,以求实现理论上的圆满并提供对实践上的帮助,促进立法对股东瑕疵出资的民事责任体系的进一步完善。  相似文献   
比较西方各国的审前准备程序立法,我国的审前准备程序存在准备活动以法官为主体、准备内容上没有交换证据、归纳争点等实质性内容。为此,应从三个步骤构建我国的审前准备程序:起诉和答辩;审前证据交换和审前会议;另外还需建立举证时限制度和准备法官负责制度。  相似文献   
文中论述了会展业现状与前景,指出了在会展业蓬勃发展的背景下存在的人才短缺现象,提出了在艺术设计院校中开设会展专业的优势和相关建议。  相似文献   
公法主体违反自律条款,除产生公法上的责任承担效果外,通过转介条款的应用,也将产生私法上的否定性法律后果。就公务员股东资格问题而言,在私法上对公务员的营利性投资入股行为进行否定性评价,使其自始不能取得股东资格,这将是私法反腐的行动典范。  相似文献   
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